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Creating Instance Objects in Python

Last Updated : 01 Mar, 2024
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In Python, an instance object is an instantiation of a class, and it is a unique occurrence of that class. Creating instance objects is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming (OOP) and allows developers to work with and manipulate specific instances of a class. This article will explore the process of creating instance objects in Python, highlighting the main syntax and providing examples to illustrate the concept.

What are Instance Objects in Python?

In Python, a class is a blueprint for creating objects, and an instance is a realization of that blueprint. When you create an instance of a class, you are essentially creating a unique copy of the class with its own set of attributes and methods. This allows for the creation of multiple independent objects with similar characteristics.


class ClassName:

def __init__(self, parameters):

# constructor code here

# Creating an instance object

instance_object = ClassName(parameters)

  • ClassName is the name of the class.
  • __init__ is a special method called the constructor, used for initializing object attributes.
  • self is a reference to the instance itself, allowing you to access and modify its attributes.
  • parameters are any additional values needed to initialize the object.

Create Instance Objects in Python

Below are some of the examples of Instance Objects in Python:

Example 1: Creating Instance Objects in Python

In this example, below code defines a `Person` class with a constructor (`__init__`) that initializes instances with ‘name’ and ‘age’ attributes. An instance `person_instance` is created with the name “John Doe” and age 25. Attributes are accessed using dot notation, printing the name (“John Doe”) and age (25) of the person.


class Person:
    def __init__(self, name, age): = name
        self.age = age
# Creating an instance of the Person class
person_instance = Person("John Doe", 25)
# Accessing attributes


John Doe

Example 2: Complex Class and Instance Objects in Python

In this example, below code defines a `Car` class with attributes ‘make’, ‘model’, ‘year’, and a default ‘mileage’ set to 0. An instance `car_instance` is created with make “Toyota,” model “Camry,” and year 2022. The `drive` method increments the mileage, and the final print statements display the car details and updated mileage after driving 100 miles.


class Car:
    def __init__(self, make, model, year):
        self.make = make
        self.model = model
        self.year = year
        self.mileage = 0
    def drive(self, distance):
        self.mileage += distance
# Creating an instance of the Car class
car_instance = Car("Toyota", "Camry", 2022)
# Accessing and modifying attributes
print(f"{car_instance.make} {car_instance.model} ({car_instance.year})")
print(f"Mileage: {car_instance.mileage} miles")


Toyota Camry (2022)
Mileage: 100 miles

Example 3: Inheritance and Instance Objects in Python

In this example, below code defines an `Animal` class with a constructor initializing the ‘species’ attribute. The `Dog` class, inheriting from `Animal`, has additional attributes ‘name’ and ‘age.’ An instance `dog_instance` is created with the name “Buddy,” species “Dog,” and age 3. The final print statement accesses and displays attributes from both the base and derived classes.


class Animal:
    def __init__(self, species):
        self.species = species
class Dog(Animal):
    def __init__(self, name, age):
        super().__init__("Dog") = name
        self.age = age
# Creating an instance of the Dog class
dog_instance = Dog("Buddy", 3)
# Accessing attributes from the base class
print(f"{} is a {dog_instance.species} of age {dog_instance.age} years")


Buddy is a Dog of age 3 years

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