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Generalization in OOAD

Last Updated : 03 Apr, 2024
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The concept of Generalization in OOAD is a powerful mechanism that enables abstraction, reusability, and the creation of flexible and maintainable software architectures. Generalization is the process of extracting common characteristics from a set of classes and abstracting them into a more general superclass or interface.


What is Generalization?

Generalization is the process of extracting common characteristics from a set of classes and abstracting them into a more general superclass or interface. It embodies the “is-a” relationship, where a subclass is said to be a specialized version of its superclass, inheriting its attributes and behaviors while potentially adding or modifying its own.

Importance of Generalization in OOAD

  • Code Reusability: Generalization enables the reuse of code by allowing common attributes and behaviors to be inherited by multiple classes.
  • Abstraction: Generalization promotes abstraction by identifying commonalities among classes and abstracting them into a higher-level superclass.
  • Ease of Maintenance: By defining common characteristics in a superclass, changes made to those characteristics propagate to all subclasses, reducing the need for redundant modifications.
  • Polymorphism: Generalization facilitates polymorphism, allowing objects of different subclasses to be treated interchangeably through their common superclass interface.
  • Hierarchical Organization: Generalization provides a structured way to organize classes into hierarchies, making the system easier to understand and maintain.

Generalization vs. Specialization

Below are the differences between Generalization and Specialization:





It identifies commonalities among classes and abstracts them into a higher-level superclass.

It creates new classes based on an existing superclass, adding additional attributes or behaviors.


It represents an “is-a” relationship, where subclasses are types of the superclass.

It represents an “is-a-kind-of” relationship, where subclasses are more specialized versions of the superclass.


It moves from specific classes to a more general superclass.

It moves from a general superclass to more specific subclasses.

Code Reusability

Promotes code reusability by allowing common attributes and behaviors to be inherited by multiple classes.

Enhances code reusability by inheriting attributes and behaviors from a superclass while adding new features.


Provides flexibility in defining common characteristics shared by multiple classes.

Provides flexibility in extending the functionality of existing classes.

UML Notation for Generalization with example

In Unified Modeling Language (UML), generalization is represented by an arrow pointing from the subclass (child) to the superclass (parent) or generalized class. Here’s an example:

In the example of bank accounts, we can use generalization to represent different types of accounts such as current accounts, savings accounts, and credit accounts.


The Bank Account class serves as the generalized representation of all types of bank accounts, while the subclasses (Current Account, Savings Account, Credit Account) represent specialized versions that inherit and extend the functionality of the base class.

Types of Inheritance

Inheritance in object-oriented programming can be categorized into different types based on how properties and behaviors are inherited:

  • Single Inheritance: A subclass inherits from only one superclass.
  • Multiple Inheritance: A subclass inherits from multiple superclasses. (Not supported in many programming languages, including Java, due to complexities and potential ambiguities.)
  • Multilevel Inheritance: A subclass inherits from another subclass, creating a hierarchical chain of inheritance.
  • Hierarchical Inheritance: Multiple subclasses inherit from the same superclass, forming a hierarchical structure.
  • Hybrid Inheritance: A combination of multiple and multilevel inheritance.

Real-world Example of Generalization

In the real world, we have various types of vehicles such as cars, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles, and buses. Each of these types of vehicles shares certain common attributes and behaviors, while also having unique characteristics that distinguish them from one another.

Using generalization, we can model this hierarchy of vehicles in an object-oriented system.


1. Base Class – Vehicle

We can define a base class called Vehicle, which represents the common attributes and behaviors shared by all types of vehicles. Attributes of a vehicle may include properties such as make, model, year, color, and speed. Behaviors may include methods such as accelerate, brake, turn, and honk.

// Base class - Vehicle
class Vehicle {
    String make;
    String model;
    int year;
    String color;
    double speed;

    void accelerate(double amount) {
        speed += amount;

    void brake(double amount) {
        speed -= amount;

    void turn(String direction) {
        // Implementation of turning behavior

    void honk() {
        // Implementation of honking behavior

2. Derived Classes

Now, we can derive specific types of vehicles from the Vehicle class, such as Car, Truck, Motorcycle, Bicycle, and Bus. Each derived class inherits the attributes and behaviors of the Vehicle class while also potentially adding its own unique properties and methods.

// Derived class - Car
class Car extends Vehicle {
    int numDoors;

    void openDoor(int doorNumber) {
        // Implementation of opening a door

// Derived class - Truck
class Truck extends Vehicle {
    double payloadCapacity;

    void loadCargo(double amount) {
        // Implementation of loading cargo

// Similarly, define other derived classes such as Motorcycle, Bicycle, and Bus

Role of Generalization in Design Patterns

Generalization is key in design patterns, allowing for versatile and reusable solutions to frequently encountered design challenges. Patterns like the following capitalize on generalization:

  • Factory Method Pattern: Defines an interface for creating objects, with subclasses responsible for instantiating specific types of objects.
  • Template Method Pattern: Defines the skeleton of an algorithm in a superclass, allowing subclasses to override specific steps while retaining the overall structure.
  • Strategy Pattern: Defines a family of algorithms, encapsulates each one, and makes them interchangeable. Subclasses represent different strategies that can be selected at runtime.
  • Composite Pattern: Treats individual objects and compositions of objects uniformly, enabling the creation of tree-like structures where leaf nodes and composite nodes share a common interface.

Benefits of Generalization in OOAD

  • Code Reusability: Generalization promotes code reusability by allowing common attributes and behaviors to be inherited by multiple classes.
  • Abstraction: It facilitates abstraction by identifying commonalities among classes and abstracting them into higher-level entities.
  • Ease of Maintenance: By defining common characteristics in a superclass, changes made to those characteristics propagate to all subclasses, reducing redundancy and simplifying maintenance.
  • Flexibility: Generalization provides flexibility in defining and extending class hierarchies, allowing for scalable and adaptable designs.
  • Polymorphism: It enables polymorphism, allowing objects of different subclasses to be treated interchangeably through their common superclass interface.

Challenges of Generalization in OOAD

  • Overgeneralization: Overuse of generalization can lead to overly complex class hierarchies, making the system difficult to understand and maintain.
  • Inheritance Anomalies: Inheritance can introduce dependencies and coupling between classes, making the system less flexible and more difficult to refactor.
  • Diamond Problem: In languages that support multiple inheritance, the diamond problem can occur when a class inherits from two or more classes that have a common ancestor, resulting in ambiguity.
  • Subclass Coupling: Subclasses tightly coupled to their superclass may be difficult to reuse independently, limiting the flexibility of the design.
  • Understanding and Communication: Complex class hierarchies may be challenging for developers to understand, leading to communication and comprehension issues within development teams.

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