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Virtusa Interview Expereince for Software Engineer (On-Campus)

The company visited our campus for two roles Normal Coder and Power Coder.

Round 1: Online test (60 MCQs + 7 DSA Questions) (3:30 hours)

Round 2: Technical Round (30 min) – 

       Questions: (Questions based on Html, CSS, Javascript &  DSA)

  1. What is iframe
  2. What is an Anchor tag
  3. Types of CSS (internal, external, and inline)
  4. Difference between == or ===.
  5. How to read files in Javascript.
  6. Types of data types
  7. Sorting Algorithms
  8. Write code for Bubble Sort.

Round 3: HR Round (15 min) – Basic HR questions

2 students got selected including me.

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