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When to Choose Enzyme Over React Testing Library?

Last Updated : 06 May, 2024
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When it comes to testing React components, developers often face the dilemma of choosing between Enzyme and
React Testing Library (RTL). Both libraries serve the purpose of testing React components, but they have different philosophies and approaches. In this article, we’ll explore the scenarios in which you might choose one over the other, considering various factors such as testing philosophy, API simplicity, and community support.


Enzyme is a JavaScript testing utility for React developed by Airbnb. It provides a set of APIs for testing React components’ output, state, and behaviour. Enzyme focuses on giving developers full control over the component’s lifecycle, allowing them to inspect and manipulate component internals directly.

React Testing Library (RTL)

React Testing Library is a lightweight testing utility for React developed by Kent C. Dodds. It promotes testing React components from a user’s perspective, encouraging developers to write tests that simulate real user interactions and verify the rendered output. RTL emphasizes accessibility and encourages writing tests that closely resemble how users interact with the application.

Scenarios for Choosing Enzyme

Need for Component Internals Testing

Enzyme is a suitable choice when you need to test component internals extensively, such as testing component state, lifecycle methods, and component structure. Its shallow rendering and mount rendering APIs allow developers to inspect and manipulate component internals at a granular level.

Existing Test Suites with Enzyme

If your project already has a significant number of test cases written with Enzyme, it may be more practical to stick with Enzyme for consistency and maintainability reasons. Migrating existing tests to a different testing library can be time-consuming and may introduce compatibility issues.

Preference for API Flexibility

Developers who prefer a high degree of API flexibility and control over the testing process may find Enzyme more suitable. Enzyme’s APIs provide various utilities for asserting component behavior and state, giving developers the flexibility to choose the testing approach that best fits their needs.

Scenarios for Choosing React Testing Library

Emphasis on User Interaction Testing

React Testing Library is an excellent choice for projects that prioritize testing components from a user’s perspective. Its focus on testing user interactions and ensuring component accessibility makes it well-suited for writing tests that closely resemble real-world usage scenarios.

Simplicity and Ease of Use

RTL’s simple and intuitive API makes it easy for developers to write and maintain tests without the need for extensive setup or configuration. Its query methods, such as getBy and findBy, provide a straightforward way to select elements based on their role or accessibility attributes.

Integration with React Ecosystem

Since RTL is an official testing utility endorsed by the React team, it seamlessly integrates with other tools and libraries in the React ecosystem, such as Jest and React Native. Developers working on React projects can leverage the full power of RTL without worrying about compatibility issues or dependencies.

When to Choose Enzyme?

  • Legacy Codebases: Enzyme is ideal for maintaining older React versions and existing test suites, thanks to its compatibility and extensive community support.
  • Complex Component Hierarchies: Enzyme’s shallow and deep rendering capabilities excel in testing intricate component structures, allowing focused or comprehensive testing as needed.
  • Fine-grained Control: With Enzyme, developers have precise control over component rendering, props, events, and state, enabling thorough testing of various scenarios and interactions.
  • Testing Lifecycle Methods: Enzyme’s specialized methods facilitate testing of React component lifecycle events, ensuring proper initialization, updates, and cleanup.
  • Snapshot Testing Integration: Enzyme seamlessly integrates with snapshot testing libraries like Jest, providing visual representation of component renders for detecting unintended changes and maintaining UI consistency.

Difference Between Enzyme and React Testing Library



React Testing Library

Testing Approach

Focuses on component internals and lifecycle

Emphasizes testing component behavior from a user’s perspective

Rendering Approach

Can perform shallow and deep rendering

Promotes querying the rendered DOM like a user


Compatible with older React versions

Tailored for modern React applications

Community Support

Established presence with extensive resources

Rapidly growing community with modern practices

Testing Legacy Codebases

Suitable for maintaining and extending legacy tests

Not as focused on legacy code but adaptable

Fine-grained Control

Provides extensive control over rendering and behavior

Advocates for testing user interactions and behaviors

Component Lifecycle Testing

Facilitates testing of lifecycle methods

Less focused on detailed lifecycle testing

Snapshot Testing

Integrates well with snapshot testing libraries

Can also be used with snapshot testing, but not a primary focus


In summary, both Enzyme and React Testing Library have their strengths. Enzyme is like a microscope for examining your components closely, while React Testing Library focuses on testing them from a user’s perspective. Understanding when to use each tool can help you write better tests and ensure the reliability of your React applications. Choose Enzyme when you need fine-grained control, extensive support for legacy codebases, or specialized testing of component lifecycle methods.

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