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Introduction to JavaScript

What is JavaScript ?

JavaScript is a lightweight, cross-platform, single-threaded, and interpreted compiled programming language. It is also known as the scripting language for webpages. It is well-known for the development of web pages, and many non-browser environments also use it.

JavaScript is a weakly typed language (dynamically typed). JavaScript can be used for Client-side developments as well as Server-side developments. JavaScript is both an imperative and declarative type of language. JavaScript contains a standard library of objects, like Array, Date, and Math, and a core set of language elements like operators, control structures, and statements


How to Link JavaScript File in HTML ?

JavaScript can be added to HTML file in two ways:


// JavaScript Code


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        Basic Example to Describe JavaScript
    <!-- JavaScript code can be embedded inside
        head section or body section -->
        console.log("Welcome to GeeksforGeeks");

Output: The output will display on the console.

Welcome to GeeksforGeeks

History of JavaScript

It was created in 1995 by Brendan Eich while he was an engineer at Netscape. It was originally going to be named LiveScript but was renamed. Unlike most programming languages, JavaScript language has no concept of input or output. It is designed to run as a scripting language in a host environment, and it is up to the host environment to provide mechanisms for communicating with the outside world. The most common host environment is the browser. 

Features of JavaScript

According to a recent survey conducted by Stack Overflow, JavaScript is the most popular language on earth. 
With advances in browser technology and JavaScript having moved into the server with Node.js and other frameworks, JavaScript is capable of so much more. Here are a few things that we can do with JavaScript: 

Applications of JavaScript

Limitations of JavaScript

Why JavaScript is known as a lightweight programming language ?

JavaScript is considered lightweight due to the fact that it has low CPU usage, is easy to implement, and has a minimalist syntax. Minimalist syntax as in, has no data types. Everything is treated here as an object. It is very easy to learn because of its syntax similar to C++ and Java.

A lightweight language does not consume much of your CPU’s resources. It doesn’t put excess strain on your CPU or RAM. JavaScript runs in the browser even though it has complex paradigms and logic which means it uses fewer resources than other languages. For example, NodeJs, a variation of JavaScript not only performs faster computations but also uses fewer resources than its counterparts such as Dart or Java.

Additionally, when compared with other programming languages, it has fewer in-built libraries or frameworks, contributing as another reason for it being lightweight. However, this brings a drawback in that we need to incorporate external libraries and frameworks. 

Is JavaScript Compiled or Interpreted or both ?

JavaScript is both compiled and interpreted. In the earlier versions of JavaScript, it used only the interpreter that executed code line by line and shows the result immediately. But with time the performance became an issue as interpretation is quite slow. Therefore, in the newer versions of JS, probably after the V8, the JIT compiler was also incorporated to optimize the execution and display the result more quickly. This JIT compiler generates a bytecode that is relatively easier to code. This bytecode is a set of highly optimized instructions. 
The V8 engine initially uses an interpreter, to interpret the code. On further executions, the V8 engine finds patterns such as frequently executed functions, and frequently used variables, and compiles them to improve performance.

JavaScript is best known for web page development but it is also used in a variety of non-browser environments. You can learn JavaScript from the ground up by following this JavaScript Tutorial and JavaScript Examples.

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