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YAML to JSON Converter

Last Updated : 19 Apr, 2024
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Our Online and free YAML to JSON Converter tool allows you to easily convert YAML (Yet Another Markup Language) data into JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format. JSON is a more widely used and easier format for many systems and programming languages to parse.

How to Use YAML to JSON Converter

Step 1: Paste your YAML data

In the text area provided, paste the YAML code you want to convert.

Step 2: Click Convert

Click the “Convert” button.

Step 3: View the JSON Output

The converted JSON data will be displayed in the text area below the YAML input.

Features of YAML to JSON Converter

  1. Simple and Easy: The user interface is straightforward and requires no technical knowledge.
  2. Fast Conversion: Convert your YAML data in seconds.
  3. Interoperability: Share your converted JSON data with any system that supports JSON.

What is YAML?

YAML (YAML Ain’t Markup Language) is a human-readable data serialization language commonly used for configuration files and data interchange. It features a clean syntax using indentation and is often preferred for its simplicity and readability.

What is JSON?

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data interchange format. It uses key-value pairs to represent data structures, making it easy for humans to read and write, and for machines to parse and generate.

YAML to JSON Example

In this example, we gonna convert YAML to JSON

Input: YAML

Data Structures:
  - Name: Trees
    Course: Intoduction of Trees
      - Binary Tree
      - BST
      - Generic Tree
  - Name: Graphs
      - BFS
      - DFS
      - Topological Sort

Output: JSON format

    "Data Structures": [
            "Name": "Trees",
            "Course": "Intoduction of Trees",
            "Content": [
                "Binary Tree",
                "Generic Tree"
            "Name": "Graphs",
            "Topics": [
                "Topological Sort"

YAML to JSON Converter – FAQs

What is a YAML to JSON Converter? 

A YAML to JSON Converter is a tool that converts data from the YAML (YAML Ain’t Markup Language) format to the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format.

How does a YAML to JSON Converter work? 

The converter works by parsing the input YAML data, converting it into a data structure that can be handled by the programming language, and then serializing that data structure into JSON format.

Can I convert JSON data back to YAML using this converter? 

While a YAML to JSON Converter is specifically designed to convert YAML data to JSON, many converters also offer the functionality to convert JSON data back to YAML.

What are the benefits of converting YAML to JSON? 

JSON is widely used in web applications for data interchange because it is easy to read and write. It is also well supported across different programming languages. Converting YAML to JSON can make the data more accessible for these applications.

Can the YAML to JSON Converter handle large files? 

Yes, most YAML to JSON Converters can handle large files, but the exact limit may depend on the specific tool.

Is it free to use a YAML to JSON Converter? 

Yes, most online YAML to JSON Converters are free to use.

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