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11 Quick Methods To Memorise All The Formulas Of Science & Mathematics

Last Updated : 24 Jan, 2024
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Every board test includes at least two to three subjects in which students must memorise all of the formulas. Mathematics may be the case for some, while Chemistry or Physics may be the case for others. While certain formulas are simple to memorise, others can be difficult to recall. It is usual for students to struggle with memorizing all of the formulas, particularly those with a weak foundation in the topic.

In the following article, we will provide 11 quick methods to memorise all the formulas of science & mathematics

11 Quick Methods of Memorising the Formulas of Science & Mathematics

1. Solve As Many Questions As You Can

Our brain can recall everything we write. The more you practice with each formula, entering different values, the better you will understand the formulas. It will take some time to practice each formula, but it will be rewarding, especially when your exam is approaching.

Writing complex formulas down will help you recall them. Using textbook or exam paper maths and science problems and solving them regularly is a good strategy. This will allow you to confidently solve exam papers as well as practice maths and science formulas.

2. Try To Avoid Distraction

Avoiding distractions is the most crucial and effective strategy for studying maths and science formulas. Distraction can cause disruption and divert your attention. It is preferable to concentrate just on the formulae. This will make it easier for you to remember the formulae. Turn off or mute your phone and television to avoid distraction. Constant alerts may lead your mind to wander and cause you to lose focus. If you study formulas in a peaceful environment, they will be easier to remember. You will also gain a better comprehension of the subjects.

3. Try To Write Down The Formula

Memory is improved by repetition. Yes, we’ve all heard that writing and repeating the word is the greatest way to memorise it.It is deemed efficient to write them down to memorise scientific and math formulas. This will help you grasp the formulas and use them while solving problems.

4. Understand The Formula And The Method To Apply

Understanding formulas and ideas will help you recall them better. Understanding a formula’s logic, rules, variables, and symbol will help you place it. When one knows and examines the formula, it is much easier to memorise it. Understanding how a formula is created might help you decide when to use it and how to apply it. To memorise something, you must first comprehend its meaning. When we understand the entire explanation or procedure behind a certain formula, it is easier for students to memorise it since it makes more sense. Knowing how it works makes it easier to recall the formula.

5. Note Down The Formulae On A Chart Paper And Paste Them

The student should first create a separate formula list containing all the formulas. Second, students should write the formulas on paper or draw them on charts in their bedroom. This can perform wonders for memorising them. This is because you will be looking at the formulae daily and progressively becoming acquainted with the list of formulas. You can learn the formulas by writing them down. Writing the equations down several times will help you remember them. Because the brain has a bias to remember what we write.

6. Learn Through Audio-Visual Learning

Individuals can always recollect those they have seen or heard for a longer period of time. We recall lecturers bringing in artefacts to display in class or making announcements in class. This is due to the fact that audio-visual learning methods have shown that information and skill are taught through the use of visual or audio that lasts a long time in human minds. This is a form of memory aid.

7. Through Mnemonic Device

The mnemonic method aids recall and is one of the most important methods for retaining any information or knowledge we learn. Mnemonics help you learn a formula by simplifying, summarising, and compressing information. So, if you need to recall and store a large amount of new information, consider the mnemonic method. This can help you recall information for a longer amount of time. Mnemonic devices can be used in a variety of ways:

  • Using images
  • Using an acronym
  • Using rhyming and music
  • Chunking (one of the most successful methods for learning formulas)

8. Take A Stroll Or Do Excercise

The easier it is to learn, the better your health. Exercise to get your blood pumping and oxygen circulating throughout your body. When your mind is active and healthy, it can focus more effectively and efficiently. Exercise after studying may aid in the recall of mathematics and science. Your body’s release of endorphins while physical activity boosts your memory. So, wherever possible, combine exercise with your academics.

9. Seep Before You Sleep

Remember to review the formulas before going to bed. Your mind is more likely to recall that formula if you think of it before going to bed. So, if you remember the formulas before going to bed, you can wake up assured that the information has been stored in your memory.

10. Revision

It’s also a good idea to say the formulas aloud to yourself to help you remember them. Watching films about mathematical principles and equations may also help you recall them better. Revisit the formula whenever possible; it will undoubtedly be of great assistance to you.

11. Learn It Through Various Activities

Improve your memory and engage additional parts of your brain. To complete this activity successfully, you must mentally arrange a variety of numbers in a grid order in your mind. Break up the paper and pen routine by researching the formulae in other places. This can be accomplished by creating flashcards, quizzes, games, and puzzles to aid in your memory. Other methods for learning different formulae include repeating them loudly, conversing with a teacher, family member, or friend, and reading them aloud and watching interactive web movies that attempt to visualise the formulas. These help to boost the brain’s memory and help in memorising formulas.


As a student, you are expected to know a large number of scientific and mathematical formulas. Trying to remember them all might be stressful. However, some brief practices can help you learn all of the scientific and mathematical formulas. There are numerous strategies for memorising formulas in science and mathematics. This article provides eleven easy methods for memorising.

Also Read:

11 Quick Methods To Memorise All The Formulas Of Science & Mathematics- FAQs

Q. How can we remember the formulas of mathematics and science?

  • Increase your interest in the subject matter you’re studying.
  • Connect your idea to a visual memory.
  • Always use math formulas to solve difficulties.
  • Make a list of math formulas.
  • Post your written formulas on the wall.
  • Before going to bed, remember all of your maths formulas.

Q. What is the fastest way to memorize formulas?

A. Make a mental picture of the formula. Visual pictures are a fun and effective approach to remember complicated formulas.

Q. How do mathematicians remember formulas?

A. Connecting concepts to visual memory improves their recall. Including a visual representation of each notion you wish to remember makes it easier to recollect later. Consider the formula’s numbers and letters as a tale. Create a narrative for each formula.

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