Learn English Grammar Online - A Complete English Grammar Guide

English Grammar is a critical aspect of language learning. It provides the foundation for effective communication, writing, and reading. Whether you’re just starting out on your journey to learning the English language, or you’ve been studying for some time and find yourself struggling with English grammar, with a little bit of perseverance, anyone can learn to speak and write English with confidence and accuracy.








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Basic Rules of Grammar

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Subject- Verb Agreement

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Determiners & Quantifiers

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Word Forms

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Active Voice and Passive Voice

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What is English Grammar?

English grammar is the set of rules and principles that govern the use of the English language in speaking and writing. From mastering verb tenses and sentence structures to understanding how to use different words and phrases to convey different meanings, learning English grammar can open up a world of possibilities for you as a second language learner. It includes the structure of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences, as well as their formation and use in communication.

Importance of English Grammar:

English grammar plays a crucial role in the effective communication and comprehension of the language. By mastering grammar, one can improve writing, speaking, and reading skills, which are important for success in the academic as well as professional world. Below is the list of the importance of learning English grammar:

  1. Improves communication skills: Having a strong understanding of English grammar allows for more effective and clear communication.
  2. Boosts writing abilities: Good grammar skills help in writing clear, concise, and error-free content.
  3. Enhances job opportunities: Proficiency in English grammar is often a requirement for many professional careers.
  4. Improves reading comprehension: Understanding grammar helps in reading and understanding written material more effectively.
  5. Increases confidence: Good grammar skills enhance one’s confidence while speaking and writing in English.
  6. Facilitates learning other languages: English grammar serves as a foundation for learning other languages.
  7. Essential for academic success: Grammar is a fundamental aspect of the English language and critical for academic success.

Basic Rules of Grammar

Grammar rules is the set of guidelines given in order to properly use words so that meaningful sentences can be prepared. Various rules are designed so that better usage of English language can be done of effective conversation.

All the rules are mentioned below:

  1. Sentence structure: A sentence must have a subject and a predicate.
  2. Parts of speech: Words are categorized into nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections.
  3. Agreement: Subject and verb must agree in number.
  4. Tense consistency: Verbs must be used consistently in the same tense.
  5. Pronoun agreement: Pronouns must agree with the antecedent in gender and number.
  6. Modifiers: Adjectives and adverbs must be placed correctly in sentences.
  7. Parallelism: Ideas in a list or comparison must be expressed in parallel form.
  8. Capitalization: The first word of a sentence and proper nouns must be capitalized.
  9. Punctuation: Proper use of punctuation is crucial for clear and concise writing.
  10. Spelling: Correct spelling is important for clarity and credibility.
  11. Word choice: Precise word choice is essential for effective communication.
  12. Tone: The tone of a piece of writing should match the purpose and audience.


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The roadmap was really awesome. The lessons were engaging and well-structured, catering to various skill levels.

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This roadmap is so well organized, and the content is well described that anyone can understand in one go.

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This tutorial helps me a lot, The practice questions truly enhanced my skills.


What is English Grammar?

English Grammar is a structured system of rules that dictate how words should be combined to form sentences that are grammatically correct and convey a clear meaning. It includes the usage of parts of speech, punctuation, sentence structure, and verb tenses to ensure that the written or spoken language is organized and easily understood.

What are elements of English grammar?

The 9 elements of grammar can be written as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, determiners, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections.

What are basic English grammar skills?

Here are some basic English grammar skills: Word Order, Sentence structure, Verb tenses, Punctuation, Capitalization, Active and passive voice, Modifiers, Prepositions and conjunctions, Spelling

What is the basic grammar topic in English?

Parts of Speech is one of the basic grammar topic in English Language. There are 8 types of it which helps in making up sentences.