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Difference Between Food Chain and Food Web

Last Updated : 10 Oct, 2023
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Food chain and food web are related to each other as they both represent how the dynamic relationship between predator and prey works in the ecosystem. The food chain is the linear form of different trophic levels whereas the food web is formed when multiple food chains connect in such a manner that every consumer has multiple options of food. It shows how the ecosystem and its biotic communities are structured and helps in stabilizing the ecosystem by maintaining balance.

Differences Between Food Chain and Food Web

Some of the differences between a food chain and a food web are listed below:


Food Chain

Food Web


It is arranged in a linear pattern i.e. the flow of energy is in a straight line.

It is arranged in a web-like pattern i.e. multiple food chains are connected like a web.


Mainly consists of a single organism per trophic level in each chain.

Consists of more than one species per trophic level in each web.

Food Option

No option for food except for the specific species.

Multiple food options.

Number of Levels

Consists of mostly 3-4 trophic levels.

Can consist of 4-6 trophic levels.

Adaptability and Competition

No adaptability and competition among organisms.

Adaptability and competition among organisms are present.

The integrity of the Chain

If a species from any trophic level gets eliminated then the whole chain falls.

Loss of one or two species from any trophic level will not disintegrate the food web.


Mostly in seen in ideal condition.

Naturally, ecosystems show a food chain in a web-like arrangement.


Demonstrates the relationship between organisms.

Demonstrates how the ecosystem and its biotic communities are structured and placed.


It is only a single unit.

Multiple units of food chains are present.


If present in an ecosystem, it increases the instability.

Helps in stabilizing the ecosystem by maintaining balance.


There are only two types of food chains; the grazing food chain, and the detritus food chain.

No specific type of food web is present.


Grass –> Grasshopper –> Frog –> Snake –> Hawk

Grass –> Grasshopper, rabbit, deer –> Frog, Weasels, Small bird, fox –> Small snake, Wolf, Cheetah, Hawk –> Lion, Eagle, Cobra

What is a Food Chain?

When the flow of energy is in a sequential manner that transfers from one organism of a trophic level to another organism of the following trophic level, it is called a food chain. The flow of energy starts from the producers and is then passed on to different levels of consumers in a linear sequential manner. Here, if an organism disappears from a trophic level it will lead to the disappearance of its following trophic levels due to lack of food. w


Characteristics of Food Chain

Some of the characteristics of the food chain are listed below;

  1. It shows the interaction between living organisms.
  2. It shows how an organism is dependent on others.
  3. It has a straight pathway of energy flow.
  4. The flow of energy is undivided.
  5. Primarily consists of 3-4 trophic levels.

What is the Food Web?

The food web represents complex relationships among organisms in an ecosystem based on who eats whom. Here multiple food chains are connected which ensure that there are always options for food for the following trophic levels if for any reason one group of organism disappears from the ecosystem.


Characteristics of Food Web

  1. Includes all the food chains in an ecosystem.
  2. Helps in checking overpopulation.
  3. Provides alternative food sources so that no prey species gets completely consumed.
  4. It helps in maintaining the balance between predator and prey.
  5. It is formed by the interconnection of multiple food chains.
  6. Reveals how the structure of a community works in regulating the interaction between organisms.

FAQs on Food Chain and Food Web

1.Define the the trophic level of an ecosystem?


Ecological pyramids have multiple levels with organisms that share the same food source or habit called the trophic level, like; cow and deer are in the same trophic level.

2. List the different trophic levels with relevant examples.


There are mainly four different trophic levels, which are producers (levels 1- e.g. plants, phytoplanktons), primary consumers (level 2- e.g. rabbit, grasshopper), secondary consumers (level 3- e.g. fox, snake), and tertiary consumers (level 4- e.g. lion, hawk).

3. What are the components of a food chain?


There are four basic components of a food chain; the sun (source of energy), producers (energy fixers), consumers (eat other organisms), and decomposers (decomposes dead and decaying organic wastes).

4. List some importance of the food web.


Food web is important because it helps us to understand the basis of all ecossytem, real time description of energy flow, calculate the flow of toxic waste, and helps us to understand how natural selection works.

5. What is detritus and grazing food chain?


Detritus food chain starts from microorganisms that decompose and digest dead or decaying organic waste materials followed by consumers. Whereas, grazing food chain is the food chain that starts from producers and then followed by primary, secondary, tertiary, etc. consumers till they die.

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