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What is Record-at-a-Time in DBMS?

Last Updated : 10 Apr, 2024
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A database management system (DBMS) is a software system that is used to manage databases. In a database management system, there are various approaches to accessing the data from the databases. Record-at-a-time is one of the approaches in database management systems. Record-at-a-time is a processing method in DBMS in which each row or record can be processed individually and sequentially.

In this method DBMS process one record at a time and it process until all the records have been processed. In this article we will learn the concept of Record-at-a-time, its significance, its advantage, and frequently asked questions.

Record-at-a-Time Processing

Record-at-a-time is a method in DBMS that processes one record or on row from a file or table at a time. This means Record-at-a-time processes only one record from the table at a time and it performs all the operations or computation on that record. After computing that record it moves to the next record in the table and it will continue until all the records are processed. This method is very beneficial when there is a large dataset which not fit in memory.

The concept of Record-at-a-time in DBMS is not a feature of DBMS but it is a way of data processing in a relational database.

Key Terminologies Related to Record-at-a-Time

  • Record: Records in DBMS is a horizontal entry in a table that refers a single instance of data. It also consists of multiple columns and fields. Rows in the table refer to a record in the table.
  • Table: A table that is a collection of records of an entity that is organized in the form of rows and columns where each column represents a specific attribute.
  • Cursor: A the Cursor is a control structure in a DBMS that allows the DBMS to transverse in table to find the records. It tracks the current position in the table during record-at-a-time processing.

Visual Representation

Here the visual representation of table how the Record-at-a-time processing method work.
















In the above table Record-at-a-time process the table in following order

  • Read the first record (Ram,25, Patna)
  • Perform the operations or computations on record.
  • Move to the next record (Mohan,21, Chapra).
  • Repeat the steps 2-4 until all records are processed.

Steps in Record-at-a-time Processing

  • Open the cursor on the table which has to be processed.
  • Fetch the first row or record from table to process.
  • Perform all operations or computation on fetched record.
  • After processing the record move the cursor to the next record in table.
  • Repeat steps 2-4 until all records are processed.
  • Close the cursor when all the records are processed.

Significance and Use Cases

Record-at-a-time is processing method in DBMS which is very popular and widely used in DBMS for various operations and computation such as data manipulation, data transformation and reporting. This method is very useful when dealing with very large dataset that cannot be load once in memory. This processing method not requiring excessive memory resources.

This processing method is commonly used when data needs to be processed sequentially such as generating reports, performing data validations, or applying conditions on specific records.

Advantage of Record-at-a-time

  • Memory Efficiency: This approach is very memory friendly. It only loads one record at a time so that reduce the memory usages especially for large dataset.
  • Ideal for Specific operation: Record-at-a-time is very beneficial if user want to perform specific operation on specific record.
  • Quick Access with Indexes: When the record combines with indexes then record-at-a-time is very fast for retrieving specific records using the key value.


Record-at-a-time processing method is a very popular and widely used method in DBMS which provides a way to effectively process and manipulate the data stored in a table. This concept help the developers and database administrator so that they can easily design and implement applications that effectively handles the large dataset, optimize the performance and use the power of DBMS in effective way.

Frequently Asked Questions on Record-at-a-Time – FAQs

How does record-at-a-time is differed from set-at-a-time processing?

Record-at-a-time processing method process only one record at a time where as set-at-a-time method process set of records at a time to perform operation like SELECT, UPDATE or DELETE statement.

When is record-at-a-time processing is preferred over set-at-a-time processing?

Record-at-a-time is preferred when need to perform operation or implementing business logic on record individually. It commonly used when the data transformation tasks, data validation, or scenarios are varying for each record.

What are the performance implications of record-at-a-time processing?

Record-at-a-time can overhead be due to the need to fetch and process each record individually. This overhead decreases the performance of record-at-a-time compared to set-at-a-time processing. Proper indexing and optimization can help in reducing the performance issue.

How can record-at-a-time processing be implemented in SQL queries?

Record-at-a-time can be implemented in SQL queries using cursors or iterating over query result in application code. Cursors allow sequentially transversal of results which enables the record-at-a-time processing.

Any limitations of record-at-a-time processing?

One of the major drawbacks is its performance. Record-at-a-time is slower than set-at-a-time processing for certain operations especially when processing the large dataset. Record-at-a-time processing may not be well-suited for operations that can be optimized using bulk processing techniques.

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