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Zoho Interview expereince for Full Stack developer (Off-Campus)

It is off campus experience I got a call from recruiter for the role of full stack developer entire process held in Chennai.

Aptitude(First Round)

This round consists of 25 fill in the blanks (10 Quants + 15 Technical) for this round the duration is 1 hour. No MCQs in this round also there is no negative marking .

Tips for quant (first 10 questions):

Tips for quant (Next 15 questions):

This set is completely based on your knowledge on Java and C(fundamentals)

NOTE: None of the question are MCQ

Basic coding round(Round 2)

Note: You must use only CPP , Java and C no other languages allowed

They took around 45 minutes to evaluate the first round and called shortlisted ones for this round.

They given 8 questions and 3 hrs time we asked to bring our laptops is not they will provide no worries.

One has to solve atleast 4 coding questions in time to clear this round.


(GFG is saviour for this round)

Questions appeared:

ex: abab —> return true

abc ——> return false

Soon after the completion of this round they shortlist the candidates (Immediate filtering no waiting time)

Note:: You can use any editor of your choice.

Advanced coding round (Round 3)

They provide one question and give around 1 hr. Once you solve this question you are asked to make some major changes to the existing problems your asked to leave there it self.I am rejected in this round I took more time to solve first itlself


Matrix based question

Insert a ball or stone at a particular column of a matrix if that cell is already filled insert in above cell. If that entire column is filled print that column is filled. 1 based indexing


Question in 3rd round

I am not selected for below rounds

Technical round (round 4)

HR (round 5)

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