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C++20 std::basic_syncbuf

Last Updated : 04 Oct, 2023
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In C++, the std::basic_syncbuf class template is part of the Standard Library, used for creating custom stream buffers. This class template is primarily intended for use in creating custom stream classes that work seamlessly with multithreaded programs.

This means that if multiple threads are trying to write to the same stream at the same time, std::basic_syncbuf will make sure that the output from each thread is written to the stream in the correct order, without any interleaving.

Syntax of std::basic_syncbuf

std::basic_syncbuf buffer_name ( buf, allocator )


  • buf: buffer
  • allocator: custom allocator

std::basic_syncbuf Methods

The following are some common member methods of std::basic_syncbuf:

  1. emit(): This method flushes the content of the object’s internal buffer to the wrapped stream buffer.
  2. get_wrapped(): The method returns the wrapped stream buffer.
  3. get_allocator(): The method returns the allocator used to manage the basic_syncbuf object’s internal buffer.
  4. set_emit_on_sync(bool): Sets whether the contents of the ‘basic_syncbuf` object’s internal buffer should be flushed to the wrapped stream buffer on sync.

Example of std::basic_syncbuf

Example 1: Implementation of std::basic_syncbuf


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <syncstream>
using namespace std;
// main function
int main()
    // Synchronized output stream for a file stream
    // basic_syncbuf template used
    basic_syncbuf<char> synced_buf(ofstream("output.txt"));
    osyncstream synced_out(synced_buf);
    // synchronized output stream.
    synced_out << "Hello, World!";
    synced_out <<  endl;
    // thread 1
    thread t1([&synced_out] {
        synced_out << "Thread 1!" <<  endl;
    // thread 2
    thread t2([&synced_out] {
        synced_out << "Thread 2!" <<  endl;
    // Two threads is created that will write to the
    // synchronized output stream concurrently.
    // Join the threads.
    return 0;


Hello, World!
Thread 1!
Thread 2!

Explanation of the above program:

The program creates a synchronized output stream for a file stream called output.txt. It then writes the message “Hello, World!” to the stream. Next, it creates two threads that will write the messages “Thread 1!” and “Thread 2!” to the stream concurrently. Finally, it joins the threads and returns.

Example 2:


// Example using a method
#include <iostream>
#include <syncstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
     // creating basic_syncbuf object
    basic_syncbuf<char> buffer;
    buffer << "Program 2\n";
      // Using emit method to flush
    // the syncbuf to the wrapped 
    // stream buffer
    // Close the wrapped stream buffer.
    return 0;


Program 2

Key Points about std::basic_syncbuf

There are certain Key points that can be derived about basic_syncbuf in C++ 20 as mentioned below:

  1. It is a template class that takes two template parameters.
  2. It provides member functions for synchronization, which is crucial for ensuring thread safety when working with streams in a multithreaded environment.
  3. The constructors and destructors are also provided, allowing us to specify the buffer size when needed.

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