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Prototype Pattern | C++ Design Patterns

Last Updated : 31 Oct, 2023
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When designing software, it’s crucial to make it efficient, easy to reuse, and simple to maintain. One way to achieve these goals is by using design patterns, and one such pattern is the Prototype Pattern. In this article, we’ll explore the Prototype Design Pattern in the context of C++.

What is the Prototype Design Pattern?

The Prototype design pattern is a helpful tool in software design. It falls into the category of design patterns known as Creational Patterns which are all about how you create objects. The Prototype Pattern specifically focuses on creating objects efficiently by copying an existing object, which we call the Prototype.

Here’s how the Prototype Design Pattern works:

  • Prototype Interface: It defines a common interface or abstract class that all concrete prototype classes should implement. This interface typically includes a method for cloning the object.
  • Concrete Prototypes: These are the actual objects that implement the prototype interface. Each concrete prototype class provides an implementation of the cloning method, which creates a copy of the object.
  • Client: The client code is responsible for creating new objects by cloning existing prototypes. Instead of creating objects directly using the new keyword, the client requests a prototype to clone itself.

Why Do We Use the Prototype Desing Pattern?

Well, it’s all about saving time and resources. Instead of creating new objects from scratch, the Prototype Pattern lets us create new ones by copying an existing prototype. This is especially handy when those objects share a lot of similarities.

How Does It Work in C++?

In C++, you can implement the Prototype Pattern using various techniques, such as the copy constructor or the clone method. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how it works:

Step 1: Define an Abstract Base Class

We start our implementation by defining an abstract base class, Shape, which serves as the prototype for all geometric shapes. It declares two essential virtual functions:


class Shape {
    virtual Shape* clone() const = 0; // Clone method for creating copies.
    virtual void draw() const = 0;   // Draw method for rendering the shape.
    virtual ~Shape() {}              // Virtual destructor for proper cleanup.

The clone() method allows us to create copies of shapes, and draw() is responsible for rendering them. The virtual destructor ensures proper memory cleanup.

Step 2: Create Concrete Prototype Classes

Now, we define concrete classes (classes that can be instantiated, meaning you can create objects (instances) of those classes) that inherit from our abstract base class Circle and Rectangle. These classes implement the clone() and draw() methods for their respective shapes.

Circle Prototype:


class Circle : public Shape {
    double radius;
    Circle(double r) : radius(r) {}
    Shape* clone() const override {
        return new Circle(*this);
    void draw() const override {
        std::cout << "Drawing a circle with radius " << radius << std::endl;

Rectangle Prototype:


class Rectangle : public Shape {
    double width;
    double height;
    Rectangle(double w, double h) : width(w), height(h) {}
    Shape* clone() const override {
        return new Rectangle(*this);
    void draw() const override {
        std::cout << "Drawing a rectangle with width " << width << " and height " << height << std::endl;

These concrete classes encapsulate the unique characteristics of circles and rectangles while adhering to the prototype structure.

Step 3: Create and Use Shape Instances

In our main() function:

  • we begin by creating prototype instances of a circle and a rectangle.


Circle circlePrototype(5.0);
Rectangle rectanglePrototype(4.0, 6.0);

  • We then clone these prototypes to create new shpaes:


Shape* shape1 = circlePrototype.clone();
Shape* shape2 = rectanglePrototype.clone();


shape1->draw(); // Output: Drawing a circle with radius 5
shape2->draw(); // Output: Drawing a rectangle with width 4 and height 6

  • Finally, we use the draw() method to render the shapes.

Advantages of the Prototype Pattern

Here are the some of advantages of Prototype Pattern:

  • Efficient Object Creation: It allows you to create new objects by copying existing ones, which can be faster and more efficinet than creating objects from scratch.
  • Flexibility: It provides a flexible way to create objects with different configurations or states by cloning prototypes, reducing the need for complex initialization.
  • Reduces Code Duplication: It helps reduce code duplication by centralizing the creation logic in one place (the Prototype) and reusing it throughout the codebase.

Disadvantages of the Prototype Pattern

Here are the some of disadvantages of Prototype Pattern:

  • Complexity: Implementing the Prototye Pattern can be complex, especially when dealing with deep copying of complex objects.
  • Not Suitable for All Scenarios: It may not be suitable for all scenarios, especially when objects have circular references or complex interdependencies.
  • Memory Usage: If not managed properly, cloning objects can lead to increased memory usage, potentially causing memory leaks.


The Prototype Pattern allows us to efficiently create new objects by copying exisiting prototypes. It promotes code reusability and flexibility, making it an invaluable tools in software design. Implemeting the Prototype Pattern can significantly improve your software design, allowing you to create new objects with ease while maintaing the integrity of your codebase.

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