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Need of Blockchain

Last Updated : 08 May, 2023
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Blockchain is a type of digital ledger technology that makes it possible for parties to conduct safe, open, and direct transactions without the use of middlemen. It functions as a decentralized database that is dispersed across a network of computers, with a duplicate of the ledger stored on each node of the network.
A blockchain creates a secure and irreversible log of all transactions by linking each block’s individual code, or “hash,” to the block before it is in the chain. This makes it challenging for anyone to alter the data recorded in the blockchain because any changes made to a block would render the chain as a whole invalid. It is a distributed, open, and decentralized digital ledger that is used to document transactions across numerous computers in a way that makes it impossible for the record to be changed in the past without changing all succeeding blocks and obtaining network consensus.
Blockchains can be used for many different purposes, including supply chain administration, voting systems, smart contracts, and secure transactions involving digital currencies like Bitcoin.

Need for Blockchain 

1. Transparency

Blockchain technology can offer a transparent system in which all activities are traceable and visible to the public. In industries like supply chain management, where blockchain can be used to monitor the movement of goods and guarantee their authenticity, this can increase accountability and trust.

  • All transactions logged on the network are accessible to all network participants because the blockchain is a decentralized and distributed ledger. The blockchain can now be accessed by anyone, allowing them to see the deals that have been made.
  • Blockchain is transparent because it makes use of encryption methods for safe and unchangeable record-keeping. A deed that has been recorded on the blockchain cannot be changed or removed because the data stored there is tamper-proof.

Applications: Blockchain technology, for instance, can be applied to the supply chain management sector to provide end-to-end visibility and traceability, allowing customers to follow a product’s origin and voyage from the manufacturer to the retailer. Blockchain technology in the financial sector can give auditors and regulators real-time access to financial transactions, enhancing the efficacy and efficiency of financial oversight.

2. Security

Blockchain relies on encryption methods to protect data and prevent tampering. This can be particularly significant in industries like healthcare where it’s essential to protect sensitive medical data.

  • In the context of blockchain, security alludes to the network’s capacity to fend off intrusion, fraud, and tampering.
  • Blockchain security is achieved by combining distributed agreement and cryptographic methods. The blockchain is a chain of blocks that is impervious to tampering because each block includes a cryptographic hash of the one before it. It is practically impossible to change previous transactions after a block is added to the blockchain because doing so would invalidate the entire chain.
  • Blockchain employs consensus algorithms in addition to tamper-evident data storage to guarantee the precision and integrity of transactions. With the help of a network of computers, a group of people can work together to validate and document transactions. Multiple nodes independently verify each transaction, and the network only adds a transaction to the blockchain when there is agreement among the nodes that the transaction is legitimate.
  • Using public key cryptography to secure transactions is a crucial component of blockchain security. A public key and a private key are used in public key cryptography to encode and decrypt data. Only the intended recipient can access the transaction data because transactions on the blockchain are signed with a private key and can only be confirmed with the corresponding public key.

Applications: The security of blockchain makes it a desirable technology for numerous uses, including data storage, supply chain management, and financial transactions.

3. Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding is the practice of soliciting financial contributions from a sizable group of people, usually online. The decentralized and distributed ledger technology known as the blockchain, on the other hand, allows safe and transparent transactions without the use of middlemen.

  • Crowdfunding has a number of significant uses in relation to blockchain technology. One of the most important benefits is that it can give startups and other businesses a way to raise money for blockchain-related initiatives. This can involve the creation of fresh cryptocurrencies or tokens, the implementation of new blockchain-based apps, or the development of fresh blockchain platforms.
  • By giving people and organizations a way to invest in blockchain-related initiatives, crowdfunding can also aid in promoting greater adoption of blockchain technology. This may increase overall investment in the industry, which may encourage the creation of blockchain platforms and apps that are more reliable and capable.
  • Crowdfunding can also aid in the decentralization of asset possession on the blockchain, which is a crucial aspect of blockchain technology. Crowdfunding can aid in ensuring that ownership is more evenly spread and control is less centralized by allowing many people to invest in a specific project or asset.

Applications: By giving startups and other organizations a way to raise money, encouraging more people to use blockchain-based applications, and aiding in the decentralization of ownership of blockchain-based assets, crowdfunding can play a significant role in the development and adoption of blockchain technology.

4. Data sharing

A key component of blockchain technology is data exchange. All nodes in a blockchain network have access to the same data set, and any changes to that data are openly documented and made visible to all network users. Blockchain is now a very effective and safe method to share data between numerous parties without the need for a central authority.

  • Blockchain technology, in particular, makes it possible for safe and effective data sharing by utilizing cryptographic algorithms and decentralized consensus mechanisms. 
  • Blockchain technology guarantees that the data cannot be tampered with or altered by unauthorized parties by encrypting it using robust cryptographic techniques. 
  • Additionally, blockchain networks give all users the ability to quickly and securely agree on the veracity of data changes by utilizing a decentralized consensus method.


A broad range of use cases, including secure financial transactions, decentralized identity management, and more, are made possible by data sharing, which is fundamental to the operation of blockchain technology overall.

5. Micropayments

Micropayments are small, inexpensive transfers that can be completed instantly. Blockchain technology has the potential to make micropayments widespread, which could have significant ramifications for a number of sectors, particularly for those that produce digital content, sell goods online, and engage in gaming.

  • Cryptocurrencies, which are digital assets that can be sent and received without the help of intermediaries like banks or payment processors, are used in blockchain technology to enable micropayments. Micropayments are an effective instrument for enabling new business models and income streams because it makes it possible to transfer small amounts of value across borders efficiently.
  • For instance, micropayments, which let users pay small sums for access to specific articles, songs, videos, or other types of digital content, can help digital content producers more effectively monetize their work. Micropayments in the gaming sector allow users to buy in-game upgrades or virtual goods, enhancing and personalizing the gaming experience.

Applications: In general, micropayments have the potential to revolutionize how we view online commerce and content distribution, and blockchain technology is well suited to allowing the safe, effective, and scalable processing of these kinds of transactions.

6. Digital identity

Blockchain technology heavily relies on digital identification. A user’s identity on the blockchain network is established by a collection of digital credentials and attributes known as their “digital identity” in the context of blockchain technology. These characteristics may include personal information like name and birthdate as well as more intricate data like biometric data and official identification papers.

  • Blockchain technology’s use of digital identity allows the development of a decentralized, trustless environment where users can communicate with one another without the need for middlemen or third-party verification. Digital identity enables users to validate their identities without disclosing private keys or passwords or other confidential data by using cryptographic techniques.
  • In blockchain applications involving money transactions, such as cryptocurrencies and smart contracts, digital identity is especially crucial. By confirming the parties’ identities and preventing fraud and other types of malicious activity, digital identity in these applications serves to guarantee the security and integrity of transactions.

Applications: Digital identity, in general, is a crucial aspect of blockchain technology that enables secure and trustless user interactions and promotes the broad adoption of blockchain-based applications.

7. Intellectual property 

Blockchain technology significantly uses intellectual property (IP). Various types of creative work, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, symbols, designs, and confidential information are all protected by a collection of exclusive rights known as intellectual property.

IP protection can be used to secure blockchain-based innovations like cryptographic protocols, decentralized applications, and smart contracts in the context of blockchain technology. 


Here are a few methods that blockchain technology can make use of IP:

  • Patents: Blockchain-based innovations are eligible for patent protection, which gives the creator of the technology the sole right to use, make, and market the invention for a set amount of time.
  • Copyrights: Copyrights defend written and digital material as well as other creative works. The source code of a blockchain-based application or platform can be safeguarded using copyrights in this situation.
  • Trademarks: Trademarks defend a company’s emblem, tagline, and other identifying characteristics. Trademarks can be used in the context of blockchain to secure a project’s or platform’s name and logo.
  • Trade secrets: Trade secrets are confidential pieces of knowledge that give their owner a competitive advantage. Trade secrets can be used in the context of blockchain to safeguard private data linked to a blockchain-based platform, such as algorithms and operational procedures.

In general, IP protection can encourage invention in blockchain technology by giving creators and inventors monetary and legal rewards. It can encourage the adoption of blockchain-based solutions by giving stakeholders legal security and safety.

8. Decentralization

One of the fundamental ideas of blockchain technology is decentralization. Instead of depending on a single, centralized authority, it alludes to the distribution of control and decision-making across a network of participants. In a blockchain network, a network of nodes rather than a single central authority verifies events and adds them to the blockchain. This has a number of important advantages, including:

  • Security: Blockchain networks are more secure as a result of decentralization because there is no single point of failure that could be targeted by malicious parties. The network is instead spread out across numerous sites, which makes it much more difficult to compromise.
  • Transparency: Since a network of nodes verifies transactions, everyone can see the complete history of the blockchain. As a result, the network is very transparent, making any attempts to tamper with the data instantly obvious.
  • Immutability: A event that has been added to the blockchain cannot be changed or removed after that point. This guarantees that the data’s security is upheld over time and increases its resistance to fraud and tampering.

The security, openness, and immutability of blockchain networks are all significantly enhanced by decentralization, which is a crucial aspect of the technology.

9. Immutability

A key idea in blockchain technology is immutability, which describes the characteristic that data recorded on a blockchain network cannot be changed or deleted once it has been written. To put it another way, once a transaction is added to a blockchain, it becomes unchangeable, meaning it cannot be altered and stays on the network indefinitely.

  • In order for blockchain technology to be secure and reliable, immutability is essential. The immutability of the data kept on a blockchain ensures that the integrity of the information is upheld and that it cannot be corrupted or altered by anyone or anything.
  • Additionally, due to the blockchain network’s immutability, fraud, double-spending, and other malevolent activities that can happen in conventional centralized systems are prevented. A blockchain is a reliable and secure system for transactions because the transactions on it are immutable and visible, making it simple to spot any fraudulent activity.

Applications: In conclusion, the immutability of data in blockchain technology is a crucial component that guarantees the security and dependability of the system and is one of the key reasons why blockchain technology is becoming more and more popular across a range of industries, including finance, supply chain management, and healthcare.

10. Efficiency

Efficiency is essential to the ecology of blockchain technology. The foundation of blockchain technology is a distributed network of nodes that cooperate to verify transactions and uphold the accuracy of the record. The ability of blockchain technology to validate and verify transactions without the aid of intermediaries like banks or other financial organizations is one of its main advantages.

  • The capacity of the system to process transactions swiftly and reliably while minimizing costs and resource consumption is referred to as efficiency in blockchain technology. A high degree of efficiency is essential for the success of blockchain technology because it makes transactions faster and more reliable, lowers processing and storage costs, and improves user experience generally.
  • Blockchain technology uses a variety of mechanisms, including consensus algorithms, smart contracts, and scalability solutions, to accomplish efficiency. The integrity of the ledger is maintained by consensus algorithms like Proof of Work and Proof of Stake, which are used to verify transactions. Self-executing contracts, or smart contracts, automate contract discussion and execution. To boost system throughput and lighten the burden on the blockchain network, sharding and layer 2 scalability methods are used.

Applications: In conclusion, speed is essential to the development and adoption of blockchain technology. Blockchain systems that are effective can process transactions swiftly and reliably, lower costs, and improve user experience. Blockchain technology efficiency improvement is a continuous process, and new approaches and inventions are frequently created to boost blockchain systems’ effectiveness.

11. Traceability 

The ability to document and track each transaction that takes place within the system makes traceability a crucial component of blockchain technology. A distributed ledger, which keeps a permanent and unchangeable account of all transactions, is used to accomplish this.

  • Each transaction in a blockchain network is documented in a block, which is then added to the chain of earlier blocks to create a chronological and immutable account of all transactions. 
  • As a result, there is a high degree of accountability and openness because each transaction can be independently verified by any network member.

Applications: Industry sectors that demand a high degree of responsibility, like supply chain management, financial services, and healthcare, place a premium on traceability. It is possible to verify that every transaction is genuine and that the record is complete and consistent by using blockchain technology to monitor the movement of goods, money, or medical records.
In general, traceability is an important feature of blockchain technology because it offers a high degree of accountability and transparency, which is necessary in many industries.

12. Smart contracts

Self-executing digital documents known as “smart contracts” are kept on a blockchain. They don’t require middlemen or human involvement because they are set up to operate autonomously when certain criteria are met. Blockchain technology’s key component is smart contracts, which allow for decentralized, private, and tamper-proof agreement execution.

  • Blockchain technology uses smart contracts to automate the execution of contractual deals between parties. With smart contracts, parties can write the terms of a contract in code, and when those terms are met, the contract will immediately take effect. As a result, there is no longer a need for intermediaries like banks or attorneys, which lowers transaction costs and boosts efficiency
  • Due to their tamper-proof nature and ability to be enforced through the blockchain, smart contracts are especially helpful in circumstances where trust is a worry. Supply chain administration, real estate deals, insurance, and financial derivatives are just a few of the many uses they can be put to.

Applications: In conclusion, the purpose of blockchain technology’s smart contracts is to offer a safe, decentralized, and automated method to carry out contractual agreements without the use of middlemen or human intervention.

13. Charity

By utilizing the immutability, transparency, and security of the blockchain to improve the transparency and accountability of aid and donation distribution, charity can play a major role in blockchain technology. Blockchain technology can offer a safe and transparent method to track and verify charitable contributions, ensuring that money goes to the right people and is not misappropriated.

  • Blockchain-based platforms, for instance, can be used to develop smart contracts that automatically distribute assistance in accordance with predetermined criteria, such as achieving specific health or educational milestones. This can make assistance distribution more effective and lower the chance of fraud or corruption.
  • Furthermore, blockchain technology can give contributors more assurance that their contributions are being used wisely by enabling them to follow the development of their contributions in real-time.

Applications: Overall, the application of blockchain technology to the charitable sector has the potential to fundamentally alter how nonprofits run their operations by enhancing accountability, efficiency, and transparency while ensuring that assistance and donations are utilized to the fullest extent possible.

14. Democracy

Data can be recorded, stored, and managed by people and organizations in a secure and unchangeable way using blockchain technology, which is a decentralized and transparent system. In blockchain technology, democracy plays the function of ensuring that the network’s decision-making process is impartial, open, and decentralized.

  • The consensus process in a blockchain network is used to approve transactions and include new blocks in the chain. The most popular agreement algorithms used by blockchain networks are Proof of Work (PoW), Proof of Stake (PoS), and Delegated Proof of Stake. (DPoS). Users on the network must take part in these consensus processes in order to secure the network and validate transactions.
  • A blockchain network can be governed democratically, allowing users to vote on choices that have an impact on the network. This may involve selecting new protocol versions, setting network preferences, and allocating resources. Blockchain technology can guarantee that decisions are made in a fair and transparent way by giving users a say in the network’s governance.
  • Furthermore, democracy can guarantee that power is shared among network users, preventing a select few actors from exerting control over the network’s functionality. Decentralization and security of the network, which are essential components of blockchain technology, can be preserved in this way.

Applications: Overall, democracy can be crucial for preserving a blockchain network’s decentralization and security, allowing for the involvement of a wide range of stakeholders, and ensuring fair and transparent governance.

15. Cross-Border Transactions

Blockchain technology has a big impact on cross-border transactions because they make foreign trade faster, safer, and more affordable. With the help of blockchain technology, parties from various nations can conduct business with one another without the use of expensive and time-consuming intermediaries like banks.

  • The parties involved can move digital assets, like cryptocurrencies or tokens, across borders in a matter of minutes or even seconds with blockchain-based cross-border transactions. This is due to the fact that blockchain transactions are handled directly between the parties involved, negating the need for third-party middlemen and leading to quicker transaction times and cheaper transaction fees.
  • Additionally, blockchain technology increases the security and openness of international trade. International transfers are made more secure by the use of distributed ledger technology and cryptography, which guarantees that transactions are documented impermanently and cannot be changed.

Applications: In general, blockchain technology has the potential to completely transform cross-border transactions by making them more efficient, affordable, and safe while also increasing transparency and doing away with the need for middlemen.

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