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How to get names of all colorscales in Plotly-Python?

Last Updated : 28 Nov, 2021
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In this article, we will learn how to hide the colorbar and legend in plotly express in Python. Color bar are gradients that go from light to dark or the other way round. They are great for visualizing datasets that goes from low to high, like income, temperature, or age.

Stepwise Implementation

Step 1:

Import all the required packages.


# import the modules
import inspect
import as px
from textwrap import fill

Step 2:

Here we will get all the individual color-scale names by using the inspect module while iterating over the color module.


# iterating over color module
colorscale_names = []
colors_modules = ['carto', 'colorbrewer', 'cmocean', 'cyclical',
                    'diverging', 'plotlyjs', 'qualitative', 'sequential']
for color_module in colors_modules:
    colorscale_names.extend([name for name, body
                            in inspect.getmembers(getattr(px.colors, color_module))
                            if isinstance(body, list)])

Complete Code:


# import the modules
import inspect
import as px
from textwrap import fill
# iterating over color module
colorscale_names = []
colors_modules = ['carto', 'cmocean', 'cyclical',
                    'diverging', 'plotlyjs', 'qualitative', 'sequential']
for color_module in colors_modules:
    colorscale_names.extend([name for name, body
                            in inspect.getmembers(getattr(px.colors, color_module))
                            if isinstance(body, list)])
print(fill(''.join(sorted({f'{x: <{15}}' for x in colorscale_names})), 75))


The difference between Aggrnyl and Aggrnyl_r is that it will show the reversed scale i.e Aggrnyl (light to dark) Aggrnyl_r(dark to light). To understand it more clearly below in the examples. 

Note: Some color-scale names may not work due to version control.

Aggrnyl        Aggrnyl_r      Agsunset       Agsunset_r     Alphabet
Alphabet_r     Antique        Antique_r      Armyrose       Armyrose_r
Blackbody      Blackbody_r    Bluered        Bluered_r      Blues
Blues_r        Blugrn         Blugrn_r       Bluyl          Bluyl_r
Bold           Bold_r         BrBG           BrBG_r         Brwnyl
Brwnyl_r       BuGn           BuGn_r         BuPu           BuPu_r
Burg           Burg_r         Burgyl         Burgyl_r       Cividis
Cividis_r      D3             D3_r           Dark2          Dark24
Dark24_r       Dark2_r        Darkmint       Darkmint_r     Earth
Earth_r        Edge           Edge_r         Electric       Electric_r
Emrld          Emrld_r        Fall           Fall_r         G10
G10_r          Geyser         Geyser_r       GnBu           GnBu_r
Greens         Greens_r       Greys          Greys_r        HSV
HSV_r          Hot            Hot_r          IceFire        IceFire_r
Inferno        Inferno_r      Jet            Jet_r          Light24
Light24_r      Magenta        Magenta_r      Magma          Magma_r
Mint           Mint_r         OrRd           OrRd_r         Oranges
Oranges_r      Oryel          Oryel_r        PRGn           PRGn_r
Pastel         Pastel1        Pastel1_r      Pastel2        Pastel2_r
Pastel_r       Peach          Peach_r        Phase          Phase_r
PiYG           PiYG_r         Picnic         Picnic_r       Pinkyl
Pinkyl_r       Plasma         Plasma_r       Plotly         Plotly3
Plotly3_r      Plotly_r       Portland       Portland_r     Prism
Prism_r        PuBu           PuBuGn         PuBuGn_r       PuBu_r
PuOr           PuOr_r         PuRd           PuRd_r         Purp
Purp_r         Purples        Purples_r      Purpor         Purpor_r
Rainbow        Rainbow_r      RdBu           RdBu_r         RdGy
RdGy_r         RdPu           RdPu_r         RdYlBu         RdYlBu_r
RdYlGn         RdYlGn_r       Redor          Redor_r        Reds
Reds_r         Safe           Safe_r         Set1           Set1_r
Set2           Set2_r         Set3           Set3_r         Spectral
Spectral_r     Sunset         Sunset_r       Sunsetdark     Sunsetdark_r
T10            T10_r          Teal           Teal_r         Tealgrn
Tealgrn_r      Tealrose       Tealrose_r     Temps          Temps_r
Tropic         Tropic_r       Turbo          Turbo_r        Twilight
Twilight_r     Viridis        Viridis_r      Vivid          Vivid_r
YlGn           YlGnBu         YlGnBu_r       YlGn_r         YlOrBr
YlOrBr_r       YlOrRd         YlOrRd_r       __all__        _cols
algae          algae_r        amp            amp_r          balance
balance_r      curl           curl_r         deep           deep_r
delta          delta_r        dense          dense_r        gray
gray_r         haline         haline_r       ice            ice_r
matter         matter_r       mrybm          mrybm_r        mygbm
mygbm_r        oxy            oxy_r          phase          phase_r
scale_pairs    scale_pairs_r  scale_sequence scale_sequence_rsolar
solar_r        speed          speed_r        tempo          tempo_r
thermal        thermal_r      turbid         turbid_r

Example 1:

In this example, we are selecting color-scale as colorscale = “Agsunset” in Plotly Express, this will select Aggrnyl colorscale from the inbuilt plotly library.


import plotly.graph_objects as go
import numpy as np
fig = go.Figure(data=go.Scatter(
        color=np.random.randn(550),  # set color equal to a variable
        colorscale='Agsunset'# one of plotly colorscales
    margin=dict(l=12, r=5, t=20, b=20),


Example 2:

In this example, we are selecting color-scale as colorscale = “Agsunset_r” (r stand for reverse) in Plotly Express, this will select reverse Aggrnyl_r colorscale from the inbuilt plotly library. The only difference between both is that it will show the reversed scale i.e Aggrnyl_r(dark to light) and Aggrnyl (light to dark).


import plotly.graph_objects as go
import numpy as np
fig = go.Figure(data=go.Scatter(
        color=np.random.randn(550),  # set color equal to a variable
        colorscale='Agsunset_r'# reverse Agsunset colorscales
    margin=dict(l=12, r=5, t=20, b=20),


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