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How to Open RabbitMQ in Browser using Docker Container?

Last Updated : 07 May, 2024
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A messaging program called RabbitMQ serves as a message broker or mediator between several software components. Think of it as an intelligent messenger that makes sure messages are reliably and effectively conveyed from one area of your application to another.

Support for numerous messaging protocols, including AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) and MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport), is one of RabbitMQ’s main advantages. Because of its adaptability, developers can use RabbitMQ for a wide range of applications and communication requirements.

RabbitMQ makes sure that messages are safely stored and sent once everything is back up and running, even if certain portions of your system are temporarily unavailable. Second, RabbitMQ has good scalability. Without compromising performance, RabbitMQ can accommodate an increase in load as your application expands and processes more data. Finally, RabbitMQ offers adaptability. Whether you are developing software of any kind, including online and mobile applications, RabbitMQ can help you integrate and communicate among many components with ease.

What is RabbitMQ?

RabbitMQ is a messaging program that facilitates dependable communication between various components of a software program. It makes sure messages are transported from one place to another effectively, acting as a smart postman and enhancing the scalability and resilience of programs. With support for numerous messaging protocols, RabbitMQ adjusts to the demands of various projects while providing communication flexibility, scalability, and dependability.

Key Terminology in RabbitMQ

  • Message Broker: A program that makes it easier for various system components to communicate with one another.
  • Exchange: Receives messages from producers and, using routing rules, directs them to message queues.
  • Queue: Keeps communications until users have had a chance to read them.
  • Routing Key: A message attribute that is exchanged to decide which queues to route messages to.
  • Binding: A connection between a queue and an exchange that indicates the message routing.
  • Producer: A part that uses RabbitMQ to transmit messages.
  • Consumer: A part of the system that gets messages from RabbitMQ.
  • Acknowledgment (Ack): A signal sent to RabbitMQ by a user confirming the successful processing of a message.
  • Dead Letter Exchange (DLX): If messages are not able to be routed to any queue, an exchange is issued.
  • Virtual Host: A rational grouping technique that enables RabbitMQ resource isolation.
  • Channel: A virtual connection inside another connection that facilitates communication between RabbitMQ and client apps.
  • Connection: A Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection was made between RabbitMQ and a client application.
  • Binding Key: A characteristic that exchanges use to decide which messages go to which queue.
  • Message Durability: shows if messages should be stored on disk in order to withstand server restarts.
  • Publisher Confirms: a capability that lets developers verify whether messages have been successfully published to RabbitMQ.

Setting up RabbitMQ with Docker

Here are the detail steps to configure rabbitmq in browser using docker container.

Step 1: Install docker.

Step 2: Enter the below command to configure the rabbitmq on docker.

docker run -d --hostname my-rabbit --name some-rabbit -p 8080:15672 -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER=username -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS=password rabbitmq:3-management
  • docker run: This command tells Docker to run a new container based on a specified image.
  • -d: This flag runs the container in detached mode, meaning it runs in the background.
  • –hostname my-rabbit: This flag sets the hostname of the container to “my-rabbit”.
  • –name some-rabbit: This flag assigns the name “some-rabbit” to the container.
  • -p 8080:15672: This flag maps port 15672 from the container to port 8080 on the host system. Port 15672 is used by the RabbitMQ management UI, so this mapping allows accessing the management UI from a web browser on port 8080 of the host machine.
  • -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER=username: This flag sets the default username for accessing RabbitMQ to “username”. This is used for authentication when accessing the RabbitMQ management UI.
  • -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS=password: This flag sets the default password for accessing RabbitMQ to “password”. Like the username, this is used for authentication when accessing the RabbitMQ management UI.
  • rabbitmq:3-management: This specifies the Docker image to use for running the container. In this case, it’s the RabbitMQ image tagged with “3-management”, which includes the RabbitMQ server along with the management plugin for the UI.

Docker command

Step 3: Know the running containers on the docker enter the below command.

docker ps

docker ps

Step 4: To know the port is opened or not in the host, enter the below command.

netstat -tulnp | grep 8080


Accessing the RabbitMQ Management UI

Step 5: Here is the RabbitMQ on the web browser.

RabbitMQ on the web browser

Step 6: Here is the over view of the RabbitMQ. And click on the other tabs and leran about the more features.


Step 7: Here is the admin page of the rammitmq with the user of the username.


Step 8: You can create the que by following the below steps. Click on the queues and streams tab and click on the add new que and provide the queue details and here i have create the testqueue. Refer the below image.


Step 9: Here is the testqueue in the RabbitMQ.


Step 10: Here is the exchanges tab of the RabbitMQ and you can mount the que using the below step.


Step 11: Here we have bind the queue to the exchange refer the below image.


Step 12: By following this step you can publish the message form the queue to exchange.

pulish message

Step 13: Here the message published using the exchange to the queue. Refer the below image for your reference.

test publish

Advanced Topics in RabbitMQ

  • Clustering RabbitMQ Instances: Connecting several RabbitMQ servers together to create a single logical broker is known as clustering. By spreading message queues over several servers, this improves scalability and dependability. It guarantees that messages can be processed by the other servers even in the event of a server failure.
  • Setting up SSL/TLS for Secure Communication: Data is shielded from interception and manipulation during secure communication between RabbitMQ clients and servers thanks to SSL/TLS encryption. You must create SSL/TLS certificates and set RabbitMQ to use them in order to set this up. This guarantees the encryption of all data transferred between clients and servers.
  • Configuring Authentication and Authorization: While permission establishes the scope of a user’s or client’s access rights, authentication confirms the identity of those attempting to access RabbitMQ. RabbitMQ can be configured to authenticate users via LDAP, OAuth, or usernames and passwords. Access control policies can also be defined to limit the actions of users according to their roles or permissions.
  • Integrating RabbitMQ with Other Systems: Message exchange can be facilitated by integrating RabbitMQ with a variety of systems and technologies. It can be integrated, for example, with databases, Internet of Things devices, web applications, and other messaging systems like Redis or Apache Kafka. By facilitating smooth communication between various components of your system, this improves flexibility and interoperability.

RabbitMQ in browser using docker container – FAQs

How to open RabbitMQ in browser docker?

Using the following command in Docker, you may start RabbitMQ in your browser: docker run -d –hostname my-rabbit –name some-rabbit -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3-administration. Then, open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:15672.

How to check if RabbitMQ is running in docker?

Using the command docker ps to view the list of operating containers and searching for the RabbitMQ container in the output, you may determine whether RabbitMQ is running in Docker.

Can we use RabbitMQ without docker?

Indeed, RabbitMQ may be installed and utilized directly on a server or local PC without the need for Docker.

How do I access a running docker container in my browser?

By mapping a Docker container’s port to a port on your host computer and then browsing to that port in your browser, you can access a running Docker container in your browser. To define the port mapping, execute the container with the -p flag.

How to connect to RabbitMQ locally?

Install the RabbitMQ server and use a client library, such as pika for Python, to connect locally to RabbitMQ.

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