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How to Delete or Reset the Blockchain in geth? (OSX)

Last Updated : 26 Nov, 2022
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Geth Ethereum is the command-line interface for building an Ethereum node in Google’s Go programming language. Geth is a blockchain node that develops software for the Ethereum Virtual Machine to let users process ether. Genuine ether mining, creating contracts, carrying out transactions, transferring money between addresses, and other activities are all made possible by Geth.

Almost all operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and macOS, support Geth. A UDP connection is used by Geth to connect to the P2P network. LevelDB and Bolt, respectively, are the databases used for Geth and Turbo-Geth. However, the database’s method of data organization is a key difference between them. The Ethereum protocol was initially implemented in three different languages: Python, C++, and Go Ethereum. Golang, a programming language for use with Go, is used in Go Ethereum. The use of Go is free, similar to many other programming languages. It is protected by the GNU LGL v3 license.

What is Geth in Blockchain?

In the programming language Go, Geth creates an Ethereum node for the Blockchain. It is possible to use it to generate or develop software for the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).

  • The official Ethereum client for creating decentralized apps in the Go programming language is called Go-Ethereum, sometimes known as Geth. 
  • Due to its simplicity of use, Geth is one of the most popular solutions for operating, setting up nodes, and communicating with Ethereum blockchains. 
  • A program called geth is used to run an entire Ethereum node on the system.

Installation: Go Ethereum can be downloaded and installed right away from the Download Geth page (Geth)

An attempt will be made to download blocks from the main Ethereum network with the aforementioned command. The Go Language-based command line interface for running an Ethereum node is called Geth (Go Ethereum). Geth enables you to mine ether, join the Ethereum network, and move ether across accounts.

How to Connect to an Ethereum Network?

An Ethereum node is required to connect to an Ethereum network. An Ethereum node is a device that agrees with the network’s consensus rules. Programming language Solidity is used to create smart contracts. 

  • The Ethereum client Geth will connect the machine to the Ethereum network. 
  • The Goerli Testnet for Ethereum is the network here. 
  • Testnets are used to test the Ethereum client software and smart contracts without any real-world value at risk.

What does Geth Command do?

Communication with accounts can be done using Geth’s account command: 

geth account command>. [options…] [arguments…] 

Using the account command, the user can create new accounts, display existing accounts, update key formats, and alter the passwords that lock each account in addition to importing the private keys into a new account. 

  • The Web3.js API is exposed by Geth through a Javascript console.
  • Now that Geth is running in one terminal and a Javascript environment is open in another, the user can communicate with Geth using Web3.

Why do we need Geth()?

Geth is a Go-based Ethereum client. As a result, a machine that is running Geth becomes an Ethereum node. 

  • In the peer-to-peer Ethereum network, data is shared directly between nodes as opposed to being controlled by a central server. 
  • Because they are compensated in ether, Ethereum’s native token, nodes compete to create new blocks of transactions to deliver to their peers (ETH). 
  • Each node verifies a new block to ensure it is valid before storing it in its database. 
  • Chain is the term used to describe the arrangement of distinct blocks. 
  • Geth uses the data in each block to update its “state,” or the ether balance of each Ethereum account.

Externally owned accounts (EOAs) and contract accounts are the two sorts of accounts. When contract accounts receive transactions, the contract code is put into operation. Users sign and submit transactions using EOAs, which they control locally. Each EOA consists of a pair of public and private keys, where the public key is used to generate a user-specific address, and the private key is used to secure the account and sign messages.
Joining the Ethereum network, sending money between accounts, and even mining ether with Geth are all possible. 

Where is Geth Data Stored?

1. Geth writes all it needs to persist inside its data directory. Platform-specific default data directory locations include:

  • /Library/Ethereum on a Mac
  • /.ethereum on Linux
  • %LOCALAPPDATA%\ on Windows

2. The Keystore subfolder houses Ethereum accounts. This directory’s contents ought to be transferable between nodes, operating systems, and implementations (C++, Go, Python).

3. The –datadir argument can be used to set the data directory’s location.

4. To allow for reuse by all clients, the ethashdag is kept under /.ethash (Mac/Linux) or %APPDATA%Ethash (Windows). Using a symbolic link, one can save this in a different location.       

How to Delete or Reset Blockchain in geth?    

The most crucial information is not to forget the password and back up the Keystore. Now we reset the blockchain in geth by data source and cleanup.

Data Sources: Geth writes all it needs to persist inside its data directory. Platform-specific default data directory locations include:

  • /Library/Ethereum on a Mac
  • Ubuntu: /.ethereum
  • Windows:%LOCALAPPDATA%\
  • Ethereum     

1. The Keystore subfolder houses accounts. This directory’s contents ought to be transferable between nodes, operating systems, and implementations (C++, Go, Python).

2. The –datadir argument can be used to set the data directory’s location. 

3. To allow for reuse by all clients, the ethash dag is kept under /.ethash (Mac/Linux) or%APPDATA%Ethash (Windows). Use a symbolic link to save this in a different place.

Cleanup: The state and blockchain databases on Geth can be deleted using:                  

 geth removed                                                                                                      

This is helpful for updating to a fresh chain while deleting an older one. The Keystore is unaffected, it only impacts data directories that can be recreated during synchronization.           

Import/Export of Blockchain: The blockchain can be exported in binary format using:

export with geth filename>                                                                                              

Or a first and last block can be given if you want to back up different parts of the chain over time. To return to the original epoch, for instance

geth export <filename> 0 19999                                                                                                                              

It should be noted that the file will be added rather than truncated when backing up a partial chain.

Import blockchain exports in binary format using:

geth import <filename>                                                                                                      

Last but not least, recollect your password and back up your Keystore.

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