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Difference between Direct Democracy and Indirect Democracy

Last Updated : 24 Apr, 2024
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Direct democracy and Indirect democracy represent two distinct approaches to how a government operates and how decisions are made within a society. Democracy is a system of governance where the people hold the ultimate authority. Every individual in a democratic nation is entitled to one vote, which they may use to support or oppose public policies. In a democracy, citizens’ rights might take the shape of either direct or indirect democracy. Direct democracy allows individuals to participate in the decision-making process. By contrast, indirect democracy suggests a form of governance in which the people elect a representative to actively engage in governing and represent their interests.

Difference between Direct Democracy and Indirect Democracy

What is Direct Democracy?

Direct democracy, also known as pure democracy or participatory democracy, is a form of governance in which the people make all choices about laws and policies. It calls for the direct involvement of the nation’s population in daily government decision-making and administration. Among the nations with a high prevalence of direct democracy is Switzerland. Every piece of legislation, policy, and bill in this system of government can only be approved by a national vote of all the residents. Here, every member of the government gets together, discusses concerns, and comes to a conclusion that everyone can support. Thus, the nation’s residents have a direct say in the laws that are made and the matters affecting them.

Key Features of Direct Democracy:

  • A political system known as direct democracy allows legislation to be implemented by a national vote that is cast by all of the citizens of the nation.
  • In a direct democracy, the people make all choices about laws, policies, and other matters.
  • Every member of the community constitutes the legislature in a direct democracy.
  • Direct democracy is suitable for small countries.

What is Indirect Democracy?

Indirect democracy, often known as representative democracy, is a form of governance in which citizens elect representatives to represent them in the legislature and take an active role in governing the country. A representative of the electorate is chosen by each constituency in an indirect democracy to serve in the parliament. It is predicated on free and fair elections, in which the ruling class is given a reasonable opportunity to lose. As a result, the elected official may be removed from their position and held responsible for their contributions to the community. For example, India, USA, Germany, etc.

Key Features of Indirect Democracy:

  • Indirect democracy is a system of governance whereby the people of the nation elect representatives who have the authority to make decisions on their behalf.
  • Under an indirect democracy, the people elect their representatives and decide what laws and policies to make.
  • The elected officials of the victorious party form the administration and are members of the legislature under an indirect democracy.
  • For large countries, indirect democracy turns out to be suitable.

Difference between Direct Democracy and Indirect Democracy


Direct Democracy

Indirect Democracy


A system in which laws and policies are decided by popular vote.

A system in which people choose representatives to cast their votes for them on legislation and other matters.

Decision making

Through voting, citizens actively influence choices.

Elected officials make the decisions.


Every person is able to take part in the decision-making process.

The only people who can take part in decision-making are elected representatives.


Direct voting allows for rapid decision-making.

Because elected officials must make decisions, the process may take longer.


Because citizens make decisions directly, it could be less complicated.

Might be more complicated since elected officials must take their citizens’ opinions into account while making decisions.


Small countries.

Large countries.


A definite democracy that is suitable for nations with smaller populations is direct democracy. Nevertheless, it cannot be used in a nation with a sizable population when millions of people must vote on a matter. This flaw led to the creation of representative or indirect democracy, which outweighs the shortcomings of direct democracy.

Direct Democracy and Indirect Democracy- FAQs

Which kind of democracy is India?

Indirect democracy exists in India, when the people do not directly vote for laws. Rather, they choose representatives to act as their voice and voice.

State the similarities between Direct democracy and Indirect democracy.

The fact that both of these democracies need public engagement in the decision-making process is one of their key points in common. In an indirect democracy, the people elect representatives who make choices on their behalf, whereas in a direct democracy, the people directly influence the decisions that are made.

What are the several ways that people get involved in the political process?

The most common methods that citizens get involved in politics are by voting, signing petitions, and running for specific government.

What fundamental principles underpin a democracy?

Three fundamental characteristics of a democratic government are its non-hierarchical, participative, and representational nature. The three distinct models of democratic government all demonstrate the main concepts. Clear understandings, such as the concepts of equality and freedom, which are fundamental to all democratic societies, are another way that democracies operate.

What function does democracy serve?

One of society’s many important responsibilities is the function of a democratic government. These include upholding citizens’ rights, creating rules and regulations, selecting representatives to put these directives into plans and ensure their observance, and responding to grievances and concerns from the public.

Note: The information provided is sourced from various websites and collected data; if discrepancies are identified, kindly reach out to us through comments for prompt correction.

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