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Integrating Jenkins With Popular GitHub

Last Updated : 07 May, 2024
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When you push the code into GitHub, you have to manually trigger builds and assessments every time. It’s like building a sandcastle one grain at a time. This can be time-consuming and inefficient. Fortunately, Jenkins and GitHub are a dynamic pair that can take you to a world of computerized continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD).

Imagine seamlessly triggering builds, jogging checks, and deploying your code each time you commit, like magic! But this isn’t always just smoke and mirrors; it’s the strength of Jenkins and GitHub integration, working tirelessly behind the curtain. By following this steps you will get the clear idea about integrate the jenkins with the GitHub.

Popular version control systems

  • GitHub: It is a popular web-based platform for hosting and collaborating on Git repositories.
  • Bitbucket: Bitbucket is a Git-based code hosting platform that keeps your projects safe, organized, and collaborative.

Components Integrate Jenkins With GitHub

  • GitHub Account: Before starting this tutorial, you must have a GitHub account. Read this article to set up your GitHub account.
  • Jenkins Installation: Before starting this tutorial, you must set up the Jenkins server on your machine.

Can you use GitHub + Jenkins?

GitHub and Jenkins are commonly used together in software development workflows for continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) processes.

What is Jenkins?

Jenkins is an open-source, self-contained automation server that can automate a wide range of software development, testing, and delivery or deployment operations. For a more detailed view of Jenkins, refer to this link.

What is GitHub?

GitHub is a web-based platform that hosts software development projects and uses Git for version management. Git is a distributed version control system that helps developers work together on the same software projects and keep track of changes made to their code by one another. GitHub offers a user-friendly interface, very collaborative tools, and more project management tools, which will enhance the potential of Git. By referring to this link you can learn about the git.

Why do GitHub-Jenkins Integration?

Jenkins and GitHub integration automates testing, guarantees code quality, and finds errors early. Jenkins runs tests automatically with every update, continuously scanning GitHub for changes. Without the need for manual involvement, successful improvements can be quickly distributed to a variety of situations. By giving team members real-time visibility into build and deployment statuses, this integration improves teamwork. All in all, it expedites the software development process and produces high-caliber software quickly. It is necessary to get the code into the jenkins server for the build process.

Implementing Effective Branching Strategies with Jenkins

  • Gitflow: This widely used approach offers a based methodology with specific branches for releases, feature development, and enhancement. Jenkins may be set up to perform builds and tests on each branch, guaranteeing excellent management all along the way.
  • Git Branching Model: This bendy approach allows for greater customization, the use of branches for unique capabilities, bug fixes, and hotfixes. Jenkins pipelines may be tailored to every branch type, automating duties like constructing, testing, and deployment based totally on precise needs.
  • Trunk-Based Development: This method involves thoroughly testing the code before committing it to the principle department. Jenkins is a key component in the continuous integration and shipping (CI/CD) pipeline automation process, making sure that all modifications are automatically incorporated and reviewed.

Automated Build Triggering and Workflow with Jenkins

Jenkins is a powerful automation server cherished for its flexibility and customization alternatives. When it involves computerized construct triggering, Jenkins gives a whole lot of mechanisms to fit your particular desires. Let’s discover a few famous alternatives:

Common Triggers:

  • Git SCM polling: Monitor your Git repository for adjustments and cause builds mechanically upon commits or pushes. Configure filters to best build on unique branches or commits.
  • GitHub Hook Trigger: Integrate with GitHub webhooks to immediately receive notifications of events like pushes, pull requests, and merges. This option presents finer-grained manipulate and quicker build initiation.
  • Schedule Trigger: Set up periodic builds at unique times or durations, ideal for recurring testing or nightly builds.
  • Build With Parameters: Trigger builds with person-defined parameters, allowing customization based on specific wishes.
  • Upstream Job Completion: Trigger a build after some other effectively completes, allowing chaining multiple jobs in a pipeline.

Advanced Triggers:

  • Parameterized Trigger Plugin: Create superior triggers primarily based on complicated conditions or dynamic parameters, supplying even greater flexibility.
  • Webhook Trigger Plugin: Trigger builds from outside webhooks dispatched via other gear or services.
  • Generic Webhook Trigger Plugin: Receive and parse webhooks in various formats for even wider integration possibilities.

Workflow : (Optional)

We need to create a separate CI/CD pipeline to define your workflow. Jenkins supports if pipelines are defined as code using Jenkins files. Create a new pipeline task and select “Pipeline script” in the task list.

Write the Jenkinsfile in the repository, and explain the steps to create its deployment process. The Jenkinsfile can be written in Groovy syntax and can include checkout, build, test, deploy and other steps. Depending on your preferences and needs, use declarative or scripted syntax for Jenkins pipeline.

By following the below steps outlined for a Jenkins job, GitHub can be seamlessly integrated with Jenkins CI/CD pipeline

pipeline {
agent any

stages {
stage('Checkout') {
steps {
// Checkout code from version control
checkout scm
stage('Build') {
steps {
// Build your project
sh 'mvn clean install'
stage('Test') {
steps {
// Run tests
sh 'mvn test'
stage('Deploy') {
steps {
// Deploy the application
sh './'

How to Set Up the Jenkins + GitHub Integration

By following the below steps you can integrate the jenkins with the GitHub by using the GitHub credentials. After that we can automate the integration and deployment steps.

Configuring Jenkins

You can install jenkins by following this link. Then you can follow the step to integrate the jenkins with the GitHub.

Step 1: Login

After installation you can login into the Jenkins by entering the credentials. Login into the Jenkins server.


Step 2: Create a Jenkins Job

To begin, navigate to Jenkins and locate the “Create a job” button. Click on it to create a new job.

Create a Jenkins Job

Step 3: Configuration

Enter name for your job and select Freestyle project, Click Ok. Then it will proceed to next step.

freestyle project

Step 4: Job Details

After selecting the freestyle job. Add Description and Select GitHub Project and GitHub repository URL.


Step 5: Create a GitHub Repository

To create the sample GitHub repository to integrate the Jenkins with Git. Create the repository by referring this link.

Configuring Repository In GitHub

Step 6: GitHub Repository URL

Scroll down to “Source Code Management Section”. Select “Git” and add Repository URL.


Authenticating with GitHub

  • Public Repository: Public repositories are like open parks – anyone can stroll through. So, for these, you can leave the credentials section as “None” in Jenkins.
  • Private Repository: It require secure access, so you’ll need to add credentials in Jenkins. Think of it as giving your trusty robot butler (Jenkins) the key to your code vault (GitHub). In case of private repository click on “Add” credentials.

Connect a GitHub Repository

By providing the GitHub credentials on credentials section you will authenticate the respective repository. For your reference refer the below image.

Connect a GitHub Repository

Build Integration Between GitHub and Jenkins

Step 7: Integrate with the GitHub Repository

Add GitHub repository branch. Select “githubweb” for Repository browser and Add URL.


Step 9: Save the configuration

Click on Save and apply the the details which you have configured on the job will save and apply to the Jenkins job.


Triggering the Jenkins Job with the GitHub SCM

Step 9: Build Now

Click on “Build now”. It starts a fresh build for the chosen Git repository. It’s like giving your build process a jumpstart.
Build-nowOnce build is successfully completed. Click on “#1” in Build History section -> Console Output.


Trigger Build with GitHub Commit

By configuring the webhook the build will start dynamically on the Jenkins when the commits is happen into the respective repository. By configuring the webhooks on Jenkins refer the link.


Integrating Jenkins with popular version control system like GitHub concludes. You now possess the knowledge to streamline your development workflow, triggering builds and testing changes automatically.

Integrating Jenkins With GitHub – FAQs

Do I need credentials for public GitHub repositories in Jenkins?

No, you can leave the credentials section as “None” for public repositories. However, consider using a deploy key or personal access token with limited scopes for enhanced security.

What are the different ways to trigger a build in Jenkins after a GitHub push?

You can use various triggers like polling the repository for changes, webhooks, or pipeline SCM polling. Webhooks are most popular for real-time builds upon push.

How do I deploy code from Jenkins to GitHub?

Jenkins typically doesn’t deploy code to GitHub directly. Instead, Jenkins can deploy code to servers or other platforms after successful builds, while GitHub is mainly used for version control and collaboration.

Migration from jenkins to GitHub actions?

Migrate from Jenkins to GitHub Actions by transferring build and deployment workflows. Update CI/CD configurations in GitHub Actions YAML files to align with existing Jenkins pipelines.

How do I troubleshoot build failures caused by the Jenkins-GitHub integration?

Check build logs for error messages, verify credential configuration, and ensure Jenkins has network access to your GitHub server. Utilize advanced features like pipeline stages and environment variables for better error isolation and debugging.

Can we integrate jenkins with Jira?

Yes, Jenkins can be integrated with Jira using plugins like “Jira Pipeline Steps” or “Jira Test Management.” These plugins enable seamless automation and tracking of development and testing tasks within Jenkins pipelines.

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