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What is the Past Tense of “bear”?

Last Updated : 20 Mar, 2024
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The past tense of “bear” is “bore”

The verb “bear” changes form to “bore” when talking about past actions, such as in “Yesterday, she bore the weight of the heavy box,” showing that the action happened previously. It’s important to not confuse “bore” with “born,” which is used for birth events, like in “He was born in a small town.” While “bore” is the past tense of “bear,” “born” is used as the past participle in contexts related to being born. Knowing the difference between these forms is key to correct grammar and clear communication about past events. Understanding these irregular verb forms helps ensure precise and effective expression in both writing and speech.

Learn More About This Topic Example
Past tense of bear witness “She bore witness to the event yesterday.”
Past tense of bear fruit “The efforts finally bore fruit last summer.”
Past tense of bear verb “He bore the responsibility gracefully.”
Past tense of bear a child “Long ago, she bore a child in that old house.”
Past tense of bear the burden “They bore the burden without complaint.”
Past tense of bear down “The team bore down to finish the project on time.”
Past tense of bear weight “The bridge bore the weight of the heavy trucks.”
Past tense of bear interest “The savings account bore interest over the years.”
Past tense of bear with me “Please bear with me while I explain the details.”
Past tense of bear arms “Historically, citizens bore arms to protect their land.”

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