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What Does “Supposed To” Mean?

Last Updated : 16 Feb, 2024
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Answer: “Supposed to” means something expected, intended, or required to happen based on rules, norms, or plans.

The phrase “supposed to” is multifaceted, carrying a range of implications and uses within the English language, often depending on the context in which it is employed. Its meanings can be broadly categorized into expectations, obligations, or normative actions. Here’s a breakdown of its various uses:

  1. Expectation or Intention: When “supposed to” is used to convey expectations, it often refers to what is generally believed or intended to happen. For example, “The train is supposed to arrive at 5 PM” suggests that, under normal circumstances, the expectation is for the train to arrive at that time.
  2. Obligation or Duty: In contexts of obligation, “supposed to” denotes what is required according to rules, laws, or social norms. For instance, “You are supposed to wear a helmet when riding a bike” implies a rule or a strong recommendation for safety.
  3. Customary Actions or Norms: This usage reflects actions or behaviors that are typically done or are customary in certain situations. “You’re supposed to shake hands when you meet someone for the first time” illustrates a social norm or customary greeting in many cultures.
  4. Planned Actions: It also indicates plans or intentions that may not have been realized. Saying “I was supposed to go to the concert, but I got sick” conveys that the speaker had planned to attend the concert but couldn’t due to unforeseen circumstances.
  5. Speculation or Hypothesis: In speculative contexts, it hints at what is believed to be true without definitive proof. “He is supposed to be the best player on the team” suggests a belief or hearsay regarding someone’s ability without necessarily confirming it as fact.

Understanding “supposed to” requires not just a grasp of the words themselves but also an awareness of the situational cues and cultural norms that give these words their specific meaning in any given instance.

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