Special 21

Last Updated : 28 Mar, 2020

Special 21 is a bundle of contests on different topics each day for all-round development and preparation which keeps you engaged in your quarantine time and meanwhile prepares you to face the big shots easily.

The Special 21 contest has already begun and will end on 15th April.

Be ready for daily challenges sharp at 9 pm for the next 21 days.

Day 1 : Mathematics
Day 3 : Matrix
Day 5 : Sorting
Day 6 : Strings
Day 7 : Bit Magic
Day 8 : Recursion
Day 9 : Hashing
Day 10 : Linked List
Day 11 : Stack
Day 12 : Queue and Dequeue
Day 13 : Tree I
Day 14 : Tree II
Day 15 : Binary Search Tree
Day 16 : Heap
Day 17 : Graph
Day 18 : Greedy
Day 19 : Backtracking
Day 20 : Dynamic Programming
Day 21 : Trie and Segment Tree

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