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How much is 10 mL in teaspoons or tablespoons?

Last Updated : 19 Jan, 2024
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10 mL is equivalent to approximately 2 teaspoons or 0.67 tablespoons.

To convert milliliters (mL) to teaspoons or tablespoons, you can use the following conversions:

1 teaspoon (US) = 4.93 mL 1 tablespoon (US) = 14.79 mL

Now, let’s calculate how many teaspoons and tablespoons are in 10 mL:

  • Teaspoons: 10 mL4.93 mL/teaspoon≈2.034.93 mL/teaspoon10 mL​ ≈ 2.03 teaspoons (rounded to the nearest hundredth).
  • Tablespoons: 10 mL14.79 mL/tablespoon≈0.6814.79 mL/tablespoon10 mL ​≈ 0.68 tablespoons (rounded to the nearest hundredth).

So, 10 mL is approximately equal to 2 teaspoons or 0.68 tablespoons. These conversions are handy when you need to measure liquids in everyday cooking or when following recipes, especially when precise measurements are required to achieve the desired flavor and consistency.

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