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Volume Converter

Last Updated : 21 Feb, 2024
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Volume Converter is a calculator prepared at GeeksforGeeks is a free online tool that is used to convert the given volume from one unit to any other desired unit of volume. The Volume Converter Calculator added here is a free online tool that helps students and professionals all around the globe to easily convert volume such as, they can convert l to ml, l to gallon, l to cc, cc to cubic feet, etc.

Convert Volume

What is Volume Conversion?

Volume conversion is converting one unit of volume to another unit of volume to achieve a specific goal. Suppose we take a gallon bottle of milk and use it to prepare some dish and in that recipe, the milk is added in litre, so we have to first convert the milk in gallon to milk in litre and then use it to prepare the perfect dish. Here, we use volume conversion, various other volume conversion we use are,

How to Use Volume Converter?

We can use above-added volume converter by following the steps given below,

Step 1: From the first dropdown choose the unit of volume in which our value is given.

Step 2: Choose the desired unit of the volume from the second dropdown on which we have to convert the given value.

Step 3: Enter the given value in the Input Field.

Step 4: Click on the ‘Convert Button‘ to convert the given value of volume to convert it to desired value of volume.

Volume Conversion Table

The most common unit of volume is litre(l) the SI unit of volume is (m3) to convert given unit of volume to other units of volume study the table added below.

Common Unit Of Volume (l)

Other Unit Of Volume

1 l

1000 millilitre

1 l

100 centilitre

1 l

10 decilitre

1 l

0.1 decalitre

1 l

0.01 hectalitre

1 l

0.001 kilolitre

The second table added below shows the conversion of volume of Imperial Units.

1 gallon

4 quarts

1 dallon

128 ounces

1 quart

2 pints

1 pint

2 cups

1 cup

8 ounces

Example on Volume Conversion

Example 1: Convert 4000 ml to l


We know that,

  • 1000 ml = 1 l

1 ml = 1/1000 l

4000 ml = 4000 × 1/1000 = 4 litre

Example 2: Convert 2.24 l to ml


We know that,

  • 1 l = 1000 ml

2.24 l = 2.24 × 1000 l = 2240 ml

Example 3: Convert 25 hl to l.


We know that,

  • 1 hl = 100 l

25 hl = 25 × 100 = 2500 l

Example 4: Convert 125 ml to l.


We know that,

  • 1 ml = 0.001 l

125 ml = 125 × 0.001 = 0.125 ml

Practice Questions on Volume Conversion Formula

Q1. Convert 5 gallon to l.

Q2. How much is 10 litre equal in cups?

Q3. Convert 12 litre to decilitre.

Q4. Convert 9 gallons to pints.

Volume Converter – FAQs

1. What is SI unit of Volume?

The SI unit of volume is ‘m3‘ or ‘cubic meter’.

2. What is the Most Common Unit of Volume?

The most common unit of volume is “litre” Or “l”.

3. How to Calculate Volume Conversion?

Volume conversion is achieved using the formula added below,

  • 1 Kilolitre = (1 × 1000) litre
  • 1 Centilitre = (1 / 100) litre
  • 1 Millilitre = 1/1000 litre
  • 1 Litre = 1000 millilitre

4. What is Volume Conversion?

Volume Conversion is the conversion of one unit of volume to other units of volume and vice versa. The volume converter added in the article is used by students and professionalsl all around the world.

5. How to Convert Litre to Cubic Meter (l to m3)?

To convert litre to cubic metre we use the formula,

1 litre = 1/1000 m3 = 0.001 m3

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