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Moore Machines implementation in C++

Moore Machines: A Moore Machine is basically a DFA with an output associated with every state. These machines can be used for a wide variety of tasks such as counting occurrences of a particular substring in a given string, finding 2’s complement of a binary number, etc.

Working of Moore Machine:

Some Applications of Moore Machine

Application 1: 
Given a string S consisting of a and b, and a substring “abb”, the task is to count the occurrence of the given substring str in the given string S using Moore Machines.


Input: S = “babbbbabb” 
occurrences: 2 
The substring “abb” occurs two times in the given string. 
Hence, for every substring “abb” a ‘1’ is produced. 
The number of 1s is 2.
Input: S = “ab” 
occurrences: 0 
There is no occurrence of substring “abb” in the given string. 
Hence, the number of 1s is 0. 

The required Moore Machine for this problem is given by: 

The Transition table for the machine is given below: 

To implement this, create a structure for mapping input to its next state: 

struct item
     int value;
     State* next;

Then, include this struct as a data member to our class State. The class has three data members:

Each object of the class behaves as a state. It takes input and goes to the appropriate next state. To go to the next state, an object pointer can be used. Every object also has an input associated with it.

The following member functions will be used to work on this data:

The next step is to store the current state of the machine while passing string inputs to it. This can be done by using a static Object pointer as a class data member: 

Below is the implementation of the above approach:

// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Define a class named State
class State {
    // Item
    struct item {
        char value;
        State* next;
    // Three states
    item Input1;
    item Input2;
    char m_out;
    // Constructor
        : Input1{ ' ', nullptr },
          Input2{ ' ', nullptr },
          m_out{ ' ' }
    // Member functions
    static State* m_ptr;
    void Initialize(item input1,
                    item input2,
                    char out);
    static char Transition(char x);
    static string Traverse(string& str,
                           int n);
// Global object pointer points to
// current state
State* State::m_ptr{ nullptr };
// Function that initializes the states
// with appropriate values
void State::Initialize(item input1,
                       item input2,
                       char out)
    Input1 = input1;
    Input2 = input2;
    m_out = out;
// Transition function that takes each
// character of string
char State::Transition(char x)
    char ch{};
    // Prints the output
    if ((*m_ptr).Input1.value == x) {
        // Output the current state
        cout << (*m_ptr).m_out;
        ch = (*m_ptr).m_out;
        // Next input state
        m_ptr = (*m_ptr);
    else {
        // Output the current state
        cout << (*m_ptr).m_out;
        ch = (*m_ptr).m_out;
        // Next input state
        m_ptr = (*m_ptr);
    // Return ch
    return ch;
// Takes the whole string and pass
// it through machine
string State::Traverse(string& str,
                       int n)
    string str1{};
    // Add all the transition state to
    // the string str1
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        str1 += Transition(str[i]);
    // Append output
    str1 += (*m_ptr).m_out;
    cout << (*m_ptr).m_out << endl;
    // Return str1
    return str1;
// Function that create states and
// produce output
string mooreOut(string str, int n)
    State q1, q2, q3, q4;
    // Initializing the states
    q1.Initialize({ 'a', &q2 },
                  { 'b', &q1 }, '0');
    q2.Initialize({ 'a', &q2 },
                  { 'b', &q3 }, '0');
    q3.Initialize({ 'a', &q2 },
                  { 'b', &q4 }, '0');
    q4.Initialize({ 'a', &q2 },
                  { 'b', &q1 }, '1');
    State::m_ptr = &q1;
    // Traverse the string str1
    string str1{ State::Traverse(str, n) };
    return str1;
// Function that counts the occurrences
// of 1 in the output string
int countStr(string& str, int n)
    int count{};
    // Count the 1s in str
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        if (str[i] == '1')
    // Return count
    return count;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Given string
    string str{ "babbabbabbb" };
    int n{ static_cast<int>(str.length()) };
    // Function Call
    string str1{ mooreOut(str, n) };
    int n1{ static_cast<int>(str.length()) };
    // Print the count of substring
    cout << "abb occurs " << countStr(str1, n1)
         << " times\n";
    return 0;

abb occurs 3 times


Time Complexity: O(N) 
Auxiliary Space: O(N)
Application 2: 
Given a binary string str, the task is to find the 2s complement of the given string str.

Input: str = “111010000” 
Output: 000110000
Input: str = “111” 
Output: 001 

Approach: The idea is to start from the rightmost bit and pass it into the machine giving the output. Pass the whole string like this, going from right to left. The following observations can be observed:
For Example: The given string is “111010000”. Now, 2s complement is given by 1s complement of(str) + 1. Therefore, 

str =           "111010000"
1s complement = "000101111"
                +        1
2s complement =  000110000

Here we can observe that from the rightmost bit the bits are copied the same way until 1 appears. After that all the bits are reversed.
Therefore, the idea is to define a Moore Machine to start to take input from the rightmost side. As long as the bit is 0 it gives the same output(0). When 1 is encountered then it gives 1 for that. After this, for any bit taken as input its inverse is given as output.

The Moore Machine for this problem is given below:

To implement this first, map the transition table for this machine. Three states are needed i.e. three objects of class State defined at the beginning: 

After initialization, a Transition function is needed like the one defined above. It takes an input and for that prints output of the current state and goes to the next state by mapping input to the next state using the transition table defined above. Then to traverse the string, the transition begins from the rightmost bit and goes till the leftmost bit.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:

// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Define a class named State
class State {
    struct item {
        char value;
        State* next;
    item Input1;
    item Input2;
    char m_out;
    // Constructors
        : Input1{ ' ', nullptr },
          Input2{ ' ', nullptr },
          m_out{ ' ' }
    static State* m_ptr;
    // Member Functions
    void Initialize(item input1,
                    item input2,
                    char out);
    static char Transition(char x);
    static string Traverse(string& str,
                           int n);
// Global object pointer points to
// current state
State* State::m_ptr{ nullptr };
// Function that initializes the states
// with appropriate values
void State::Initialize(item input1,
                       item input2,
                       char out)
    Input1 = input1;
    Input2 = input2;
    m_out = out;
// Transition function takes each
// character of string
char State::Transition(char x)
    char ch{};
    // Prints the output
    if ((*m_ptr).Input1.value == x) {
        // Output the current state
        cout << (*m_ptr).m_out;
        ch = (*m_ptr).m_out;
        // Next input state
        m_ptr = (*m_ptr);
    else {
        // Output the current state
        cout << (*m_ptr).m_out;
        ch = (*m_ptr).m_out;
        // Next input state
        m_ptr = (*m_ptr);
    // Return ch
    return ch;
// Takes the whole string and passes
// through machine
string State::Traverse(string& str, int n)
    string str1{};
    // Add all the transition state to
    // the string str1
    for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        str1 += Transition(str[i]);
    // To read the characters from end
    // therefore we need to reverse
    reverse(str1.begin(), str1.end());
    return str1;
// Function to create states and
// produce output
string mooreOut(string str, int n)
    State q1, q2, q3;
    // Initializing the states
    q1.Initialize({ '0', &q1 },
                  { '1', &q2 }, '0');
    q2.Initialize({ '0', &q2 },
                  { '1', &q3 }, '1');
    q3.Initialize({ '0', &q2 },
                  { '1', &q3 }, '0');
    State::m_ptr = &q1;
    return State::Traverse(str, n);
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Given string
    string str{ "111010000" };
    int n{ static_cast<int>(str.length()) };
    // Function Call
    string str1{ mooreOut(str, n) };
    // Print the output
    cout << "2's complement: " << str1;
    return 0;

2's complement: 000110000


Time Complexity: O(N), where N is the length of the given binary string. 
Auxiliary Space: O(N)

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