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Sort Python Dictionary by Value

Last Updated : 23 Jan, 2024
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Python dictionaries are versatile data structures that allow you to store key-value pairs. While dictionaries maintain the order of insertion. sorting them by values can be useful in various scenarios. In this article, we’ll explore five different methods to sort a Python dictionary by its values, along with simple examples for each approach.

Sort Python Dictionary by Value

Below, are the example of Sort Python Dictionary by Value in Python.

  • Using a For Loop
  • Using sorted() Method
  • Using the itemgetter()
  • Return New Dictionary with Sorted Value

Sort Python Dictionary by Value Using a For Loop

In this example, below code initializes a sample Dictionary with key-value pairs. It then sorts the dictionary based on its values using a for loop and creates a new dictionary called `sorted_dict`. Finally, the sorted dictionary is printed.


# Sample dictionary
sample_dict = {'apple': 5, 'banana': 2, 'orange': 8, 'grape': 1}
# Sorting using a for loop
sorted_dict = {}
for key in sorted(sample_dict, key=sample_dict.get):
    sorted_dict[key] = sample_dict[key]


{'grape': 1, 'banana': 2, 'apple': 5, 'orange': 8}

Sort Python Dictionary by Value Using sorted() Method

In this example, below Python code initializes a dictionary and sorts it by values using a concise dictionary comprehension with the `sorted()` method, creating a new dictionary named `sorted_dict`, which is then printed.


# Sample dictionary
sample_dict = {'apple': 5, 'banana': 2, 'orange': 8, 'grape': 1}
# Sorting using sorted() method
sorted_dict = {key: value for key,
               value in sorted(sample_dict.items(),
                               key=lambda item: item[1])}


{'grape': 1, 'banana': 2, 'apple': 5, 'orange': 8}

Sort Python Dictionary Using the itemgetter()

In this example, below Python code imports the itemgetter function from the operator module. It initializes a sample dictionary and sorts it based on values using a dictionary comprehension with the sorted() function and itemgetter(1).


# Importing necessary module
from operator import itemgetter
# Sample dictionary
sample_dict = {'apple': 5, 'banana': 2, 'orange': 8, 'grape': 1}
# Sorting using operator module and itemgetter()
sorted_dict = {key: value for key,
               value in sorted(sample_dict.items(),


{'grape': 1, 'banana': 2, 'apple': 5, 'orange': 8}

Return New Dictionary with Sorted Value

In this example, below Python code initializes a sample dictionary and creates a new dictionary named sorted_dict by sorting the original dictionary based on its values using the sorted() function and a lambda function


# Sample dictionary
sample_dict = {'apple': 5, 'banana': 2, 'orange': 8, 'grape': 1}
# Sorting and creating a new dictionary
sorted_dict = dict(sorted(sample_dict.items(),
                          key=lambda item: item[1]))


{'grape': 1, 'banana': 2, 'apple': 5, 'orange': 8}


In conclusion, sorting a Python dictionary by its values is a common operation and can be accomplished through various methods. Whether using for loops, the `sorted()` method, the `operator` module with `itemgetter()`, lambda functions, or creating a new dictionary with sorted values, Python offers flexibility in implementing this task. Each method has its own advantages, allowing developers to choose the approach that best suits their preferences and requirements for sorting dictionaries based on values.

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