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What Product Managers really need to know about MVPs?

Last Updated : 20 Mar, 2024
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In the realm of product management, it’s crucial to grasp essential concepts, and one of these is the Minimum Viable Product (MVP). But what exactly does it entail? An MVP represents the most basic version of a product that still provides value to users. Rather than including every possible feature, it focuses on the core functionalities needed to address a problem or fulfill a requirement. This approach enables teams to expedite product launches, obtain valuable user feedback, and refine the product based on real-world usage. In this article, we’ll explore the essence of MVPs, their significance, and how to effectively integrate them into the product development process.

What is a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)?

A Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is the most basic version of a product that still provides value to its users. It’s not about including every possible feature but rather about focusing on the core functionalities required to address a problem or fulfill a need. Essentially, an MVP serves as a starting point from which further development can proceed. By concentrating on essential features, an MVP enables teams to launch their product faster, collect feedback from real users, and make improvements based on that feedback. It acts as a platform for testing assumptions about the product and refining them. An MVP is a strategic approach to product development that emphasizes efficiency and effectiveness, helping teams avoid unnecessary complexity and waste. Its primary goal is to learn quickly and iteratively enhance the product based on real-world usage and feedback.

What an MVP is not?

An MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is often misunderstood, so it’s essential to clarify what it is not:

  • An MVP is not a stripped-down version of a final product: Sometimes, people think an MVP is a basic product made quickly to save time or money. But that’s not true. While an MVP is simpler than the final product, it’s not just about cutting features. It’s about picking the most important features that solve a problem for users. An MVP should still give users a good experience, even if it doesn’t have all the fancy extras.
  • An MVP is not just about cutting features: Some people think an MVP means taking away as many features as possible. But that’s not right. An MVP is about testing ideas and getting feedback from users. Instead of removing features randomly, we should focus on including the ones that help us learn about what users need. We decide what features to include based on research, not just what we think might work.
  • An MVP is not a one-size-fits-all solution: Some people think an MVP is good for every situation, but that’s not true. While MVPs can be helpful in many cases, they’re not always the best choice. For example, if a product has safety concerns, it might not be safe to release a basic version to users. And in markets where customers already know what they want, an MVP might not be enough to stand out. We have to look at each situation carefully to decide if an MVP is the right approach. We consider things like market trends, what users want, and our business goals.

Why do you need an MVP?

An MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is essential in product development for several reasons:

  1. Validating Assumptions: Before investing significant time and resources into a fully-fledged product, it’s crucial to test assumptions about the market, user needs, and product features. An MVP allows you to do this by releasing a basic version of your product and gathering feedback from real users. This process helps you confirm whether there is demand for your product and if it effectively addresses users’ pain points.
  2. Gathering Feedback: An MVP enables you to collect valuable feedback from users early on. By engaging with users and listening to their input, you can identify areas for improvement and understand user preferences. This feedback loop is essential for refining your product to better meet user expectations and deliver value.
  3. Risk Reduction: Developing a full-scale product without validating it with users carries significant risk. By starting with an MVP, you minimize this risk by testing your product concept early and making informed decisions based on real user data. This lean approach allows you to make adjustments and pivot if necessary, reducing the chances of costly mistakes later on.
  4. Saving Time and Resources: Building a fully featured product can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. An MVP helps you save time and resources by focusing on the minimum set of features needed to deliver value to users. This allows you to launch your product more quickly and start gathering feedback, avoiding unnecessary investment in features that may not provide significant value.
  5. Iterative Improvement: The MVP approach encourages iterative development, where you release successive versions of your product, each incorporating learnings from the previous version. This iterative process enables you to continuously improve your product based on user feedback and market dynamics, ensuring that it evolves over time to better meet user needs and remain competitive.

When should you not do an MVP?

There are times when using an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) approach might not be the best choice:

  1. High-Risk Projects: If a project involves significant risks, like safety concerns or legal issues, rushing into an MVP might not be wise. It’s crucial to ensure thorough testing and compliance with regulations before releasing any version of the product to users. Neglecting these risks could lead to serious consequences for both users and the business.
  2. Complex Products: For products with intricate features or functionalities, an MVP might not adequately showcase the product’s value. Users might need a comprehensive solution to understand the benefits fully. In such cases, investing in a fully-featured product or prototype may be necessary to effectively demonstrate its capabilities and stand out from competitors.
  3. Established Markets: In markets where user needs are well understood and competition is fierce, launching an MVP may not be enough to attract users. Users may expect a fully-featured product that meets or exceeds industry standards. To compete effectively in such environments, businesses may need to invest more in product development to ensure their product can meet user expectations and gain market share.
  4. Limited Resources: While MVPs are meant to help businesses conserve resources by focusing on essential features, there are situations where resource constraints may hinder the feasibility of an MVP. If a business lacks the resources to develop even a basic version of the product or support its launch and iteration, pursuing an MVP may not be possible. In such cases, businesses may need to explore other approaches or secure additional resources before proceeding with product development.

So should we still use MVPs?

Yes, using MVPs (Minimum Viable Products) can still be valuable in many cases. They offer a practical way to validate product ideas, gather feedback from users, and iterate quickly based on real-world data. By focusing on essential features, MVPs allow businesses to launch products faster and with fewer resources, reducing the risk of investing heavily in a product that may not meet user needs. Additionally, MVPs promote a culture of experimentation and learning within organizations, encouraging teams to test hypotheses, adapt to user feedback, and refine their products continuously. While there are situations where an MVP may not be the best approach, such as high-risk projects or mature markets, in many cases, it remains an effective strategy for product development, enabling businesses to deliver value to users efficiently and iteratively.


In conclusion, Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) are essential in product development. They offer a practical way to validate ideas, gather feedback, and improve products quickly. By focusing on core features and fostering a culture of experimentation, businesses can minimize risks, save resources, and respond effectively to market changes. While MVPs may not fit all scenarios, their benefits in speeding up product launches, cutting costs, and driving continuous improvement make them invaluable. Embracing MVPs enables businesses to deliver products that better meet user needs and stand a better chance of success in competitive markets.


What is the purpose of an MVP?

The purpose of an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is to test your product idea with real users using minimal resources. It helps validate assumptions, gather feedback, and iterate quickly to create a successful product.

How do you determine which features to include in an MVP?

When determining features for an MVP, prioritize those that are essential for solving the core problem or addressing the primary user need. Focus on features that deliver the most value to users while keeping the product simple and easy to use.

What if feedback from the MVP is negative?

Negative feedback from an MVP is valuable as it helps identify areas for improvement. Use this feedback to iterate on the product, refine features, and address user concerns. Remember, feedback, whether positive or negative, is essential for product growth.

How do you know when it’s time to move beyond the MVP stage?

It’s time to move beyond the MVP stage when you’ve validated your product idea, received positive feedback from users, and achieved your initial objectives. At this point, you can consider scaling up the product, adding more features, and expanding your user base.

Is an MVP suitable for every product?

While MVPs are beneficial for many products, they may not be suitable for every situation. Products with high risks, complex features, or established markets may require different approaches. Evaluate your product’s specific needs, market dynamics, and goals to determine if an MVP is the right strategy.

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