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Binary Search in Scala

Last Updated : 03 Jul, 2020
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Binary Search is an algorithm that helps us find an element in a sorted array in O(log n) time. Its algorithm works on the principle of Divide and Conquer and it works only when the available data is sorted.
Now, when we are using binary search three situation arise:

  1. If the middle element is the element to be searched, we return the index of the middle element.
  2. If the middle element is smaller than the element to be searched, we search in the sub-array to the right (Mid to End) in the same way (Get the new middle and check all the three cases again). We search in the right sub-array because the data is sorted, thus all elements before middle element will also be either less than or equal to the middle element.
  3. If the middle element is greater than the element to be searched, we search in the sub-array to the left(Start to Mid).

This process is continued until either we find the element to be searched or the size of the sub-array reduces to zero.

Binary Search in Scala

There are three ways to perform Binary Search in Scala.

Recursive Approach

In recursive approach, we recursively call for the implemented binary search algorithm with updated values of start and end until either we match the middle element with the element to be searched or the array size reduces to zero. Below is the code for the recursive approach of Binary Search in Scala.

// Scala code for Recursive Binary Search
// Creating object
object GFG{
// Creating a recursive  Binary Search function
def RecursiveBinarySearch(arr: Array[Int],
                          Element_to_Search: Int)
                         (low: Int = 0,
                          high: Int = arr.length - 1): Int = 
    // If element not found                               
    if (low > high) 
        return -1
    // Getting the middle element
    var middle = low + (high - low) / 2
    // If element found
    if (arr(middle) == Element_to_Search)
        return middle
    // Searching in the left half
    else if (arr(middle) > Element_to_Search)
        return RecursiveBinarySearch(arr, 
               Element_to_Search)(low, middle - 1)
    // Searching in the right half
        return RecursiveBinarySearch(arr, 
               Element_to_Search)(middle + 1, high)
// Creating main function
def main(args: Array[String]){
    // Calling the binary search function and
    // storing its result in index variable
    var index = RecursiveBinarySearch(Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 55
                                            65, 75), 4)(0, 6);
    // If value not found 
    if(index == -1)
       print("Not Found")
    // Else print the index where 
    // the value is found
       print("Element found at Index " + index)


Element found at Index 3

Iterative approach

In iterative approach, we run a while loop until we either find the element to be searched or the array size reduces to zero. Below is the code for iterative approach of Binary Search in Scala.

// Scala code for Iterative Binary Search
// Creating object
object GFG{
// Creating Binary Search function
// Accepting the passed array and 
// element to be searched
def IterativeBinarySearch(arr: Array[Int], 
                          Element_to_Search: Int): Int =
    // Creating start variable to
    // point to the first value
    var low = 0
    // Creating end variable to 
    // point to the last value
    var high = arr.length - 1
    // Finding the value in the 
    // array iteratively
    while (low <= high)
        // Getting middle element    
        var middle = low + (high - low) / 2
        // If element found in the middle index
        if (arr(middle) == Element_to_Search)
            return middle
        // Searching in the first half
        else if (arr(middle) > Element_to_Search)
            high = middle - 1
        // Searching in the second half  
            low = middle + 1
    // If value not found in the 
    // entire array , return -1 
// Creating main function
def main(args: Array[String])
    // Calling the binary search function and
    // storing its result in index variable
    var index = IterativeBinarySearch(Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 55,
                                            65, 75), 65);
    // If value not found 
    if(index == -1)
       print("Not Found")
    // Else print the index where 
    // the value is found
       print("Element found at Index " + index)


Element found at Index 5

Pattern Matching And Functional Programming Approach

In this, we first match the middle element with the element to be searched. If the element is present, we return the index of it. Otherwise, we keep calling the created function with the updated parameters. Below is the code for the approach:

// Scala code for Iterative Binary Search
// Creating object
object GFG{
// Using the functional programming approach
def FunctionalBinarySearch(arr: Array[Int], 
                           Element_to_Search: Int): Int =
    def BinarySearch(arr: Array[Int],
                     Element_to_Search: Int, 
                     low: Int, high: Int): Int =
        // If element not found
        if (low > high)
            return -1
        // Getting middle index
        var middle = low + (high - low) / 2
        // Pattern matching
        arr match
            // If element found , return the index
            case(arr:Array[Int]) if (arr(middle) ==
                                     Element_to_Search) => 
            // Call the function for the second half
            case(arr:Array[Int]) if (arr(middle) < 
                                     Element_to_Search) => 
                                     middle + 1, high)
            // Call the function for the first half 
            case(arr:Array[Int]) if (arr(middle) > 
                                     Element_to_Search) => 
                                     low, middle - 1)
    // Calling the Binary Search function
    BinarySearch(arr, Element_to_Search, 0, arr.length - 1)
// Creating main function
def main(args: Array[String]){
    // Calling the binary search function and 
    // storing its result in index variable
    var index = FunctionalBinarySearch(Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 55,
                                             65, 75), 44);
    // If value not found 
    if(index == -1)
    print("Element not found")
    // Else print the index where 
    // the value is found
    print("Element found at Index " + index)


Element not found

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