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What is Acceptance Criteria and How to write it?

Last Updated : 16 May, 2024
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Acceptance criteria in product management is an essential component of project management and software development. It is used to define the specific conditions that must be met for a user story or a feature to be considered complete and accepted by stakeholders. It provides clarity and guidance for both development teams and product owners, ensuring that everyone has a common understanding of what constitutes a successful outcome.

Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance Criteria in Product Management

What is Acceptance Criteria?

Acceptance criteria in Agile refer to a set of predetermined requirements that have to be fulfilled for a user story to be considered finished. These are also sometimes called the “definition of done” because they define the parameters and requirements that developers must meet in order for the user story to be regarded as complete. It act as a pass/fail checklist that defines the success of the product or a feature from an end-user perspective.

It is the responsibility of the product manager and product owner to write acceptance criteria for the stories in your product backlog.

Acceptance criteria are typically a collaborative effort between the product owner and the development team. The product owner is responsible for providing business context and requirements, while the development team contributes technical insights. Together, they define it that meet both business and technical needs.

When to define Acceptance Criteria?

Acceptance Criteria must be defined before implementation of the project begins. So that we could work on the customer Requirement more clearly. suppose, if we start the implementation of a project before defining our acceptance criteria , it may lead to lack of features in our project that are we working on. we may also lead to develop wrong Product with wrong Features. Acceptance criteria is a list of Requirement that needs to be defined before implementation of the project.

Importance of Acceptance Criteria

Here are the following acceptance criteria mentioned below:


Importance of Acceptance Criteria

  1. Define Expectations: Clearly outline what needs to be accomplished for a user story or feature to be considered done.
  2. Communication: Facilitate effective communication between development teams, product owners, and stakeholders, ensuring everyone is on the same page.
  3. Quality Assurance: Act as a quality control measure, helping to prevent misunderstandings and minimize defects.
  4. Scope Control: Prevent scope creep by setting clear boundaries on what is and isn’t part of the user story or feature.
  5. Testing Guidelines: Provide guidance for writing test cases and conducting acceptance testing.

Types and Structure of Acceptance Criteria


  • Given: The initial context or situation.
  • When: The action or event that triggers the criteria.
  • Then: The expected outcome or result.
  • And: For continuation of any previous statement

This structure helps to create a clear cause-and-effect relationship, making it easier to understand and test the criteria.

There are different types of acceptance criteria:

  1. Functional: Describes the desired functionality, behavior, or features of the software.
  2. Non-Functional: Focuses on aspects such as performance, security, usability, and scalability.
  3. Positive: Describes the expected positive outcomes when the feature works correctly.
  4. Negative: Outlines the behavior or outcomes when the feature fails or encounters errors.

Difference between User Story and Acceptance Criteria

User Story and Acceptance Criteria

User Story and Acceptance Criteria

A user story is a high-level description of a software feature, often written in plain language, from the perspective of an end user. It typically follows the format: “As a [user role], I want [a feature] so that [benefit or value].” In contrast, Acceptance Criteria provide specific, detailed conditions that define what it means for the user story to be completed successfully. While a user story captures the “what” and “why,” acceptance criteria focus on the “how” and “provides

Need of User Story Acceptance Criteria

  1. Clarity: They provide clear and specific expectations, reducing misunderstandings and ambiguity.
  2. Quality: They help maintain the quality of the product by defining the expected behavior.
  3. Alignment: They ensure alignment between the development team, product owner, and stakeholders.
  4. Testing: They serve as the basis for writing test cases and conducting testing.

Who is Responsible for Writing Acceptance Criteria?

There is no any hard and fast rule that someone will write acceptance criteria or someone will not. But Usually, Product Owner or Product Manager is the person who will write Acceptance criteria. this is because they know the customer Requirements more clearly. but it is better recommended to writing acceptance criteria by a group of people that includes developers and QA testers. Developers and QA testers are two important person that will give the benefits to any project. They give more idea about the Product Strategy and vision. Secondly, they can also help to add some more features by the guidance of testers, and they may also find some dependencies that was not clear before.

How to Write an Effective Acceptance Criteria

Here are the following steps by following which we can write an effective acceptance criteria:

1. Being Specific

  • Use clear and unambiguous language: Instead of using ambiguous language, use simple language that will reduce misinterpretation. Be clear about what your are expecting from the system.
  • Provide Precise Details: Provide complete and precise information, such as data-types, values and measurements whenever it is required. This helps in reducing confusion.

2. Being Testable

  • Ensure that test cases can be created using that criteria: The requirements should be objective and measurable, as it’ll lead to the creation of the test cases which inturn leads to verification of whether the requirements are met or not.

3. Being Consistent

  • Maintain a consistent format and structure: Use a standardized structure and template while writing the requirement that will ensure the clarity. This makes it easier for stakeholders to work with the requirements
  • Facilitates Traceability and Change Management: When the requirements are stated in a consistent manner, it make it easier to establish the traceability. You can track how the requirements relate to one another and to higher-level project objectives.

4. Focusing on Outcomes:

  • Focus on what the user should see or experience: Rather focusing on the details of an implemented feature, focus on what the user will be experience while dealing with the feature. This will keep the requirement user-focused and less prescriptive.

Good and Bad Examples of Acceptance Criteria

Here are some Good and Bad examples of Acceptance Criteria:

Good Example:

  • Given that the user is logged in (Given),
  • When they click the “Add to Cart” button (When),
  • Then the item should be added to the shopping cart, and the total price should update accordingly (Then).

Bad Example:

  • Make the “Add to Cart” button work.

The bad example lacks specificity and doesn’t provide a clear definition of success.

Best Practices for Writing Acceptance Criteria

Here are some practices shared for Writing Acceptance Criteria:

  • Collaborate with the product owner and development team.
  • Use a clear and consistent format.
  • Ensure criteria are testable.
  • Avoid jargon and technical language.
  • Focus on user outcomes.
  • Keep them concise and relevant.
  • Review and refine criteria regularly.
  • Use the INVEST model

Mistakes to Avoid while Writing Acceptance Criteria

Here are the following mistakes that should be avoid while writing Acceptance Criteria:

1. Writing acceptance criteria that are too unclear or ambiguous

Writing an unclear acceptance criteria can lead to confusion and misunderstanding, and it makes it difficult to verify and test, if the requirement have been met or not. For instance instead of writing “Processor is fast” write “The processor can perform 1000 task in one minute”

2. Writing acceptance criteria that are too specific or technical

Acceptance Criteria should be written in simple and precise language so that it’s easy to understand. For instance, instead of writing “The system should use the SHA-256 algorithm to encrypt passwords,” write “The system should encrypt passwords using a strong encryption algorithm such as SHA-256.”

3. Writing acceptance criteria that focus on the implementation details

Acceptance criteria need to focus on the desired outcome rather than the means by which the system should get there.This allows the developers to select the most appropriate method of implementation.For instance, instead of saying “The user should be able to log in using a username and password,” try writing “The user should be able to authenticate themselves and access the system.”

4. Writing acceptance criteria that are not verifiable

In order to make sure that it is clear if the need has been fulfilled, acceptance criteria must be exact and measurable.For instance, instead of writing “The system should be easy to use,” try writing “The user should be able to complete task X in Y steps.”

5. Not collaborating with stakeholders

In order to make sure that everyone is in agreement with the requirements, it is crucial to work together with stakeholders when creating the acceptance criteria.By doing this, miscommunications and later rework may be avoided.

Some Good Acceptance Criteria Templates

Here are some good acceptance Criteria templates:

  • For functional criteria:
    • Given [context], when [action], then [outcome].
  • For non-functional criteria:
    • The system should [do something] under [certain conditions].
  • For user interface criteria:
    • When [user action], the interface should [respond in a certain way].

Conclusion: Acceptance Criteria in Product Management

these are a crucial part of the software development process, ensuring that everyone involved understands what it takes for a user story or feature to be considered complete. By following best practices and avoiding common mistakes, teams can use this to improve communication, enhance product quality, and streamline development processes.

FAQs on Acceptance Criteria in Product Management

What are the smart acceptance criteria?

Smart acceptance criteria are criteria that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. These criteria are often used in software development, particularly in Agile methodologies, to define the conditions that must be met for a user story or feature to be considered complete.

What are the types of acceptance criteria?

There are different types of acceptance criteria:

  1. Functional: Describes the desired functionality, behavior, or features of the software.
  2. Non-Functional: Focuses on aspects such as performance, security, usability, and scalability.
  3. Positive: Describes the expected positive outcomes when the feature works correctly.
  4. Negative: Outlines the behavior or outcomes when the feature fails or encounters errors.

What are the examples acceptance criteria?

  • Given that the user is logged in (Given),
  • When they click the “Add to Cart” button (When),
  • Then the item should be added to the shopping cart, and the total price should update accordingly (Then).

What is user story and acceptance criteria examples?

User Story: “As a website visitor, I want to be able to filter search results by category so that I can find products more easily.”

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. On the search results page, there should be a visible filter dropdown labeled “Categories.”
  2. The “Categories” filter should include options such as “Electronics,” “Clothing,” and “Home Goods.”

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