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Which SDLC Model is Best and Why ?

Last Updated : 18 Dec, 2023
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The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a framework that outlines the various stages involved in the development of software, from the initial concept to the final deployment. There are several SDLC models, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Choosing the most suitable SDLC model is a critical decision that significantly influences the success of a software development project.


Which SDLC Model is Best and Why ?

What is SDLC?

SDLC stands for software development life cycle. It is a process followed for software building within a software organization. SDLC consists of a precise plan that describes how to develop, maintain, replace, and enhance specific software. The life cycle defines a method for improving the quality of software and the all-around development process.  

Software Development Life Cycle Models

To this day, we have more than 50 recognized SDLC models in use. But None of them is perfect, and each brings its favorable aspects and disadvantages for a specific software development project or a team.

In this article, We’ve listed the top five most popular SDLC models below.

1. Waterfall Model

The waterfall methodology was the first, simplest, and best SDLC methodology in software development history. This model’s development process is linear, with all phases completed sequentially. As the name implies, development progress flows downwards like a waterfall.

Phases of the Waterfall model:

  • Requirements
  • Design
  • Implementation
  • Integration and testing
  • Deployment
  • Maintenance


  • The waterfall model is simple to explain (both to clients and developers).
  • Stages of development that are clearly defined
  • Simple and effective planning
  • Completion of each phase one by one
  • Errors are easily verifiable.
  • Process that is well documented

Ideal for:

  • Requirements that are consistent
  • Products with a distinct vision
  • Rapid advancement

2. Agile Model

The Agile model focuses on adapting well to changing requirements by combining an incremental and iterative approach. Agile projects are among the best SDLC methodologies for businesses because the project requirements and solutions are always changing as the project is being developed. Software developed using an agile methodology breaks the project up into manageable chunks and delivers them in iterations. The subtasks are separated into time intervals so that each build can function properly. Consequently, the finished product has every feature that was needed. Within an agile model, the current development methodology must be modified to meet the specific needs of each project.


  • Rapid growth.
  • High caliber and quantifiable outcomes.
  • Business value is deliverable and quickly demonstrated.
  • Minimal amount of resources are needed.
  • Incredibly flexible in response to shifting needs.

3. Iterative Model

In the iterative model, each cycle results in a semi-developed but deployable version; with each cycle, some requirements are added to the software, and the final cycle results in the software with the complete requirement specification. 


  • Produces quick value for the business
  • Need limited resources
  • Flexible model
  • Facilitates early bug detection
  • Easy

4. Spiral Model

The spiral model is one of the most crucial SDLC models that provides support for risk handling. It has various spirals in its diagrammatic representation; the number of spirals depends upon the type of project. Each loop in the spiral structure indicates the Phases of the Spiral model.  


  • Efficient identification and mitigation of project risks.
  • Supports multiple cycles of development for continuous refinement.
  • Adaptable to changing requirements with the incorporation of new features.
  • Encourages stakeholder involvement and feedback throughout the process.
  • Facilitates the early development of prototypes for visualizing the product.
  • Focuses on verification and validation at each spiral for quality outcomes.

5. V-Shaped Model

The V-Model, also known as the validation model, is a further extension of the waterfall model approach and is regarded as one of the best SDLC methodologies. In this model, progress does not follow a straight line, but rather rises after coding and implementation. Early test planning is common for V model SDLC projects. This is one of the most significant distinctions between the V-model and the waterfall model. Every development process in a V-Model includes a simultaneous testing process that helps verify and validate each step before moving on to the next.


  • Simple to use
  • Deliverables that are clearly defined
  • Better results as a result of early testing
  • Every stage has been validated.
  • Bug removal that is both smooth and efficient
  • Simple progress tracking

6.Big Bang Model

There is no standard structure or set of instructions for the Big Bang SDLC model. In this kind of cycle, the development starts with the resources and current efforts at hand. This isn’t a very well-liked SLDC because an impromptu development cycle could result in a product that doesn’t quite fit the needs of the market. Allocating available resources for the software development process, primarily in terms of coding, is the core concept behind the Big Bang Software Development Life Cycle. The big bang SDLC model is an essential component of any discussion about the best SDLC methodology.


  • Simple to put into practice
  • Little to no preparation is required.
  • Easily controlled
  • limited resources are needed
  • Adaptable for programmers

Which SDLC Model is Best and Why?

To determine the best Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) model, various factors must be considered such as project requirements, team expertise, and project characteristics. Popular models include Waterfall, Agile, and Spiral and more.

  • The Waterfall model is linear and sequential, making it suitable for well-defined projects with stable requirements. However, it lacks flexibility for changes during development.
  • Agile is known for its iterative and adaptive approach, promoting collaboration and responsiveness to changing requirements. It suits dynamic projects where continuous feedback is crucial.
  • The Spiral model combines aspects of both Waterfall and iterative development, allowing for risk management and flexibility. It’s beneficial for large, complex projects.
  • Ultimately, the choice depends on project specifics. Agile is favored for its adaptability, but if requirements are stable, Waterfall or Spiral may be more appropriate. Assessing project needs and team capabilities will guide the selection process.
  • Agile differs from all other SDLCs in that it is incredibly flexible. Change implementations are challenging in other SDLCs since they are predictive and rely on careful planning, requirements, and analysis.
  • The development of modern software must enable quick changes. Unlike other predictive methodologies, the Adaptive Agile model does not necessitate meticulous planning. Changes can be made during the same sprint if necessary.’


The selection of the best SDLC model is a strategic decision that requires a thorough understanding of the project’s requirements, constraints, and goals. While each model has its strengths and weaknesses, the key is to align the chosen model with the specific characteristics of the project. Flexibility, adaptability, and effective communication are essential in navigating the complexities of software development and ensuring the successful delivery of high-quality software products. Ultimately, the best SDLC model is the one that best fits the unique needs and context of the project at hand.

FAQs on the SDLC Model

Q1: What is the primary purpose of SDLC?

A: SDLC serves to provide a structured framework for software development guiding the entire process from conception to deployment.

Q2: How does Agile differ from the Waterfall model?

A: Agile is iterative and flexible allowing for continuous adaptation to changing requirements while Waterfall follows a linear and sequential approach.

Q3: When is the Spiral model most beneficial?

A: The Spiral model is advantageous for large, complex projects where risk management and flexibility are required.

Q4: Are there hybrid approaches combining different SDLC models?

A: Yes, some projects may benefit from hybrid models that incorporate elements from multiple SDLC approaches to suit specific project requirements.

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