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Zeotap Interview Expereince for SE Intern(Off-Campus)

I recently applied off-campus for an SDE intern position through LinkedIn, and the entire interview process consisted of three rounds.

First Round:

The first round was an online assessment, comprising three parts with a total of 28 questions. The parts were as follows:

Second Round (Virtual Interview):

After a brief introduction, the interviewer started with two coding questions:

Third Round (HR + Technical):

The third round was a combination of HR and technical questions. The interviewer began by asking one DSA question, possibly to evaluate my problem-solving approach:

Problem: Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree: This question likely tested my understanding of tree data structures and algorithms, as I had to find the lowest common ancestor of two nodes in a binary tree.

After that, the rest of the round focused on discussing my projects and delving into their complexities. The interviewer was interested in understanding the technical aspects of the projects I had worked on, possibly looking for how I approached challenges and solved problems.


I’m happy to share that I was selected for the SDE intern position after successfully navigating through all three rounds of the interview process. The experience was both challenging and rewarding, as it provided me with an opportunity to showcase my technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and knowledge of computer fundamentals. I’m looking forward to joining the team and contributing to the company’s success as an intern.

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