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Diagram of Contraceptive Methods

Last Updated : 16 Apr, 2024
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The diagram of contraceptive methods shows the various ways by which we can prevent pregnancy and maintain reproductive health. Contraceptives are methods that help in birth control. The diagram of contraceptive methods helps in the detailed study and informed decision-making that ultimately helps maintain reproductive health. The study of contraceptives is one of the most important aspects of reproductive health that helps to understand more about the reproductive system and can also help to control the rapid rise of population.

The labelled diagram of contraceptive methods is given below:


What is Reproductive Health?

Reproductive health is a person’s physical, mental, and social well-being concerning his/her reproductive system. When the population has a positive attitude towards all the aspects of the reproductive system, society can be considered reproductively healthy. The diagram of contraceptive methods educates and addresses the importance of access to necessary healthcare services and rights concerning to reproduction. It also helps us to address issues like family planning, contraception, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), infertility, and maternal health.

What is Contraception and its Methods?

Contraception is the act of taking steps to prevent pregnancies with the contraceptives. Contraceptives are different forms and methods by which conception, and unwanted pregnancy can be prevented. Various methods for contraception are available now-a-days like barrier methods, hormonal contraceptives, IUDs, Surgical methods, etc.

All these methods are aimed to provide people with options to do family planning and have a well maintained reproductive health. These methods are also the crucial for population control in a society. By offering individuals control over their fertility, contraceptives play a important role in promoting reproductive freedom and preventing unwanted pregnancies.

Methods of Contraceptives

The diagram of contraceptives methods shows its various methods and types, based on different modes of contraception. These are:

  • Natural or Traditional Methods: It is based on the idea that if the sperm does not gets released in the female’s reproductive tract naturally by the concious efforts on the male and female, unwanted pregnancies can be avoided. Types includes: Periodic abstinences, withdrawal or coitus interruptus, and lactational amenorrhea.
  • Barrier Methods: In this method the meeting of sperm and ovum is prevented by placing a physical barrier between the two. This method have an additional benefit also i.e. prevention of STDs. Types includes: condoms, femidoms, cervical caps, diaphragms, and foams.
  • Intra-Uterine Devices (IUDs): These are certain small devices that are inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy by altering the uterine environment, inhibiting sperm movement, and sometimes preventing fertilization. Types includes: Lippes Loops, Copper-T, Copper-7, Multiload 375, LNG-20, etc.
  • Oral Contraceptives: Contain hormones that prevent ovulation and alters the uterine conditions preventing the sperm to reach the egg. Types includes: Ortho Tri-Cyclen, Saheli, etc.
  • Injectables and Implants: Contains hormones that can either be injected in the body or can be placed under the skin. Types includes: medroxyprogesterone acetate, etonogestrel implant, etc.
  • Surgical Methods: It includes the methods in which the ducts connecting the male and female gonads are cut and ligated to prevent the movement of sperm or eggs. Types includes: vasectomy (males), and tubectomy (females)

Contraceptives Pills

To prevent pregnancy one of the most common method is the contraceptive pills. They are made by combination of synthetic hormones like estrogen and progestin or progestin alone. These pills helps to inhibit ovulation, thicken the cervical mucus, or make the uterine conditions unfavourable for sperm cells. This ultimately lead to the prevention of pregnancy. The estrogen-progestin pills are to be taken for 21 days followed by a 7-days break whereas the progeston-only pills needs to be taken for everyday till one once to prevent pregnancy.

Contraceptives Injection

When the contraceptive hormones are injected by the help of injections, it is called contraceptive injections. These hormones are injected into the muscles and have a long lasting effect upto 3 months. These injection consists of synthetic progestin hormone. They contain hormones that prevent pregnancy by inhibiting ovulation, thickening cervical mucus, and thinning the uterine lining. The injections required medical professionals to prescribe and administered.

Contraceptives Implant

Small flexible rod-shaped matchstick-like packs that are implanted under skin of upper arm. These implants contain progestin hormone that prevent pregnancy by inhibiting ovulation, thickening cervical mucus, and thinning the lining of the uterus making it difficult to fertilize the egg, and to implant. These implants are highly effective with failure rate less than almost 1% and can provide a long-term protetion upto 3 years.

Conclusion – Reproductive Health – Contraception Diagram

Reproductive health refers to the complete well being of a person’s reproductive system and aspected related to it. Reproductive health involves proper knowledge and understanding of the reproductive system, diseases and disorders associated with it, and prevention of pregnancies. Contraceptives are widely used to prevent unwanted preganacies. There are different types of contraceptive present which can be studied well with the help of relevant diagrams. These diagram of contraception methods helps us to identify the types of contraceptives when required.

Diagram of Male Reproductive System

Diagram of Female Reproductive System

Diagram of Testicle

Diagram of Uterus

Diagram of Spermatogenesis

Diagram of Vagina

Diagram of Penis

Diagram of Menstrual Cycle

Sperm Diagram

Diagram of Mammary Glands

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FAQs – Reproductive Health – Contraception Diagram

What is Meant by Reproductive Health?

Reproductive health means the physical, mental, and social well-being related to the reproductive system.

What are the 4 Pillars of Reproductive Health?

The four pillars of reproductive health are family planning, sexual health, maternal health, and prevention and management of reproductive disseases.

Why do we Use Contraceptives?

Contraceptives are used to prevent unintended pregnancies and enable individuals to make informed choices about their reproductive lives.

What is the Best Contraceptive Use?

The best contraceptive varies for each individual depending on factors such as lifestyle, medical history, and personal preferences. However, IUDs are considered as one of the best form of contraceptives available.

What is the Natural Method of Contraception?

The types of contraception that does not includes any external items to prevent the sperm meeting the egg instead uses conscious efforts and physiological signs are categorized as natural methods.

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