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Who wrote the Upanishads?

Last Updated : 22 Feb, 2024
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Answer: The Upanishads were written by various anonymous ancient sages and seers in India.

The Upanishads, a collection of ancient philosophical texts central to Hinduism, were composed by various anonymous sages and seers in ancient India.

Key points about the authorship of the Upanishads:

Multiple Authors: The Upanishads were not authored by a single individual but rather by numerous sages and seers known as rishis, who lived and taught across different regions of ancient India.

Ancient Origins: These texts were composed over a period spanning several centuries, from around 800 BCE to 200 BCE, during a time of intense philosophical inquiry known as the Vedic period.

Oral Tradition: The Upanishads were initially transmitted orally from teacher to student within the Vedic tradition. They were eventually written down as part of the Vedanta corpus, the concluding part of the Vedas.

Philosophical Content: The Upanishads explore profound philosophical concepts such as the nature of reality (Brahman), the self (Atman), the relationship between the individual and the universe, and the path to spiritual liberation (Moksha).

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