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How to Scale any System Horizontally?

Last Updated : 05 Apr, 2024
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As technology keeps changing fast, it’s really important to make sure systems can grow smoothly and work at their best. Scaling a system horizontally involves increasing its capacity by adding more resources, such as servers, to handle a growing load. This approach is often preferred over vertical scaling adding more power to existing resources because it can be more cost-effective and provides better resilience.


Importance of Horizontal Scaling in System Architecture


Horizontal scaling plays a vital role in modern system architecture for several reasons:

  • Scalability:
    • Systems that use horizontal scaling can distribute the addition of additional resources, like servers, to accommodate growing loads. This guarantees that there won’t be any downtime or performance degradation as the system grows to meet increased demand.
  • Cost-effectiveness:
    • Compared to vertical scaling (adding more power to existing resources), horizontal scaling often provides a more cost-effective solution. It allows organizations to scale incrementally by adding commodity hardware or cloud instances as needed, rather than investing in expensive high-end hardware upgrades.
  • High Availability:
    • By distributing the workload across multiple servers, horizontal scaling improves fault tolerance and resilience. If one server fails, the remaining servers can continue to handle requests, reducing the risk of service disruptions and ensuring high availability.
  • Flexibility and Agility:
    • Horizontal scaling enables systems to adapt quickly to changing demand patterns. Auto-scaling features provided by cloud platforms allow resources to be dynamically provisioned or de-provisioned based on real-time metrics, ensuring optimal resource utilization and responsiveness.
  • Performance Optimization:
    • Distributing workload across multiple servers can improve performance by reducing bottlenecks and distributing processing tasks more evenly. Load balancers ensure that requests are directed to the least busy servers, optimizing response times and throughput.
  • Future-proofing:
    • Horizontal scaling future-proofs systems by providing a scalable architecture that can accommodate growth over time. As user bases, data volumes, and workload complexity increase, systems can easily scale out to meet evolving requirements without requiring significant redesign or re-architecture.
  • Support for Microservices:
    • Horizontal scaling is well-suited for microservices architectures, where applications are composed of loosely coupled, independently deployable services. Each service can be scaled horizontally based on its individual requirements, allowing for granular control over resource allocation and optimization.

In summary, horizontal scaling is essential for building resilient, flexible, and cost-effective systems that can adapt to changing demands and provide reliable performance in dynamic environments.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Horizontal Scaling

Below are the advantages and disadvantages of horizontal scaling:





Easily add more machines to handle growing demands

May not scale infinitely depending on application architecture


Improves performance by distributing workload

Requires proper load balancing for optimal performance

Fault Tolerance

System remains operational if one node fails (increased redundancy)

Debugging issues can be more complex across multiple machines


Easier to add new nodes incrementally

Requires managing and maintaining multiple machines


Potentially lower cost compared to constantly upgrading a single server (especially in cloud environments)

May incur higher upfront costs for additional hardware or software licenses


Often uses commodity hardware, reducing reliance on high-end, expensive machines

Increased complexity in managing distributed systems

Data Consistency

Simpler to scale storage independently (if needed)

Requires additional mechanisms to ensure data consistency across multiple nodes

Scalability Bottlenecks

Horizontal scalability in system design can face several bottlenecks that may affect its effectiveness. These bottlenecks include:

  • Database Scaling: Although horizontal scaling can distribute the load across multiple database instances, certain database operations, such as joins and transactions, can be challenging to scale horizontally. Maintaining data consistency and synchronization across distributed databases can also introduce bottlenecks.
  • Network Congestion: Network congestion may arise from node-to-node communication in a horizontally scaled system as the number of servers rises. This can degrade performance and increase latency, especially if the network infrastructure is not adequately provisioned or optimized.
  • Load Balancer Limitations: Load balancers distribute incoming requests across multiple servers to ensure balanced workload distribution. However, load balancers themselves can become bottlenecks if they are not properly configured or if they lack sufficient capacity to handle high traffic volumes.
  • Shared Resources: Horizontal scaling often involves sharing resources such as storage, network bandwidth, and computing power among multiple instances. Contentions for shared resources can occur, leading to resource contention and performance degradation.
  • Data Partitioning Challenges: Partitioning data across multiple servers is a common strategy for horizontal scaling. However, designing effective data partitioning strategies that evenly distribute the workload while minimizing data access latency and ensuring data integrity can be challenging.
  • Consistency and Coordination Overhead: Ensuring consistency and coordination across distributed components in a horizontally scaled system can introduce overhead. Implementing mechanisms such as distributed transactions or eventual consistency models to maintain data consistency can impact performance and introduce complexity.

Designing Systems for Horizontal Scalability

Horizontal scaling, also known as “scaling out,” is a crucial technique for building systems that can handle increasing workloads. Here’s what you need to consider when designing for horizontal scalability:

  • Microservices Architecture:
    • Break down your application into independent, stateless microservices. This allows each service to scale independently based on its specific needs.
    • Design clear APIs for communication between services. Loose coupling promotes independent scaling without impacting other services.
  • Database Selection:
    • Choose databases that can be horizontally scaled, such as: NoSQL databases (e.g., MongoDB, Cassandra) – Offer inherent scalability by distributing data across multiple nodes.
    • Horizontally scalable SQL solutions (e.g., sharded databases) – Shard data across multiple servers to distribute storage and workload.
  • Communication and Integration:
    • Consider an event-driven architecture where services communicate asynchronously through events. This decouples services further, improving scalability and resilience.
    • Choosing the Right Technologies for Horizontal Scaling
  • Containerization:
    • Leverage containerization technologies like Docker to package your microservices.
    • Containers provide a lightweight and portable way to deploy applications across multiple nodes.
  • Orchestration Tools:
    • Use container orchestration tools like Kubernetes to automate the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications across a cluster of machines.
    • Kubernetes simplifies managing complex distributed systems.
  • Cloud Platforms:
    • Cloud platforms like Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), or Microsoft Azure offer built-in horizontal scaling capabilities and managed services for:
      • Databases (e.g., Cloud SQL in GCP)
      • Load balancing (e.g., Cloud Load Balancing in GCP)
      • Container orchestration (e.g., Google Kubernetes Engine in GCP)

Scaling Data Storage

1. Horizontal Database Scaling

  • Utilize databases that allow adding nodes to distribute data storage and workload.
  • Consider sharding techniques for horizontal scaling of relational databases. Sharding splits data across multiple servers based on a specific key.

2. Distributed File Systems

  • Use distributed file systems like HDFS or Ceph for storing large datasets that need to be accessed by multiple nodes.
  • These systems provide high availability and scalability for data storage.

Load Balancing and Traffic Management

1. Load Balancers

  • Implement load balancers to distribute incoming traffic across multiple instances of your microservices.
  • This ensures optimal resource utilization and prevents overloading any single node.

2. Traffic Management Techniques

  • Utilize traffic management techniques like:
    • DNS routing: Route traffic based on factors like user location or server health.
    • Geo-fencing: Direct users to geographically closest servers for better performance.

Real-world Example of Social Media Platform

Let us take the example of Twitter. It employs a horizontally scaled system to handle the massive volume of tweets, retweets, likes, and interactions that occur every second. Here’s how it works:

  1. Microservices Architecture: Twitter utilizes a microservices architecture, where different components of the platform are broken down into smaller, independently deployable services. Each service handles a specific function, such as user authentication, tweet posting, timeline generation, etc.
  2. Load Balancing: Incoming requests to Twitter are distributed across multiple server instances using load balancers. This ensures that no single server becomes overwhelmed with traffic. Load balancers intelligently distribute incoming requests to the least loaded servers, optimizing resource utilization.
  3. Database Sharding: To manage the vast amount of data generated by millions of users, Twitter horizontally scales its database using sharding. Sharding involves partitioning the database into smaller, more manageable segments called shards. Each shard contains a subset of the data. This allows Twitter to distribute the data across multiple database servers, improving read and write performance.
  4. Caching: Twitter employs caching extensively to reduce the load on backend systems. Frequently accessed data, such as user profiles, timelines, and trending topics, are cached in memory using distributed caching systems like Memcached or Redis. This reduces the number of database queries and speeds up response times.
  5. Auto-scaling: Twitter’s infrastructure is designed to automatically scale based on demand. When traffic spikes occur, additional server instances are provisioned dynamically to handle the increased load. Conversely, during periods of low activity, surplus server instances are automatically terminated to save costs.

By horizontally scaling its infrastructure, Twitter ensures high availability, fault tolerance, and scalability to accommodate its ever-growing user base and traffic volume. This approach allows Twitter to maintain performance and reliability even during peak usage periods such as major events or breaking news.

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