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Javascript Program to Inplace rotate square matrix by 90 degrees | Set 1

Given a square matrix, turn it by 90 degrees in anti-clockwise direction without using any extra space.
Examples : 

 1  2  3
 4  5  6
 7  8  9
 3  6  9 
 2  5  8 
 1  4  7 
The given matrix is rotated by 90 degree 
in anti-clockwise direction.

 1  2  3  4 
 5  6  7  8 
 9 10 11 12 
13 14 15 16 
 4  8 12 16 
 3  7 11 15 
 2  6 10 14 
 1  5  9 13
The given matrix is rotated by 90 degree 
in anti-clockwise direction.


An approach that requires extra space is already discussed here.
Approach: To solve the question without any extra space, rotate the array in form of squares, dividing the matrix into squares or cycles. For example, 
A 4 X 4 matrix will have 2 cycles. The first cycle is formed by its 1st row, last column, last row and 1st column. The second cycle is formed by 2nd row, second-last column, second-last row and 2nd column. The idea is for each square cycle, swap the elements involved with the corresponding cell in the matrix in anti-clockwise direction i.e. from top to left, left to bottom, bottom to right and from right to top one at a time using nothing but a temporary variable to achieve this.

First Cycle (Involves Red Elements)
 1  2  3 4 
 5  6  7 8 
 9 10 11 12 
 13 14 15 16 

Moving first group of four elements (First
elements of 1st row, last row, 1st column 
and last column) of first cycle in counter
 4  2  3 16
 5  6  7 8 
 9 10 11 12 
 1 14  15 13 
Moving next group of four elements of 
first cycle in counter clockwise 
 4  8  3 16 
 5  6  7  15  
 2  10 11 12 
 1  14  9 13 

Moving final group of four elements of 
first cycle in counter clockwise 
 4  8 12 16 
 3  6  7 15 
 2 10 11 14 
 1  5  9 13 

Second Cycle (Involves Blue Elements)
 4  8 12 16 
 3  6 7  15 
 2  10 11 14 
 1  5  9 13 

Fixing second cycle
 4  8 12 16 
 3  7 11 15 
 2  6 10 14 
 1  5  9 13


  1. There is N/2 squares or cycles in a matrix of side N. Process a square one at a time. Run a loop to traverse the matrix a cycle at a time, i.e loop from 0 to N/2 – 1, loop counter is i
  2. Consider elements in group of 4 in current square, rotate the 4 elements at a time. So the number of such groups in a cycle is N – 2*i.
  3. So run a loop in each cycle from x to N – x – 1, loop counter is y
  4. The elements in the current group is (x, y), (y, N-1-x), (N-1-x, N-1-y), (N-1-y, x), now rotate the these 4 elements, i.e (x, y) <- (y, N-1-x), (y, N-1-x)<- (N-1-x, N-1-y), (N-1-x, N-1-y)<- (N-1-y, x), (N-1-y, x)<- (x, y)
  5. Print the matrix.


// Javascript program to rotate a
// matrix by 90 degrees
    // An Inplace function to
    // rotate a N x N matrix
    // by 90 degrees in
    // anti-clockwise direction
    function rotateMatrix(N,mat)
        // Consider all squares one by one
        for (let x = 0; x < N / 2; x++)
            // Consider elements in group
            // of 4 in current square
            for (let y = x; y < N - x - 1; y++)
                // Store current cell in
                // temp variable
                let temp = mat[x][y];
                // Move values from right to top
                mat[x][y] = mat[y][N - 1 - x];
                // Move values from bottom to right
                mat[y][N - 1 - x]
                    = mat[N - 1 - x][N - 1 - y];
                // Move values from left to bottom
                mat[N - 1 - x][N - 1 - y] = mat[N - 1 - y][x];
                // Assign temp to left
                mat[N - 1 - y][x] = temp;
    // Function to print the matrix
    function displayMatrix(N,mat)
        for (let i = 0; i < N; i++)
            for (let j = 0; j < N; j++)
                    " " + mat[i][j]);
    /* Driver program to test above functions */
    let N = 4;
    let mat=[[1, 2, 3, 4],[ 5, 6, 7, 8 ],[9, 10, 11, 12 ],[13, 14, 15, 16]];
    // displayMatrix(mat);
    rotateMatrix(N, mat);
    // Print rotated matrix
    displayMatrix(N, mat);
    // This code is contributed by rag2127. 

Output : 

 4  8 12 16 
 3  7 11 15 
 2  6 10 14 
 1  5  9 13 

Complexity Analysis: 

Please refer complete article on Inplace rotate square matrix by 90 degrees | Set 1 for more details!

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