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Zipf’s Law

Last Updated : 21 Mar, 2024
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Zipf’s law is an empirical formula discovered by George Zipf in 1930s. Zip’s law describes the relationship between the frequency of words in language corpus and their rank in a frequency sorted list. In this article, we will be diving into the concept of Zipf’s law and its application in natural language processing.

What is Zipf’s Law?

Zipf’s law is also known as the principle of least effort. In natural language texts, it has been observed that:

  • The second most used word appears half as often as the most used word.
  • The third most used word appears one-third the number of times the most used word appears, and so on.

Zipf proposed that such a distribution was observed because we tend to frequently use words that we are more comfortable with. We try to communicate as efficiently as possible by putting in the least amount of effort.

F Auerbach, a German physicist observed the phenomenon concerning population in cities. The second most populous city had half the population of the most populous city. In 1932, Zipf observed a similar distribution of word frequencies in natural language text (English). He proposed a law based on his findings and it began to be known as Zipf’s law. The same kind of relationship was observed in corporation sizes, income of people etc.

Mathematical Formulation

Zipf’s Law can be understood intuitively by considering that in any language, there are a few extremely common words (e.g., “the,” “of,” “and”) that are used very frequently, while the vast majority of words are used relatively infrequently. This distribution of word frequencies follows a power-law distribution, where the frequency of a word is proportional to its rank raised to a negative power.

Mathematically, Zipf’s Law can be expressed as:

[Tex]f(r) = \frac{C}{r^s} [/Tex]

where f(r) is the frequency of the word at rank r, C is a constant, and s is the Zipf exponent.

Key concepts and terms:

  • Zipf exponent: The exponent in Zipf’s Law equation determines the steepness of the frequency distribution curve. It reflects the degree of inequality in word frequencies.
  • Rank-frequency distribution: A plot showing the relationship between the rank of words in a language and their frequency of occurrence.

Example of Zipf’s Law

Two friends were met by a bear. One climbed a tree, abandoning the other. The other played dead, and the bear left him unharmed.

When we read the above story we enjoy it because we are humans and English is one of the languages we speak and understand. If I were a computer, I would be looking at a bunch of words waiting to be analyzed statistically.

Let’s do a small experiment. We’ll find out the frequency of words in the above story. It simply means we’ll count the number of times every word appears and arrange them in descending order. To the same table, let’s add a column, Rank. We’ll assign the highest rank(=1) to the word that appears the most and lowest to the one that appears the least number of times.





























































In the table, “the” has the highest(=1) rank and “unharmed” has the lowest(=19) rank. Also, one quick glance at the table shows that the most common word appears with almost twice the frequency of the second most common word(fthe2fa).

To understand it better, let’s write a program to plot a graph with Frequency(f) as a function of Rank(r). r is plotted along x-axis and f along y-axis.

Python Implementation of Zipf’s Law

The code segment demonstrates Zipf’s law by plotting the frequency of words against their ranks in a given text passage. The resulting plot typically shows a curve indicating the inverse relationship between word frequency and rank, as predicted by Zipf’s law. Let’s discuss the code in detail:

  1. Importing necessary libraries: The code starts by importing the matplotlib.pyplot library for plotting and the re library for regular expressions, which is used later to clean the text.
  2. Defining the input text: The input text is a string containing a passage of text.
  3. Cleaning the text: The text is converted to lowercase and split into words using the re.findall method with a regular expression pattern \b\w+\b, which matches words. This ensures that only words are considered for frequency analysis.
  4. Calculating word frequencies: The code then iterates over the list of words and creates a dictionary textDict to store the frequency of each word.
  5. Sorting the word frequencies: The textDict dictionary is sorted in descending order based on the word frequencies, and the sorted dictionary is stored in wordFrequency.
  6. Creating rank and frequency lists: Two lists, rank and frequency, are created to store the ranks and frequencies of words, respectively. The rank is simply the index of the word in the sorted dictionary, and the frequency is the corresponding frequency value.
  7. Plotting the Zipfian distribution: The code uses plt.plot to plot the rank on the x-axis and the frequency on the y-axis. The plot is displayed using
  8. Labeling the axes and providing a title: The x-axis is labeled as “Rank(r)”, the y-axis is labeled as “Frequency(f)”, and the plot is given the title “Zipf’s law

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import re text = "Two friends were met by a bear. One climbed a tree, abandoning the other. The other played dead, and the bear left him unharmed." #Convert text to lower case text = text.lower() #Remove the unwanted characters textList = re.split(', | |\. ', text) textDict = {} wordFrequency={} #Find the frequency of words for txt in textList: if txt in textDict.keys(): textDict[txt]+=1 else: textDict[txt]=1 #Sort the word frequencies in descending order wordFrequency = dict( sorted( textDict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) ) #Define two lists, rank and frequency rank = [] frequency = [] init = 0 #Assign ranks based on frequencies of words for freq in wordFrequency.values(): init+=1 rank.append(init) frequency.append(freq) #Plot the rank and frequency plt.plot(rank,frequency) # Labelling the x axis plt.xlabel('Rank(r)') # Labelling the y axis plt.ylabel('Frequency(f)') # Providing a title to the graph plt.title("Zipf's law")



Zipf’s Law

We notice that the plot roughly follows the pattern of the reciprocal function y=1/x. As x increases, y decreases. If the numerical value of rank is high, the frequency is low.

In this example, we have considered a very small corpus for the purpose of understanding. If the corpus is large, we will get a comparatively smoother curve which will resemble the reciprocal function y=1/x.


Zipf’s Law has a wide range of applications across various fields. Some key applications include:

  1. Information Retrieval: In information retrieval systems, Zipf’s Law is used to improve the efficiency of search algorithms by focusing on the most relevant terms.
  2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Understanding the distribution of keywords in content can help optimize websites for search engines, as it allows for the prioritization of important keywords.
  3. Language Modeling: Zipf’s Law is used in language modeling to predict word frequencies and distributions, which is crucial for tasks like speech recognition and machine translation.
  4. Economics: Zipf’s Law has been observed in the distribution of income, city sizes, and company sizes, providing insights into economic inequalities and market structures.
  5. Genetics: Zipf’s Law has been applied in genetics to study the distribution of gene frequencies and mutations in populations.
  6. Network Theory: In network theory, Zipf’s Law is used to describe the distribution of links or connections in complex networks, such as social networks or the internet.
  7. Urban Planning: Zipf’s Law has been used in urban planning to understand the distribution of population sizes in cities and to plan infrastructure and services accordingly.

Deviation from Zipf’s Law

Indeed, deviations from Zipf’s Law are common and can be attributed to various factors. Here are some key points regarding deviations from the law:

  1. Small Percentage of Words Fit the Law: In large corpora, it’s often observed that only a small percentage of words actually fit the Zipfian distribution. This is because Zipf’s Law describes a general trend rather than an exact rule, and there are always exceptions and variations in real-world data.
  2. Deviation in East Asian Languages: Many languages of East Asia, such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, often deviate significantly from Zipf’s Law, especially at the borders of the rank-frequency distribution. This is attributed to the nature of these languages, which have a large number of homophones (words that sound the same but have different meanings) and complex morphological structures.
  3. Causes of Deviation: Deviations from Zipf’s Law can occur due to various factors, including the specific characteristics of the language or text, the size of the corpus, and the method of analysis. Other factors such as grammatical structure, word length, and cultural influences can also contribute to deviations.
  4. Implications for Analysis: When analyzing text data, it’s important to be aware of the potential deviations from Zipf’s Law. While the law provides a useful framework for understanding word frequencies, it’s not a strict rule, and deviations are to be expected in real-world data.

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