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How To Use Azure CDN For Content Delivery ?

Imagine, you are running a social media platform. Users from different parts of the world register in it and use it. The content feed in the application should be dynamically updated. The content such as images, text, etc is stored on a server in India. Users from other countries such as the US, and Europe found that the platform is leading to slower loading times and a less responsive user experience. The solution for this can be the usage of a Content Delivery Network(CDN)

What Is CDN?

Overview Of Azure CDN

Step-By-Step Approach Of Using Azure CDN For Content Delivery

Step 1: Login In To Azure Portal

Azure Account

Step 2: Navigate To Storage Account

Searching Storage service

Creating storage account

Navigatng to created storage account

Instance Details

Your Instance is deployed

step 3: Upload The Content

Blob Storage Service

Creating container inside the blob storage

Creating a container

Changing access level

uploading static content

uploading blob

overviewing uploaded image

step 4: CDN Integration

Storage Account

New endpoint

Deployment succeeded


copying the url

Note: The Endpoint hostname represents the URL of the endpoint of cdn and the origin hostname represents the nearest point of preference(server) from where the content is being accessed.

successful deployment of image

The content is delivered with minimum response time. The content is distributed along the blob storage across all the servers and retrived from the nearest point of preference. Hence, low loading time and greater user experience.

Creation Of Static Website

Creation of static website

static website hosting

static website

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

        <h1>Hey there! This is Azure CDN tutorial</h1>

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

        <h1>Opps! Error!</h1>


storage account

uploaded the index file

uploading blob

Changing to container level access

Changing access level

Creating new endpoint

Custom Domains & Essentials

Deploying web pages

Note: There can be static as well as dynamic content delivery. In this article, I have represented about the CDN through static content only.

Azure CDN For Content Delivery - FAQ's

What Is Azure CDN?

Azure CDN is the Content Delivery Network service provided by Microsoft Azure inorder to provide better user experience for the user in access the content from the servers. This helps to reduce the response time of the content to reach the user.

How Does Azure CDN Work?

Azure CDN caches content at strategically located edge servers around the world. when the user requests for the content, the content is retrieved from the nearest edge server reducing latency and improving load times.

Can I Use My Own Domain With Azure CDN?

Yes, you can map your own domain with the Azure CDN's endpoint.

What Is Difference Between Endpoint And Origin In Azure?

The Endpoint hostname represents the URL of the CDN's endpoint which actually represents the content. The Origin hostname represents the origin of the content which means the URL of the nearest edge server.

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