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AWD-LSTM : Unraveling the Secrets of DropConnect in LSTM

Last Updated : 04 Jan, 2024
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AWD LSTM is a machine learning technique that helps in understanding patterns over time, like predicting what comes next in a sequence of data. Let’s explore AWD LSTM in the article.

What is AWD-LSTM?

AWD-LSTM stands for ASGD Weight-Dropped Long Short-Term Memory, represents a significant advancement in the realm of recurrent neural networks (RNNs). It is engineered to address the shortcomings of traditional RNNs and standard LSTMs, particularly in the context of sequence modeling tasks, such as language processing.

Traditional RNNs are known for their difficulties in learning long-term dependencies due to issues like vanishing gradients, where the influence of a given input on the network’s output decreases exponentially over time. Standard LSTMs were introduced to mitigate this problem through their use of gated cells, which can maintain information over longer sequences. However, they are still prone to overfitting, especially when dealing with large datasets or complex models.

The AWD-LSTM architecture introduces a novel regularization technique known as weight-dropping, which is applied to the recurrent weights of the LSTM cells. This method is inspired by dropout, a popular regularization strategy that randomly deactivates a subset of neurons during training to prevent co-adaptation and encourage individual neuron feature learning. Similarly, weight-dropping randomly zeroes out a fraction of the recurrent weight connections, effectively preventing the model from depending too heavily on any particular aspect of the data.

By implementing weight-dropping, AWD-LSTM can maintain the LSTM’s powerful feature extraction capabilities while significantly reducing the risk of overfitting. This makes the AWD-LSTM a powerful tool for tasks that require understanding complex patterns in sequential data, such as natural language processing, where it can generate more robust and generalizable models.

How does AWD-LSTM Work?

AWD-LSTM learns to make predictions step-by-step. Let’s say it’s reading a book; it takes in one word at a time and tries to guess the next. It keeps track of what it’s read in cells called “memory cells.” It has gates that control what to keep in memory and what to forget, allowing it to focus on the important stuff while letting go of the rest.

The “DropConnect” part of AWD-LSTM randomly turns off parts of its memory for a while, which might sound bad, but it actually makes the network smarter by forcing it to not just memorize the book, but really understand the plot. So, if it can still predict the next word even when it can’t remember some previous words, it means it’s really got the hang of the language.

The “AWD” part refers to the way it learns. Instead of just diving in and learning from its mistakes head-on, it takes a more thoughtful approach. It starts by following a consistent learning path and then, as it gets better, it switches to a more cautious strategy, fine-tuning its knowledge. It’s like learning to ride a bike with training wheels before going off-road. This helps AWD-LSTM to not just learn quickly but also retain what it learns and become really good at predicting what comes next in a sentence.

Components of AWD-LSTM:

AWD-LSTM, or ASGD Weight-Dropped LSTM, is a sophisticated neural network architecture designed primarily for sequential data tasks like natural language processing. It’s an enhancement over traditional LSTMs (Long Short-Term Memory networks). Here’s what sets AWD-LSTM apart:

  • DropConnect on Recurrent Weights: This technique involves randomly “dropping” (turning off) a fraction of the connections (weights) in the recurrent layers during training. It’s akin to randomly erasing parts of your notes to ensure you understand the subject, not just memorize it. This prevents overfitting, where the model learns the training data too well and fails to generalize to new data.
  • Average Stochastic Gradient Descent (ASGD): It’s a training optimization technique. As the model trains, it switches from standard Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) to ASGD. This shift allows the model to start with a robust learning approach and then refine its learning as it becomes more knowledgeable, much like fine-tuning your skills after getting the hang of a new task.
  • Layer Normalization and Embedding Regularization: These techniques help in stabilizing the learning process and improving the model’s performance by normalizing the data within each layer and regularizing the embedding layers.
  • Variable Sequence Lengths and Variable Hidden States: AWD-LSTM can handle different lengths of input sequences and adjusts its hidden states, accordingly, making it highly adaptable to varying data sizes, which is especially useful in language tasks where sentence lengths vary.

Mathematical Concepts in AWD-LSTM

AWD-LSTM (ASGD Weight-Dropped LSTM) builds upon the standard LSTM architecture with key mathematical modifications that enhance its performance, particularly in handling sequential data like text.

DropConnect on Recurrent Weights: AWD-LSTM implements DropConnect on its recurrent weights, randomly dropping a portion of these weights during training. This is represented as:

W' = M \odot W
Here, W′ is the modified weight matrix, M is a binary mask where elements are set to zero with a certain probability p (dropout rate), and ⊙ signifies element-wise multiplication. This technique helps in preventing overfitting.

LSTM Cell Equations: The LSTM cell in AWD-LSTM comprises several gates — the input gate it, forget gate ft, and output gate ot — which control the flow of information. The cell updates as:

i_t = \sigma(W_{ii} x_t + b_{ii} + W_{hi} h_{(t-1)} + b_{hi})

f_t = \sigma(W_{if} x_t + b_{if} + W_{hf} h_{(t-1)} + b_{hf})

o_t = \sigma(W_{io} x_t + b_{io} + W_{ho} h_{(t-1)} + b_{ho})

g_t = \tanh(W_{ig} x_t + b_{ig} + W_{hg} h_{(t-1)} + b_{hg})

c_t = f_t \ast c_{(t-1)} + i_t \ast g_t

h_t = o_t \ast \tanh(c_t)

Here, σ represents the sigmoid function, xt is the input, ht is the hidden state, ct is the cell state, and W and b represent weights and biases, respectively.

Implementation of AWD LSTM

Import Libraries

The code imports the necessary modules from FastAI’s library for text processing and the AWD_LSTM model architecture.


from fastai.text.all import *
from fastai.text.models import AWD_LSTM


Load Dataset

It loads the IMDb movie reviews sample dataset; a collection of movie reviews used for training language models.


path = untar_data(URLs.IMDB_SAMPLE)


Prepare Data

The code prepares the data for language modeling by creating a TextDataLoaders object, which facilitates the handling of text data for a language model.


data = TextDataLoaders.from_csv(path, 'texts.csv', text_col='text', is_lm=True)


Define Learner

A language model learner is defined using the AWD_LSTM architecture. The drop_mult argument applies a multiplier to all dropout parameters within the AWD_LSTM model, which helps prevent overfitting.


learn = language_model_learner(data, AWD_LSTM, drop_mult=0.5)


Train Model

The model is trained using a single cycle of learning, which is a FastAI technique for training models efficiently.


learn.fit_one_cycle(1, 1e-2)


Save Encoder

The trained encoder from the language model is saved for future use, such as in a classifier model.




Display Data

The code prints a few batches of sample data to show what the data looks like.


print("Sample data batches:")


Predict Next Words:

It uses the trained model to predict the next 10 words following the input phrase “This movie was”, demonstrating text generation.


sentence = "This movie was"
n_words = 10
print(f"\nPredicting next {n_words} words for the sentence: '{sentence}'")
print(learn.predict(sentence, n_words, temperature=0.75))



Predicting next 10 words for the sentence: 'This movie was'
This movie was English - language , and only the English

The output shows a language model using AWD-LSTM predicting the next ten words following the input “This movie was.” The prediction “English – language, and only the English” seems to continue the sentence in a plausible way, considering the input. The model has been trained on a dataset of movie reviews, so it has learned to follow up with phrases that are typical in movie discussions. This example demonstrates the model’s ability to generate text that could logically follow a given prompt based on its training on movie review language patterns.

Advantages and Disadvantages of AWD-LSTM


  • Regularization Techniques: AWD-LSTM implements advanced regularization like DropConnect, preventing overfitting and improving generalization.
  • Handling Long-Term Dependencies: It is effective in capturing long-term dependencies in sequential data, crucial for tasks like language modeling.
  • Flexibility: AWD-LSTM is adaptable for various NLP tasks, including text generation and classification, due to its robust architecture.


  • Computational Intensity: It can be computationally expensive due to the complex architecture and large number of parameters.
  • Training Time: Training AWD-LSTM models, especially on large datasets, can be time-consuming.
  • Hyperparameter Sensitivity: The performance of AWD-LSTM is sensitive to hyperparameter settings, requiring careful tuning for optimal results.

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