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Dart vs Python: Top Differences

Last Updated : 01 Apr, 2024
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In the world of programming language, finding an ideal language depends on the presence of simplicity, performance, and versatility. Python and Dart emerge as two strong contenders who come up with their own set of tools and features, making them the perfect choice that suits the business’s requirements.


Dart is a modern programming language that focuses on performance and rapid development stands as a formidable option specifically for mobile development as it allows cross-platform development. On the other hand, Python is known for its elegant readability and its large ecosystem which makes it an ideal choice for domains, from Web applications to data science applications.

Python Overview

What is Python?

Python is a general-purpose programming language that is used in various domains such as web development, data science, and more. Python was created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991. It is a high-level programming language that makes it easy to read and write and, its interpreted characteristic does not require compilation before it can be run. Its Simplicity, readability, and versatility features make it a popular choice for beginner and experienced developers. Its large and rich ecosystem has detailed documentation and tutorials to help developers from beginners to experienced.

Key Features

  1. Easy to learn and Object Oriented: Python came up with a concise and clear syntax that makes it easy to learn even for newcomers. It also supports Object-Oriented principles such as inheritance, Abstraction, and encapsulation which allow developers to write modular and reusable code through classes and Objects.
  2. Interpreted language: Python is an Interpreted language which means code is executed line by line with the use of a Python interpreter. This feature makes development and debugging with Python faster as it does not require compilation before running it.
  3. Dynamic typing: Python is a dynamically typed language, which means developers don’t need to declare variables explicitly. In Python developers variable types are inferred at runtime which provides flexibility but also needs to be taken care of as it can cause runtime type-related errors.
  4. Cross-Platform: Python is compatible with major operating systems including Windows, Linux, and macOS which makes it highly portable and suitable for developing applications that need to run on different OS platforms.
  5. Community Support: Python has a large community of developers who contribute actively to growth and provide support via forms and other online resources. This vibrant community continuously works on providing rich and detailed documentation to help developers.

Advantages of Python Language

  • Python comes with rich standard libraries that provide developers with modules and packages that help them in a wide range of tasks such as I/O networking, database access, and more.
  • Python has a large ecosystem with various third-party libraries and frameworks maintained by the community. This vast ecosystem covers various domains that make it suitable for most applications.
  • Being a high-level language it allows developers to focus more on solving problems rather than dealing with system-level intricacies.

Dart Overview

What is Dart?

Dart is a versatile and modern Object-oriented programming language with its powerful features and tools. Dart was developed by Google in the year 2011 to simplify complex web applications. Soon after Dart was used widely for multi-purpose language including mobile applications, desktop applications, server-side programming, and more. The main reason is the Flutter framework. Dart is backed by Google which makes it more trustworthy among the developers with its rich ecosystem and large community.

Key Features

  1. Strong typing and Optional typing Support: Dart language supports Static and Dynamic typing both, with Static typing data type of variables is known at compile time which eliminates runtime typing issues, While dynamic typing gives flexibility to check variable type at run time.
  2. Powerful Asynchronous mechanism: Dart has built-in support of Asynchronous operations through its await/async keyword. This feature enables the development of responsive and scalable applications by managing asynchronous operations easily and efficiently.
  3. Object-oriented Programming principles support: Dart is an Object-Oriented Programming language, which means it sports core Object-Oriented pillars – Inheritance, Abstraction, Polymorphism, and Encapsulation. This helps in writing code in such a manner that it helps developers reuse and manage code more easily.
  4. Flutter Framework: Flutter is a very popular open-source cross-platform that allows developers to build natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and even desktop from a single codebase. Flutter’s hot reload feature and its expressive syntax feature accelerate cross-platform application development with a single code base.
  5. Interoperability: Dart supports seamless interoperability with JavaScript which means it allows developers to use existing JavaScript libraries and Frameworks. This interoperability enables the integration of Dart code with web apps and other JavaScript-based platforms.

Advantages of Dart Language

  • Dart is backed by Googe, which benefits from a growing community and rich ecosystem that offers detailed tutorials and documents.
  • Dart supports automatic memory management using a garbage collector that eliminates the need for developers to handle memory manually.
  • Dart supports natively compiled applications with the use of Ahed-Of-time(AOT) compilation which enables high-performance mobile application development.

Dart V/S Python Key Differences

Comparison Criterias




Syntax is similar to C language which prioritizes simplicity and clarity.

Python is well known for its clean and readable syntax, which makes it easy to read and understand.

Background task

Offers asynchronous operations through async/await keywords that execute code block without blocking the main UI. Dart’s isolation supports the concurrent execution of tasks that provide parallel execution.

Provides various ways for background task, such as ‘threading’ modules provide lightweight threads, ‘multiprocessing’ module provides parallel execution, ‘asyncio’ module providing asynchronous task execution.


Supports static and dynamic typing along with null safety features to eliminate runtime exceptions.

Python supports dynamic typing which allows variables to be defined at runtime which may cause runtime type-related errors.


Offers high performance with Dart VM(Dart Virtual Machine).

Compared to Dart, the performance provided by Python is slower mainly for CPU-bound tasks.

Learning curve

Dart’s learning curve depends on the developer’s background, but developers familiar with the C programming style can easily adopt it.

Python is recommended for beginners also due to its simplicity and readability. Its straightforward syntax makes it easy to learn programming concepts.

Community and Ecosystem

It has a vibrant and active community with rich documentation and resources Ecosystem is significantly rising with rich libraries.

Python has a large community and rich ecosystem that contains large numbers of libraries and frameworks that cover most of the programming tasks (covers mainly all domains).

Platform Support

Supported on most platforms includes Windows, macOS, and Linux along with various embedded systems.

Dart is also supported by most systems including Web, Desktop, and Mobile. Its main strength is Flutter which allows cross-platform application development.

Use cases


  • Cross-Platform Mobile App Development: Dart is widely used to develop cross-platform mobile app development that includes Android and iOS, with the use of the popular framework Flutter. Flutter allows developers to build high-performance Android and iOS applications with a single codebase. Dart’s hot-reload feature helps businesses with rapid development.
  • Web Development: Dart is a good option for developing server-side and client-side web development. For client-side applications, developers can build web applications using frameworks such as Angular, while for server-side app development, Dart framework provides tools for building scalable applications.
  • Serverside Development: Dart can be used for server-side development, mainly with the use of a framework like Aqueduct. The asynchronous and modern features of Dart make it well-suitable for building back-end services and APIs that handle concurrent operations.


  • Data science and Machine learning Projects: Python is the preferred choice for Data science and machine learning projects. Libraries and Frameworks such as NumPy, Matplotlib, and scikit-learn make it easy to work with data, perform complex analysis, and help in building machine learning models.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing (NLP): With a rich ecosystem, Python offers powerful libraries such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and NLTK that help developers in AI and NLP tasks. These libraries make Python a preferable choice for developing chatbots and language translation tools.
  • Scientific Computing: Python is widely used in scientific computing for simulations, numerical analysis, and visualization. Its libraries such as SciPy and matplotlib are well known and preferred choices for scientific computing tasks.


For the requirements of web development, data analysis, or scripting, Python is the perfect choice due to its extensive and rich library and framework support. While on the other hand, if you are targeting cross-platform mobile development or Platforms that support multiple platforms such as mobile, web, and desktop with a single codebase, Dart is the better choice. Businesses need to consider their requirement, budget, and availability of the developer’s team before choosing their platform as both languages have their own strength and weaknesses.

FAQs on Dart vs Python

Which language offers better performance, Python or Dart?

Python’s performance is slower than Dart specifically for CPU-bounded tasks. Dart offers better performance especially when it requires compiling to native code.

Which language is easy to learn, Python or Dart?

Compared with Dart, Python is considered as more easy and learn due to its simplicity and readability. It has a large community and a rich ecosystem compared to the Dart.

What are the main use cases for both languages?

Dart is most preferable for mobile application development as it supports cross-platform development support, while Python is a preferable choice for Data Science, AI, and Machine learning projects.

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