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What are Home Row Keys?

Last Updated : 02 May, 2024
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The home row keys are a set of keys on a keyboard where typists rest their fingers when touch typing. These keys are the central row of letters on a typical QWERTY keyboard. Here’s how the fingers are typically positioned:

1. Left-hand fingers rest on A, S, D, F

2. Right-hand fingers rest on J, K, L,

Each finger is responsible for reaching to other keys when necessary but returns to its respective home row key.

How to Position Your Fingers on the Home Row?

Positioning your fingers correctly on the home row keys is essential for efficient touch typing. Here’s how you set your fingers on the home row properly:


Sit Straight and Centered: Before you even touch the keyboard, make sure you are seated comfortably, with your chair adjusted to the height where your forearms are parallel to the floor. Center yourself in front of the keyboard.

Find the Home Row: Look for the home row keys on your keyboard. These are usually the second row from the bottom on a standard QWERTY keyboard and include the letters A, S, D, F for the left hand and J, K, L, ; for the right hand.

Position Your Left Hand

  • Place your little finger on the ‘A’ key.
  • Place your ring finger on the ‘S’ key.
  • Place your middle finger on the ‘D’ key.
  • Place your index finger on the ‘F’ key.
  • Your thumb should rest lightly on the space bar.

Position Your Right Hand

  • Place your little finger on the ‘;’ key.
  • Place your ring finger on the ‘L’ key.
  • Place your middle finger on the ‘K’ key.
  • Place your index finger on the ‘J’ key.
  • Similarly, let your thumb rest on the space bar.

Keep Your Wrists Elevated: Avoid letting your wrists rest or drag on the keyboard or desk. Keeping them slightly elevated helps reduce strain and allows for quicker, more agile finger movements.

Gently Curve Your Fingers: Your fingers should be naturally curved so that each fingertip can easily press its respective key without having to move your hand.

Practice Resting Position: Without pressing down on the keys, practice placing your fingers on the home row until you can find them easily without looking. This muscle memory will be crucial as you learn to type faster.

Exercises to Improve Speed and Accuracy on the Home Row

To get better at typing quickly and accurately using the home row keys, here are some simple exercises you can try –

Home Row Practice

Focus on the keys in the home row: A, S, D, F for your left hand and J, K, L, for your right hand.

Keep typing these keys in order: “asdf jkl” over and over. Start slowly to make sure you’re pressing the right keys, then try to speed up once you feel more comfortable.

Rhythm Typing

Type to a beat. You can use a metronome or any music with a steady beat. As you type the home row keys, try to match the rhythm. This can help you get used to moving your fingers quickly and consistently.

Mix It Up

Once you’re comfortable with the home row, mix in some letters from the rows above and below. Type combinations like “as df jk l” or “sa fd lk j”. This helps you learn to move your fingers off the home row and back without looking.

Word Drills

Find or create a list of words that only use the home row letters. Words like “ask, sad, flask, lad” are good examples. Type these words repeatedly, focusing on accuracy first, then speed.

Timed Sessions

Set a timer for 1 minute and see how many times you can correctly type a sequence or a list of words using only home row keys. Keep track of your scores and try to beat your previous attempts.

Typing Games

There are many online games and software designed to improve typing skills. Look for games that focus on speed and accuracy, and specifically those that have exercises for the home row.


In conclusion, understanding and mastering the home row keys is crucial for anyone looking to improve their typing skills. Regular practice with the home row can significantly boost your typing speed and accuracy, making it easier to handle school assignments, work projects, or any task that requires efficient typing.

Remember, the key to becoming proficient is consistency and practice. So, keep practicing those home row exercises, and you’ll see your typing improve in no time.

What is the Home Row Keys? – FAQs

Why is it called home row keys?

The middle row of the keyboard is termed “home row” because typists are trained to keep their fingers on these keys and return to them after pressing any other key that is not on the home row. Some keyboards have a small bump on certain keys of the home row.

What is the Home key on a keyboard?

The Home key, often represented by an icon of a little house on your keyboard, can be seen as the doorway to the world of computers and the web. It is used to return you to the main page or Homepage of whatever application or program you are using.

What are the home keys of a typewriter?

The home keys of the typewriter are also known as the second row. There are nine keys, A, S, D, F, and J, K, L; are the home keys of the middle row. The alphabetic standardisation on a typewriter was accumulated back in eighteen hundred.

What are the top home row keys?

The top row keys include the Q, W, E, R, and T keys for the left hand and Y, U, I, O, and P keys for the right hand.

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