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InterviewBit Interview Experience for Full Stack Developer

I applied on the company’s website for the Full Stack Developer role, Experienced, and appeared for the Scalar Academy/InterviewBit interview.

Each round was an elimination round.

Round 1: 1-hour Coding Test on InterviewBit platform. 

Round 2: Machine Coding Round (2-hour)

Round 3: Data Structures and Algorithms (1-hour)

  1. Q1. Given an array of integers, the task was to remove K-elements from it such that it gives the minimal maximum difference between the highest and lowest number.

    A. At first interviewer asked me to discuss my approach first rather than jumping to code out the solution. I gave a Brute-Force approach and my interviewer asked me its Time Complexity, then he asked me to optimize it. After thinking for a while I gave an efficient approach, then he asked me to code the solution on Google Docs. I worried about syntactical mistakes but he told me to not worry about it. He asked me to optimize some loops which I did, then he asked me if it can be further improved to which after thinking for a while I said No. He then told me if we put ++i  instead of i++ it’ll optimize further.

  2. Q2. Given a string I have to find the length of the longest substring with at most k-distinct characters.

    A. I discussed a Naive Approach to the problem and did a Space and Time Complexity Analysis to which the interviewer told me to optimize it further, I came up with an efficient approach using HashMap and coded the same which took a little while. After this, the interviewer said that he was done with the interview.

  3. After this round, I got a call from the recruiter to inform me that I have cleared this round and the next round is in 5 minutes.

    Round 4: Frontend Round (1-hour)

    My interviewer asked me about myself then told me that he saw my assignment from Machine Coding round which I coded in react and also he told me that it was impressive as I was among only a few who completed all the functionalities and improved it using debouncing as well. He then briefed me about this round and told me that he’ll be asking 2-3 questions each from HTML, CSS, Javascript, and React.

    1. How to implement a simple accordion Menu using HTML and CSS only?
    2. What is HTML iFrame tag and where is it used in real-life examples?
    3. What is Box-Model in CSS?
    4. How to make a Triangle using HTML and CSS without transform and animations?
    5. What is the difference between var, let, and const keywords?
    6. What is Hoisting in Javascript?
    7. What are Asynchronous and Synchronous, and their uses? Is Javascript asynchronous?
    8. What do call() and bind() functions do? — Unable to answer
    9. Explain React Component Lifecycle.
    10. What is the difference between a Functional and Class Component?
    11. What are React Hooks and explain them?
    12. What is redux and why is it used?
    13. Explain Debouncing and Throttling.

    After this, the interviewer told that he is done with the interview. I got a call from the Recruiter to inform me that I have cleared this round I’ll be having next round in an hour.

    Round 5: Backend Round (~2 hours) | System Design

Round 6: Frontend-II (1-hour)

The interviewer introduced himself and asked me about myself. He asked me to explain my projects to him and my learnings. Then he started with the technical questions-

  1. What is Adaptive Design?
  2. How is Adaptive Design different from Responsive Design?
  3. What is the different types of browser storage and their differences?
  4. What is the difference between setInterval and setTimeout? Explain with example.
  5. What is debouncing? Show Implementaion of it. — I coded the debounce function and was told to improve it to make it production-ready. I was unclear about the requirement but coded as per my understanding but the interviewer didn’t seem to be satisfied (As per my opinion). 

Then he told me that he is done with the interview and if I had any questions for him to ask. I asked few questions.

After this round, I got a rejection email from the recruiter after a couple of days.

Thanks for reading out! Please comment.

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