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Check whether the given String is good for any ascending Array or not

Last Updated : 09 Jan, 2024
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Given a string S of length N. Consider any ascending array A[] such that each A[i] > 0 for all (1 <= i <= N) and some conditions, the task is to output YES/NO, by checking that the above-given conditions are true for all possible ascending A[]’s or not with given S.

  • Sum up all the elements of A[] at each index i, where S[i] = 1 in a variable let’s say X.
  • Sum up all the elements of A[] at each index i, where S[i] = 0 in a variable let’s say Y.
  • Then |X – Y| must be less than or equal to Max(A[]).

Any array is said to be ascending, If all element except the last is less than or equal to its next element. Formally, A[] = {A1 <= A2 <= A3 <= A4 . . . . <= A5}.

Examples: All the below arrays are ascending arrays.

  • A[] = {1, 2, 3, 5}
  • A[] = {5, 6, 7, 8}
  • A[] = {2, 2, 2, 2}
  • A[] = {3, 6, 8, 8}


Input: N = 4, S = 1010

Output: YES

Explanation: Let us check the given S for multiple ascending arrays:

  • A[] = {2, 5, 8, 9}
    • S contains 1s at index 1 and 3, Then X = A[1] + A[3] = 2+8 = 10
    • S contains 0s at index 2 and 4, Then X = A[2] + A[4] = 9+5 =14
    • |X – Y| = |10 – 14| = 4.
    • Max element of A[] = 9
    • It can be checked that (|X-Y| = 4) <= 9. Thus, A[] satisfies that given condition with given S.
  • A[] = {2, 2, 2, 2}
    • S contains 1s at index 1 and 3, Then X = A[1] + A[3] = 2+2 = 4
    • S contains 0s at index 2 and 4, Then X = A[2] + A[4] = 2+2 = 4
    • |X – Y| = |4 – 4| = 0.
    • Max element of A[] = 9
    • It can be checked that (|X-Y| = 0) <= 9. Thus, A[] satisfies that given condition with given S.

For any possible ascending array A[] of length 4. The given conditions will always be true. Therefore, output is YES.

Input: N = 5, S = 00001

Output: NO

Explanation: S doesn’t follow all the given conditions with all possible ascending A[]’s. One such A[] is: {2, 2, 2, 2, 2}. For this A[], X and Y will be 2 and 8 respectively and then |X – Y| = |2 – 8| = 6 and Max(A[]) = 2. Thus, the condition (|X – Y| = 6) <= 2 fails. Therefore, output is NO.

Approach: Implement the idea below to solve the problem

This is an observation-based problem. Reverse S and start counting 1s. Then go with the approach of balanced parenthesis. If multiple 1 or 0 are found and the count of 1s goes less than -1 or greater than 1, Then it is not possible all cases else it is possible.

Steps were taken to solve the problem:

  • Create a boolean variable, let say Flag and mark it initially True.
  • Declare a variable let say Count to store the frequency of 1s.
  • Run a loop from back of the String and follow below steps under the scope of loop:
    • If (current character == 1)
      • Decrement Count
    • Else
      • Increment Count
  • If (Count < -1 || Count > 1)
    • Flag = false
    • Break the loop
  • If (Flag), then output YES.

Code to implement the approach:


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
// Declare the function prototype
void Satisfies_all_A(int N, std::string S);
// Driver Function
int main() {
    // Inputs
    int N = 5;
    std::string S = "00001";
    // Function call
    Satisfies_all_A(N, S);
    return 0;
// Method to check that given S satisfies
// all possible ascending arrays A[]
void Satisfies_all_A(int N, std::string S) {
    // Flag
    bool flag = true;
    // Variable to count 1s
    int count = 0;
    // Loop for traversing S from back
    // and counting 1s
    for (int i = N - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (S[i] == '1')
        // If discussed condition breaches
        // Then marking flag false
        // and breaking the loop
        if (count < -1 || count > 1) {
            flag = false;
            std::cout << "NO" << std::endl;
    // Printing YES if count of 1s are
    // appropriate
    if (flag)
        std::cout << "YES" << std::endl;


// Java code to implement the approach
import java.util.*;
// Driver class
public class GFG {
    // Driver Function
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Inputs
        int N = 5;
        String S = "00001";
        // Function_call
        Satisfies_all_A(N, S);
    // Method to check that given S satisfies
    // all possible ascending arrays A[]
    public static void Satisfies_all_A(int N, String S)
        // Flag
        boolean flag = true;
        // Variable to count 1s
        int count = 0;
        // Loop for traversing S from back
        // and counting 1s
        for (int i = N - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (S.charAt(i) == '1')
            // If discussed condition breaches
            // Then marking flag false
            // and breaking the loop
            if (count < -1 || count > 1) {
                flag = false;
        // Printing YES if count of 1s are
        // appropriate
        if (flag)


# Method to check that given S satisfies
# all possible ascending arrays A[]
def satisfies_all_A(N, S):
    # Flag
    flag = True
    # Variable to count 1s
    count = 0
    # Loop for traversing S from back
    # and counting 1s
    for i in range(N - 1, -1, -1):
        if S[i] == '1':
            count -= 1
            count += 1
        # If discussed condition breaches
        # Then marking flag false
        # and breaking the loop
        if count < -1 or count > 1:
            flag = False
    # Printing YES if count of 1s are
    # appropriate
    if flag:
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Inputs
    N = 5
    S = "00001"
    # Function call
    satisfies_all_A(N, S)


using System;
public class GFG {
    // Main Method
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        // Inputs
        int N = 5;
        string S = "00001";
        // Function call
        SatisfiesAllA(N, S);
    // Method to check that given S satisfies
    // all possible ascending arrays A[]
    public static void SatisfiesAllA(int N, string S)
        // Flag
        bool flag = true;
        // Variable to count 1s
        int count = 0;
        // Loop for traversing S from back
        // and counting 1s
        for (int i = N - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (S[i] == '1')
            // If discussed condition breaches
            // Then marking flag false
            // and breaking the loop
            if (count < -1 || count > 1) {
                flag = false;
        // Printing YES if count of 1s are
        // appropriate
        if (flag)


// Function to check that given S satisfies
// all possible ascending arrays A[]
function satisfiesAllA(N, S) {
    // Flag
    let flag = true;
    // Variable to count 1s
    let count = 0;
    // Loop for traversing S from back
    // and counting 1s
    for (let i = N - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (S[i] === '1') {
            count -= 1;
        } else {
            count += 1;
        // If discussed condition breaches
        // Then marking flag false
        // and breaking the loop
        if (count < -1 || count > 1) {
            flag = false;
    // Printing YES if count of 1s are
    // appropriate
    if (flag) {
// Driver code
// Inputs
const N = 5;
const S = "00001";
// Function call
satisfiesAllA(N, S);



Time Complexity: O(N)
Auxiliary space: O(1)

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