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Test Cases For Signup Page Using C Language

Last Updated : 17 Jan, 2023
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Prerequisite: Structure in C

In this article, we are going to check on how to check test cases for the signup page using C language. The signup page is where we enter data to create our account on any of the websites or applications.

A test case is a document that contains various sets of data, conditions to be performed, and the expected result for the particular condition, developed by the software testers to perform the execution of the particular part of the software to verify the working of the software against requirements. In order to verify a program, start by adding valid data to the input. Test data can include information like names, emails, passwords, mobile numbers, and ages. For multiple test cases, identifying data may become the longest step of the verification process. Identifying data can help understand what the program documents as a pass or a failure.

The data we need to enter on the signup page is:

  1. User Name
  2. Email
  3. Password
  4. Contact number
  5. Age

There are certain conditions for the data we are entering for example 

  1. The username must contain the alphabet.
  2. Age must be greater than and not equal to 0.
  3. Email must contain @, a comma, and the length should be greater than 5.
  4. Passwords must contain a length between 8 to 12 with at least one uppercase, lowercase, number, and special character.
  5.  Both password and confirm password should be the same.
  6. Mobile number should contain numbers and exactly 10 digits.

In this article, we will learn how to check test cases for the signup page. 

“Test.h” Code:


// C Program to write first program
// "test.h" file name
#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct test_node test_node;
// Struct declared
struct test_node {
    test_node* next;
    void (*func)(void);
extern void add_test(test_node* tn);
#define test_assert(b)                                     \
    do {                                                   \
        if (b) {                                           \
            printf("PASSED\n");                            \
            tests_passed++;                                \
        }                                                  \
        else {                                             \
            printf("FAILED\n");                            \
            tests_failed++;                                \
        }                                                  \
    } while (0)
#define UNIT_TEST(f)                                       \
    static void f(void);                                   \
    static void __attribute__((constructor))               \
        __construct_##f(void)                              \
    {                                                      \
        static test_node tn;                               \ = NULL;                                    \
        tn.func = f;                                       \
        add_test(&tn);                                     \
    }                                                      \
    static void __real_##f(void);                          \
    static void f(void)                                    \
    {                                                      \
        printf("%s... ", __func__);                        \
        fflush(stdout);                                    \
        __real_##f();                                      \
    }                                                      \
    static void __real_##f(void)
int tests_passed = 0, tests_failed = 0;
test_node* start = 0;
void add_test(test_node* tn)
    test_node** current = &start;
    while (*current)
        current = &((*current)->next);
    *current = tn;
// Driver code
int main()
    test_node* current = start;
    while (current) {
        current = current->next;
    int total_tests = tests_passed + tests_failed;
    if (total_tests == 0)
        printf("No tests found\n");
            "%i test case passed\n%i test case failed\n\n",
            tests_passed, tests_failed);
    return tests_failed > 0;

Main Program: This is the main program that checks the data if we can create a signup page, also we are using a program written in another file “test.h”.

Signup Code:


// C Program to check
// Test cases for signup page
#include "test.h"
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
char temp_name[100], temp_password1[100];
char temp_password2[100], temp_email[100];
char temp_mobile[100];
int temp_age;
struct det {
    char uname[50];
    int age;
    char password[100];
    char email[100];
    char mobile[10];
int count, success, j;
struct det s[100];
    printf("\n\tEnter Your name : ");
    scanf("%s", temp_name);
    printf("\tEnter Your Email : ");
    scanf("%s", temp_email);
    printf("\tEnter Password : ");
    scanf("%s", temp_password1);
    printf("\tConfirm Password : ");
    scanf("%s", temp_password2);
    printf("\tEnter Your Mobile Number : ");
    scanf("%s", temp_mobile);
    printf("\tEnter Your Age : ");
    scanf("%d", &temp_age);
    int i = 0, flag = 1;
    int check = 0;
    do {
        if (!((temp_name[i] >= 'a' && temp_name[i] <= 'z')//checking whether name contains any numbers
              || (temp_name[i] >= 'A'
                  && temp_name[i] <= 'Z'))) {
            flag = 0;
        i = i + 1;
    } while (temp_name[i] != '\0');
    if (flag == 1) {
        printf("Test for name           : ");
    else {
        printf("Test for name          : ");
    do {
        if (temp_email[i] == '@' || temp_email[i] == '.') {//checking email contains @ and . or not
        i = i + 1;
    } while (temp_email[i] != '\0');
    if (count >= 2 && strlen(temp_email) >= 5) {
        printf("Test for email           : ");
    else {
        printf("Test for email           : ");
    if (!strcmp(temp_password1, temp_password2)) {//checking password and confirmpassword is same
        printf("Test for password match    : ");
    else {
        printf("Test for password match    : ");
    if (strlen(temp_password1) >= 8
        && strlen(temp_password1) <= 12) {// password must be greater than or equal to 8 and less than or equal to 12
        printf("Test for password length   : ");
    else {
        printf("Test for password length   : ");
    if (strlen(temp_password1) >= 8
        && strlen(temp_password1) <= 12) {
        int caps = 0;
        int Small = 0;
        int numbers = 0;
        int special = 0;
        i = 0;
        do {
            if (temp_password1[i] >= 'A'//password must be contain capital letter
                && temp_password1[i] <= 'Z') {
                caps = caps + 1;
            else if (temp_password1[i] >= 'a'//password must be contain small letter
                     && temp_password1[i] <= 'z') {
                Small = Small + 1;
            else if (temp_password1[i] >= '0'//password must be contain numbers
                     && temp_password1[i] <= '9') {
                numbers = numbers + 1;
            else if (temp_password1[i] == '@'//password must be contain special character
                     || temp_password1[i] == '&'
                     || temp_password1[i] == '#'
                     || temp_password1[i] == '*') {
                special = special + 1;
            i = i + 1;
        } while (temp_password1[i] != '\0');
        if (caps >= 1 && Small >= 1 && numbers >= 1
            && special >= 1) {
            printf("Test for password strength : ");
        else {
            printf("Test for password strength : ");
    if (temp_age > 0) {//age must be greater than 0
        printf("Test for age           : ");
    else {
        printf("Test for age           : ");
    if (strlen(temp_mobile) == 10) {//contact number should be exact 10 digits
        do {
            if (temp_mobile[i] >= '0'
                && temp_mobile[i] <= '9') {
                success = 1;
            else {
            i = i + 1;
        } while (i < 10);
        if (success = 1) {
            printf("Test for mobile number     : ");
        else {
            printf("Test for mobile number     : ");
    else {
        printf("Test for mobile number     : ");
    i = 0;
    do {
        if (!(strcmp(temp_email, s[i].email)
              && strcmp(temp_password1, s[i].password))) {
            printf("\n\n\tAccount Already Existed. Please "
                   "Login !!\n\n");
            flag = 0;
        i = i + 1;
    } while (i < 100);
    if (check == 7) {
        strcpy(s[j].uname, temp_name);
        s[j].age = temp_age;
        strcpy(s[j].password, temp_password1);
        strcpy(s[j].email, temp_email);
        strcpy(s[j].mobile, temp_mobile);
        printf("All test case           : ");
        printf("\n\n\tAccount Successfully Created!!\n\n");
    else {
        printf("\n\n\tOop something is wrong !!\n\n");


Wrong Data entered

Wrong Data entered and output

Correct Data entered and output

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