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Console Tab in Brave Browser

Last Updated : 30 Apr, 2024
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The Console tab in Brave Browser is an essential tool for developers working on web applications. It allows developers to debug JavaScript code, view and interact with log messages, and run code snippets directly in the browser. The Console tab provides a range of features that make debugging and development more efficient and effective.

Benefits of the Console Tab:

  • Easier Debugging: The Console tab makes debugging JavaScript files easier by logging errors, warnings, and variables. This helps developers identify and fix issues quickly.
  • Error Handling: If a JavaScript file throws an error, it is automatically printed to the Console tab. The tab specifies the JavaScript file, line number, and type of error, making it easier to diagnose and fix.
  • Logging: Developers can use the console.log() function to print data to the Console tab. This is useful for debugging purposes and for viewing the content of variables at specific points in the code.

Steps to open the Console Tab:

  1. Shortcut: Press Ctrl + Shift + I to open the Developer Tools, then switch to the Console tab.
  2. From the toolbar: Right-click on the three dots at the end of the toolbar, click More Tools, then click Developer Tools, and switch to the Console tab.
  3. From the main screen: Right-click on the main screen, click Inspect to open the Developer Tools, then switch to the Console tab.

Various options available in the Console Tab:

  • Editor: This space in the Console tab displays errors, warnings, and logs of running JavaScript files. Developers can also run custom JavaScript commands here.
  • Console Sidebar: This sidebar provides detailed information on errors, warnings, messages, and other important information related to running JavaScript.
  • Clear Console Button: Clicking this button clears the editor tab.
  • Live Expression: Developers can create live, running JavaScript using this feature. They can write JavaScript code, click the eye button, and hit enter to see it running continuously.
  • Filter Search Bar: This bar allows users to filter out messages, errors, and warnings from the editor space, making it easier to find specific information.

When to use the Console Tool:

  1. Accessing all resources: Use the Network panel to see how the webpage loads different resources like images, scripts, stylesheets, and fonts.
  2. Viewing the DOM: Use the Elements panel to view and edit the HTML and CSS code of any webpage, and see how they are structured in a tree-like view.
  3. Debugging JavaScript: Use the DOM Breakpoints feature in the Elements panel to pause the execution of code when a certain element is modified, added, or removed.
  4. Performance of the website: Use the Performance panel to record and analyze the activity of your webpage over time, identify bottlenecks, and optimize your code for better performance.

Example showing Usage of Console Tab:

  • Open Brave Browser and navigate to the GeeksforGeeks website.
  • Press Ctrl + Shift + I to open Developer Tools.
  • Select the Console tab to view all logged errors of the website.
  • Use the DOM and try debugging any errors.


The Console tab in Brave Browser is a versatile tool that empowers developers to debug, experiment, and optimize web applications. It provides valuable insights into the code and helps developers improve the quality and performance of their web applications.

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