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Find Number of Same-End Substrings

Last Updated : 28 Apr, 2024
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Given a 0-indexed string s, and a 2D array of integers queries, where queries[i] = [li, ri] represents a substring of s starting from the index li and ending at the index ri (both inclusive), i.e. s[li..ri]. A 0-indexed string t of length n is called same-end if it has the same character at both of its ends, i.e., t[0] == t[n – 1]. The task is to return an array ans where ans[i] is the number of same-end substrings of queries[i].


Input: s = “abcaab”, queries = {{0,0},{1,4},{2,5},{0,5}}
Output: {1,5,5,10}
Explanation: Here is the same-end substrings of each query:

  • 1st query: s[0..0] is “a” which has 1 same-end substring: “a“.
  • 2nd query: s[1..4] is “bcaa” which has 5 same-end substrings: “bcaa”, “bcaa”, “bcaa”, “bcaa“, “bcaa“.
  • 3rd query: s[2..5] is “caab” which has 5 same-end substrings: “caab”, “caab”, “caab”, “caab“, “caab”.
  • 4th query: s[0..5] is “abcaab” which has 10 same-end substrings: “abcaab”, “abcaab”, “abcaab”, “abcaab”, “abcaab”, “abcaab“, “abcaab”, “abcaab”, “abcaab”, “abcaab“.

Input: s = “abcd”, queries = {{0,3}}
Output: {4}
Explanation: The only query is s[0..3] which is “abcd”. It has 4 same-end substrings: “abcd”, “abcd”, “abcd”, “abcd”.


Store for each character c from a … z for upto each index i. Then we count for each query from L to R the frequency of each character in the range and we count the number of possible substrings with that character c.

Consider this :

String s = abaabcbcbca

For a Query [ 1 , 4 ] here we have a[baabcb]cbca we have

For b we can pair each the number of characters in front of it

So if b is present 3 times we can create 3 + 2 + 1 = 6 substrings with b as start and end.

Generalizing we can get if for a query we have k times the character c then K + K-1 + K-2 + K-3 + … + 1 substrings are possible so the answer is K*(K+1)/2

Steps-by-step approach:

  • Create result vector ans, get number of queries Q, and length of string N.
  • Create and populate frequency vector freq to store character frequencies.
  • Process each query: calculate count of substrings with same end character.
  • Calculate total substrings for each character within query indices.
  • Store counts of substrings for each query in ans.
  • Return ans containing counts of substrings for each query.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Function to count the number of substrings with the same
// end character
sameEndSubstringCount(string s,
                      vector<vector<int> >& queries)

    // Initialize the result vector
    vector<int> ans;

    // Get the number of queries and the length of the
    // string
    int Q = queries.size();
    int N = s.size();

    // Create a 2D vector to store the frequency of each
    // character in the string
    vector<vector<int> > freq(N + 1, vector<int>(26, 0));

    // Populate the frequency vector
    for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
        // Copy the frequency of the previous index
        freq[i] = freq[i - 1];

        // Increment the frequency of the current character
        freq[i][s[i - 1] - 'a'] += 1;

    // Iterate over each query
    for (int i = 0; i < Q; i++) {
        // Get the left and right indices of the query
        int L = queries[i][0] + 1, R = queries[i][1] + 1;

        // Initialize the total number of substrings
        int total_substrings = 0;

        // Iterate over each character
        for (int c = 0; c < 26; c++) {
            // Get the count of the character in the
            // substring
            int cnt = freq[R][c] - freq[L - 1][c];

            // Add the number of substrings that can be
            // formed with this character
            total_substrings += (cnt * (cnt + 1)) / 2;

        // Add the total number of substrings to the result
        // vector

    // Return the result vector
    return ans;

// Driver code
int main()
    // Create a string
    string s = "abcaab";

    // Create a vector of queries
    vector<vector<int> > queries
        = { { 0, 0 }, { 1, 4 }, { 2, 5 }, { 0, 5 } };

    // Get the result vector
    vector<int> result = sameEndSubstringCount(s, queries);

    // Print the result vector
    for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
        cout << result[i] << " ";
    cout << endl;

    return 0;
import java.util.*;

public class SameEndSubstringCount {
    // Function to count the number of substrings with the
    // same end character
    static List<Integer>
    sameEndSubstringCount(String s,
                          List<List<Integer> > queries)
        // Initialize the result list
        List<Integer> ans = new ArrayList<>();

        // Get the number of queries and the length of the
        // string
        int Q = queries.size();
        int N = s.length();

        // Create a 2D array to store the frequency of each
        // character in the string
        int[][] freq = new int[N + 1][26];

        // Populate the frequency array
        for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
            // Copy the frequency of the previous index
            System.arraycopy(freq[i - 1], 0, freq[i], 0,

            // Increment the frequency of the current
            // character
            freq[i][s.charAt(i - 1) - 'a'] += 1;

        // Iterate over each query
        for (List<Integer> query : queries) {
            // Get the left and right indices of the query
            int L = query.get(0) + 1, R = query.get(1) + 1;

            // Initialize the total number of substrings
            int totalSubstrings = 0;

            // Iterate over each character
            for (int c = 0; c < 26; c++) {
                // Get the count of the character in the
                // substring
                int cnt = freq[R][c] - freq[L - 1][c];

                // Add the number of substrings that can be
                // formed with this character
                totalSubstrings += (cnt * (cnt + 1)) / 2;

            // Add the total number of substrings to the
            // result list

        // Return the result list
        return ans;

    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Create a string
        String s = "abcaab";

        // Create a list of queries
        List<List<Integer> > queries = new ArrayList<>();
        queries.add(Arrays.asList(0, 0));
        queries.add(Arrays.asList(1, 4));
        queries.add(Arrays.asList(2, 5));
        queries.add(Arrays.asList(0, 5));

        // Get the result list
        List<Integer> result
            = sameEndSubstringCount(s, queries);

        // Print the result list
        for (int i : result) {
            System.out.print(i + " ");

// This code is contributed by shivamgupta0987654321
def same_end_substring_count(s, queries):
    # Initialize the result list
    ans = []

    # Get the length of the string
    N = len(s)

    # Create a 2D array to store the frequency of each character in the string
    freq = [[0] * 26 for _ in range(N + 1)]

    # Populate the frequency array
    for i in range(1, N + 1):
        # Copy the frequency of the previous index
        freq[i] = freq[i - 1][:]

        # Increment the frequency of the current character
        freq[i][ord(s[i - 1]) - ord('a')] += 1

    # Iterate over each query
    for query in queries:
        # Get the left and right indices of the query
        L, R = query[0] + 1, query[1] + 1

        # Initialize the total number of substrings
        total_substrings = 0

        # Iterate over each character
        for c in range(26):
            # Get the count of the character in the substring
            cnt = freq[R][c] - freq[L - 1][c]

            # Add the number of substrings that can be formed with this character
            total_substrings += (cnt * (cnt + 1)) // 2

        # Add the total number of substrings to the result list

    # Return the result list
    return ans

# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Create a string
    s = "abcaab"

    # Create a list of queries
    queries = [
        [0, 0],
        [1, 4],
        [2, 5],
        [0, 5]

    # Get the result list
    result = same_end_substring_count(s, queries)

    # Print the result list
    print(" ".join(map(str, result)))
function sameEndSubstringCount(s, queries) {
    // Initialize the result array
    const ans = [];

    // Get the length of the string
    const N = s.length;

    // Create a 2D array to store the frequency of each character in the string
    const freq = Array.from({ length: N + 1 }, () => Array(26).fill(0));

    // Populate the frequency array
    for (let i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
        freq[i] = [...freq[i - 1]];
        freq[i][s.charCodeAt(i - 1) - 'a'.charCodeAt(0)]++;

    // Iterate over each query
    for (let i = 0; i < queries.length; i++) {
        // Get the left and right indices of the query
        const [L, R] = queries[i];

        // Initialize the total number of substrings
        let totalSubstrings = 0;

        // Iterate over each character
        for (let c = 0; c < 26; c++) {
            // Get the count of the character in the substring
            const cnt = freq[R + 1][c] - freq[L][c];

            // Add the number of substrings that can be formed with this character
            totalSubstrings += (cnt * (cnt + 1)) / 2;

        // Add the total number of substrings to the result array

    // Return the result array
    return ans;

// Driver code
function main() {
    // Create a string
    const s = "abcaab";

    // Create a 2D array of queries
    const queries = [[0, 0], [1, 4], [2, 5], [0, 5]];

    // Get the result array
    const result = sameEndSubstringCount(s, queries);

    // Print the result array
    console.log(result.join(" "));

// Invoke the main function

1 5 5 10 

Time complexity: O(max(N,Q)∗26)
Auxiliary space: O(N∗26)

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