Last Updated : 01 Nov, 2018

The bandwidth of a given medium for transferring the data is 100 Mbps. The user starts with pure aloha for transmission after half of the data is transferred user switched to slotted aloha. Then how much throughput will be gain or loss by the user in the second half?
(A) 50% loss
(B) 100% loss
(C) 100% gain
(D) 200% gain

Answer: (D)

Explanation: Maximum throughput of pure aloha = 0.184 or 18.4%
i.e. 18.4 frames will be reached safely out of 100 frames.
Maximum throughput of slotted aloha = 0.368 or 36.8%
i.e. 36.8 frames will be reached safely out of 100 frames.
Throughput becomes twice by using slotted aloha instead of pure aloha.
i.e. 200% gain

So, option (D) is correct.

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