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Zoho Interview Experience For Software Developer (Off-Campus)

The four rounds were conducted for the Zoho interview for the software developer role.

Round 1 (DSA) – 6 Problems :

After consideration, however, I was permitted to skip the aptitude basic rounds because I performed the best of all. Round 1: 6 DSA problems, Easy to Easy-Medium level, Just doing 100 LC problems is enough, I’ve done all 5 with the most optimal, and the last one took me 20min time.

Round 2 (Design Round – LLD) – 1 Problem (6 Modules) :

After round 1, we were permitted to take a break for lunch, and I was a little more confident that I had done my best work because the person in second place had only completed 2.5 problems. I then had an advanced programming round (Design round, easy LLD version), which can be easily passed with a solid understanding of object-oriented programming (I can’t reveal the questions because of NDA policy), which lasted for about 6 hours from 2 pm to 8 pm. I was extremely exhausted and had no energy for the following technical round

Round 3 (Technical HR) – 45 Minutes Duration :

I had a technical interview after 8 o’clock that lasted 45 minutes. The interviewer asked me about my family’s background, my parents’ jobs, my previous internship experience, and why I switched from an electrical to an IT background before asking me five aptitude questions about MVC architecture, SQL vs. NO-SQL, scenario-based questions, logical thinking, why switching case over if else is better, etc. When the 45-minute interview was over, he explained that HR would contact you to discuss the results.

Round 4 (Final HR Round) – 20 Minutes Duration :

The final step of the HR process focuses on the applicant’s family background, educational background, and prior work experience following the salary negotiation.

Verdict : Selected

I am posting this because I was in the same situation a year ago, and I didn’t even know what an arraylist was. I later learned about GFG , and I believe that giving back to the community is legitimate because I learned everything here by reading other people’s interview experiences and solving those problems. I am always willing to assist with your interview preparation, but please don’t ask questions because I am sure you know the answer, Consitency is the Key !!.

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