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How to Integrate Cloud CDN To Your Project?

The cloud refers to the telecommuting servers on the internet that manages and handles all big data and applications. It is internet-based computing where shared resources and information are given to computers on demand like a public utility. Cloud is surrounded by different models like IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS. Cloud CDN is a much broader concept of cloud computing.

What is Cloud CDN?

Cloud CDN(Content Delivery Network) is a specialized service in cloud computing that focuses on optimizing the delivery of content to users. It is optimized for serving in web assets like dynamic HTML files, CSS, and JavaScript.

For example, suppose your website is based in Canada. If someone from the United States (US) accesses your site, the CDN serves that user from an edge server in the US, closer to the user, instead of from your Canada-based origin server for the web page. A CDN contains a network of geographically distributed servers placed in different locations across the world. The servers used by them are called edge servers which store cached copies of static content like images etc. CDN should be used whenever HTTP traffic is served. CDN is a content delivery network that helps in accelerating web and video content delivery using Google’s Global Edge.

How Does Cloud CDN Work?

Advantages of Cloud CDN

  1. Potential cost saving: Cloud CDNs help in reducing the amount of data transferred from the original server resulting in potential cost savings on data transfer fees especially with high media content.
  2. Latency: Cloud CDNs have a fast response and a low latency rate due to the presence of edge servers and caching.
  3. Diminished server load: Cloud CDNs reduce the load on the original server and help with the content delivery thereby helping with the dynamic content.
  4. Performance Optimization: This reduced load on the original server helps in load balancing.
  5. Strict security: The Cloud CDNs have strong security tools such as DDoS protection that helps the websites and applications from various cyber and malicious attacks and provides security to the users.

Disadvantages of Cloud CDN

  1. Complications in the configuration: Cloud CDNs are very complex and often lead to mismanagement and show unexpected behavior and low-performance rate.
  2. Less domination over edge server locations: Cloud CDNs have limited control over the precise location of the server. This is the biggest disadvantage if your target audience resides on areas where CDN’s edge servers are not optimally located.
  3. Single Point of Failure: CDNs are designed to provide high availability but they introduce an additional layer of complexity and a potential single point of failure. CDN Provider dependency – On cloud CDN, you become dependent on the CDN provider’s infrastructure. If the provider experiences technical issues, it can affect the performance and availability of your content delivery.

Benefits of using cloud CDN

Why Use Cloud CDN?

How To Monitor Cloud CDN Performance?

How To Troubleshoot Cloud CDN Issues?

There are several steps we can take troubleshooting cloud Content Delivery Network (CDN) issues to solve the problems. Here’s a general troubleshooting process we can follow:

How To Create Cloud CDN Distribution?

1. Creating a Cloud Storage bucket to store your content.

2. Enable the required services.

3. Creating an Edge Cache Origin resource to connect Media CDN to your bucket.

4. Creating an Edge Cache Service resource to configure request routing and caching for content in the origin.

5. Test whether a response is being cached.

How To Configure Your Original Server for Cloud CDN?

How To Enable Cloud CDN for Your Website or Application?

Here we have used the Pico CSS website to show how to enable the cloud CDN in it. Follow the steps below as mentioned.

This is how we can integrate cloud CDN to your project. There are various other ways by which cloud CDN can be integrated but this is the most flexible and efficient way of integrating CDN to our projects.

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