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Multiple Inheritance in Programming

Last Updated : 17 Apr, 2024
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Multiple Inheritance in programming is like a family tree for your code. You have a bunch of classes, which are like different members of a family. When one class inherits from another, it’s like a child inheriting traits from their parents. The child class gets all the abilities (methods) and properties (attributes) of the parent class, and can also have some of its own. This helps to keep your code organized, saves time, and makes it easier to understand and manage.

Multiple Inheritance in Programming

Multiple Inheritance in Programming

What is Multiple Inheritance?

Multiple inheritance in programming is a feature where a class can inherit properties and methods from more than one parent class. This allows a class to combine the features and behaviors of multiple classes into one. However, it can lead to a lot of confusion when two parent classes have methods with the same name, and it’s not clear which one the subclass should inherit. Therefore, some languages like Java and C# do not support multiple inheritance, while others like C++ and Python do. It’s a powerful tool, but it needs to be used with caution due to its complexity.

Multiple Inheritance Syntax:

Here is the syntax of multiple inheritance in C++, java and Python:

class Derived : public Base1, public Base2 {
    // Class members and methods
// Define the first interface
interface Interface1 {
    void method1();

// Define the second interface
interface Interface2 {
    void method2();

// Implement both interfaces in a single class
class MyClass implements Interface1, Interface2 {
    // Implement method1 from Interface1
    public void method1() {
        System.out.println("Method 1 from Interface1");

    // Implement method2 from Interface2
    public void method2() {
        System.out.println("Method 2 from Interface2");

// Main class to test the implementation
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create an object of MyClass
        MyClass obj = new MyClass();

        // Call methods from both interfaces
class Derived(Base1, Base2):
    # Class members and methods

Java supports multiple inheritance through interfaces.

Multiple Inheritance in C++:

Here is the implementation of the multiple inheritance in C++:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Define parent classes
class Parent1 {
    void method1()
        cout << "This is method 1 from Parent1" << endl;

class Parent2 {
    void method2()
        cout << "This is method 2 from Parent2" << endl;

// Define child class inheriting from Parent1 and Parent2
class Child : public Parent1, public Parent2 {
    void method3()
        cout << "This is method 3 from Child" << endl;

// Driver Code
int main()
    // Create object of Child class
    Child child_obj;

    // Access methods from parent classes

    return 0;

This is method 1 from Parent1
This is method 2 from Parent2
This is method 3 from Child

Multiple Inheritance in Python:

Here is the implementation of the multiple inheritance in python:

# Define Parent1 class
class Parent1:
    def method1(self):
        print("This is method 1 from Parent1")

# Define Parent2 class
class Parent2:
    def method2(self):
        print("This is method 2 from Parent2")

# Define Child class inheriting from Parent1 and Parent2
class Child(Parent1, Parent2):
    def method3(self):
        print("This is method 3 from Child")

# Create an instance of Child class
child_obj = Child()

# Call method1 from Parent1 class

# Call method2 from Parent2 class

# Call method3 from Child class

This is method 1 from Parent1
This is method 2 from Parent2
This is method 3 from Child

Multiple Inheritance in Java:

Here is the implementation of the multiple inheritance in java using interface:

// Define the first interface
interface Parent1 {
    void method1();

// Define the second interface
interface Parent2 {
    void method2();

// Define the Child class implementing both interfaces
class Child implements Parent1, Parent2 {
    public void method1() {
        System.out.println("This is method 1 from Parent1");

    public void method2() {
        System.out.println("This is method 2 from Parent2");

    public void method3() {
        System.out.println("This is method 3 from Child");

// Driver code
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create object of Child class
        Child child_obj = new Child();

        // Access methods from parent interfaces

This is method 1 from Parent1
This is method 2 from Parent2
This is method 3 from Child

Advantages of Multiple Inheritance:

  • Enhanced code reusability: A class can inherit different attributes and methods from multiple base classes, thus improving code reusability.
  • Flexibility: Adding multiple inheritances to the code can make a class possess characteristics from multiple parent classes, thereby making the class more flexible and capable of meeting various requirements.
  • Implementing multiple interfaces: A class can simultaneously implement multiple interfaces, allowing it to be used in different contexts.

Disadvantages of Multiple Inheritance:

  • Increased complexity: Multiple inheritances can make the relationship between classes more complicated, increasing the cost of understanding and maintaining the code.
  • Naming conflicts: If multiple base classes have members with the same name, it may lead to naming conflicts and result in code errors.
  • Difficulty in understanding: Multiple inheritance increases the complexity of the code, making it difficult to understand and debug.

Best Practices of Multiple Inheritance:

  • Use Interfaces: Instead of inheriting from multiple classes, have your class implement multiple interfaces. This way, you avoid conflicts and ambiguity.
  • Provide Concrete Implementations: In the implementing class, you must provide concrete implementations for the methods defined in the interfaces.
  • Consider Composition Over Inheritance: This is a general principle in object-oriented design which suggests it’s better to compose objects (by having them reference each other) than to inherit from classes.
  • Be Wary of the Diamond Problem: The diamond problem is a common issue in multiple inheritance where a class inherits from two classes that have a common base class.
  • Limit the Depth of Inheritance Hierarchies: Deep inheritance hierarchies can be hard to follow, understand, and maintain.

Comparison with Single Inheritance:

Single Inheritance: In programming, a derived class can only have one main parent class, which is simpler to understand and manage compared to having multiple parent classes. It’s like having one main source of traits rather than trying to combine traits from multiple sources, which can get confusing. This approach makes it easier to follow the code and make changes without getting overwhelmed.


Multiple inheritance can be a powerful tool for code reuse, it also introduces complexity and potential conflicts. Opting for simpler alternatives like composition or mixins can streamline code maintenance and readability. Prioritizing clarity and simplicity ensures that your code remains understandable and manageable, even as it evolves over time. By favoring straightforward design principles, you enhance code comprehension and facilitate collaboration among developers.

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