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Top 50 Flutter Interview Questions and Answers (2023)

Flutter is an open-source mobile application development framework. It was developed by Google in 2017. It is used to build applications for Android, iOS, Linux, Mac, Windows, and the web. Flutter uses the Dart programming language. It provides a simple, powerful, efficient, and easy-to-understand SDK, and It is the most used framework in top companies such as Google Ads, eBay, Tencent, BMW app, and Google Pay because of its performance and dependencies. 


So, to get into these companies and other mobile Application companies, you need to master some important Flutter interview questions to crack their Flutter Interview. If you want to learn more about the flutter, then do check out the Flutter Tutorial.

Flutter Interview Questions

1. What is Flutter?

Flutter is a mobile application development framework that allows developers to create high-performance, beautiful, and responsive mobile applications for multiple platforms using a single codebase. It is different from other mobile app development frameworks because of the following reasons:

2. What is Dart, and why is it used in Flutter?

Dart is a client-side programming language that is used in Flutter for developing mobile applications. Dart is used in Flutter because of the following reasons:

3. What are the different types of widgets in Flutter?

In Flutter, widgets are the building blocks for creating UI elements. There are two types of widgets in Flutter:

4. What is the difference between StatelessWidget and StatefulWidget in Flutter?

In Flutter, StatelessWidget and StatefulWidget are two different types of widgets that are used to create UI elements.

5. What is the purpose of a key in Flutter?

In Flutter, a Key is an object that identifies a widget. It is used to maintain the state of the widget and to optimize the rendering performance of the app.

When a widget is built, Flutter assigns a unique identity to it based on its location in the widget tree. However, when the widget tree is modified, such as when a widget is added, removed, or moved, the identity of the widgets can change. This can cause unexpected behavior and can lead to performance issues.

To solve this problem, Flutter provides the Key class, which can be used to assign a unique identity to a widget that persists even if the widget tree is modified. Keys can be used to match widgets across different builds of the widget tree, ensuring that the state of the widget is preserved correctly.

There are two main types of keys in Flutter:

6. What is the difference between MaterialApp and WidgetsApp in Flutter?

MaterialApp and WidgetsApp are two different types of applications in Flutter.

7. What are some common Flutter performance optimization techniques?

Flutter provides many tools and techniques for optimizing the performance of your application. Here are some common ones:

By following these techniques, you can optimize the performance of your Flutter application and provide a great user experience.

8. What is the difference between Navigator and Router in Flutter?

Navigator and Router are two different ways of navigating between screens in a Flutter application.

Navigator is a widget that is used to manage the navigation stack of an application. It allows users to navigate back and forth between screens in the app using the back button or gestures. Navigator provides a simple and easy-to-use way of managing the navigation stack, but it has some limitations when it comes to customizing the transition animations and handling complex navigation flows.

Router, on the other hand, is a more flexible and powerful way of managing the navigation stack in a Flutter application. It allows developers to customize the transition animations, handle complex navigation flows, and pass data between screens more easily. However, using a router requires more code and setup than using the built-in Navigator widget.

9. What is State in Flutter?

In Flutter, state refers to the data or information that can change dynamically during the lifetime of a widget. Widgets are the building blocks of a Flutter app, and they can be either stateful or stateless.

Stateful widgets maintain state information and can update their state when required. The state is managed by a separate object known as a State object. The state object is created when a stateful widget is inserted into the widget tree and is destroyed when the widget is removed from the tree.

10. What is the purpose of setState() in Flutter?

setState() is a method that is used to update the state of a Stateful widget in Flutter. When a widget is updated, the Flutter framework calls the build() method of the widget to rebuild its UI based on the new state.

The setState() method is used to tell the Flutter framework that the state of the widget has changed and that it needs to rebuild the UI. The setState() method takes a function as an argument, which updates the state of the widget. Once the state is updated, the build() method is called again, and the UI is rebuilt.

11. What is the difference between StatelessWidget and StatefulWidget performance-wise?

StatelessWidget is more performant than StatefulWidget because it does not have any mutable state. Once a StatelessWidget is built, its properties cannot be changed, and the Flutter framework does not need to track its state.

StatefulWidget, on the other hand, is less performant than StatelessWidget because it has a mutable state. The Flutter framework needs to track the state of a StatefulWidget and rebuild its UI every time the state changes.

However, the performance difference between StatelessWidget and StatefulWidget is usually negligible for most applications, and developers should choose the widget type based on their needs.

12. What is the purpose of the MaterialApp widget in Flutter?

The MaterialApp widget is used to create a Material Design application in Flutter. It provides pre-built widgets that follow the Material Design specifications, such as AppBar, BottomNavigationBar, and FloatingActionButton.

The MaterialApp widget also provides some important features, such as theme customization, internationalization support, and routing. It is the most commonly used widget for creating mobile applications in Flutter.

13. What is the purpose of the Scaffold widget in Flutter?

The Scaffold widget is used to create the basic structure of a Material Design application in Flutter. It provides a top app bar, a bottom navigation bar, and a body widget. The Scaffold widget also provides some important features, such as drawer support, floating action button support, and Snackbar support. It is the most commonly used widget for creating the basic structure of a Material Design application in Flutter.

14. What is the purpose of the BuildContext parameter in the build() method of a widget in Flutter?

The BuildContext parameter is used to access the widget tree and perform actions such as building or updating widgets. The BuildContext object represents the location of a widget in the widget tree. It provides access to the nearest BuildContext ancestor, which can be used to access the properties of the ancestor widget or its children. The BuildContext parameter is required in the build() method of a widget because it is used to build the UI of the widget and its children.

15. What is the difference between push and pushReplacement methods in Flutter?

In Flutter, push and pushReplacement are two methods that are used to navigate between different screens in an app. Both methods are available on the Navigator class, which manages the navigation stack in a Flutter app.

So, the main difference between push and pushReplacement methods is that push adds a new screen to the navigation stack while pushReplacement replaces the current screen with a new screen.

16. What is the purpose of the Widget Inspector in Flutter?

The Widget Inspector is a tool that is used to inspect and debug the widget tree of a Flutter application.

The Widget Inspector provides information about the properties and state of each widget in the tree. It also allows developers to modify the properties and state of widgets in real-time, which can be useful for debugging UI issues. The Widget Inspector can be accessed by pressing the “Toggle Debug Paint” button in the Flutter DevTools, or by using the hotkey “Ctrl + Alt + Shift + W” in Android

17. What is the purpose of the MediaQuery widget in Flutter?

The MediaQuery widget is used to retrieve information about the device’s screen size and orientation in a Flutter application. The MediaQuery widget provides properties such as devicePixelRatio, orientation, and size, which can be used to create responsive UIs that adapt to different screen sizes and orientations.

For example, a developer could use the size property of the MediaQuery widget to adjust the font size of a text widget based on the screen size of the device.

18. What is the purpose of the SafeArea widget in Flutter?

The SafeArea widget is used to ensure that content is displayed within a safe area of the screen that is not obscured by the device’s system UI, such as the status bar or navigation bar.

The SafeArea widget is useful for creating UIs that need to be displayed on devices with different screen sizes or aspect ratios. It ensures that important content is not hidden by the device’s system UI, which can improve the user experience.

19. What is the purpose of the Expanded widget in Flutter?

The Expanded widget is used to expand a child widget to fill the available space within a parent widget. The Expanded widget is commonly used in a Row or Column widget to evenly distribute space among its children. For example, if a Row widget has three child widgets, and one of the child widgets is wrapped in an Expanded widget, that child widget will expand to fill any remaining space in the row after the other two child widgets have been sized.

20. What is the purpose of the Flex widget in Flutter?

The Flex widget is used to create a flexible container that can be used to create complex layouts in a Flutter application. The Flex widget provides properties such as direction, mainAxisSize, and mainAxisAlignment, which can be used to control the layout of its children.

For example, a developer could use the direction property of the Flex widget to create a horizontal or vertical layout and use the mainAxisAlignment property to align its children to the start, center, or end of the container.

21. What is the purpose of the ListView widget in Flutter?

The ListView widget is used to display a scrolling list of items in a Flutter application. The ListView widget provides several different types of constructors, such as ListView.builder and ListView.separated, which can be used to customize the behavior of the list.

For example, a developer could use the ListView.builder constructor to create a list of items from a list of data, or use the ListView.separated constructor to add separators between each item in the list.

22. What is the purpose of the GridView widget in Flutter?

The GridView widget is used to display a grid of items in a Flutter application. The GridView widget provides several different types of constructors, such as GridView.builder and GridView.count, which can be used to customize the behavior of the grid. For example, a developer could use the GridView.builder constructor to create a grid of items from a list of data, or use the GridView.count constructor to specify the number of columns in the grid.

23. What is the difference between GridView and ListView in Flutter?

While both widgets can be used to display similar types of data, there are some key differences between them.

In summary, ListView and GridView are both useful widgets for displaying a list of items, but the choice of which to use depends on the layout and scrolling behavior of the items being displayed. ListView is best suited for displaying a list of items in a single column, while GridView is best suited for displaying items in a grid layout with multiple columns and rows.

24. What is a Stream in Flutter?

A Stream is a sequence of asynchronous events that can be listened to and responded to. Streams provide a way to handle asynchronous data flow, such as data from a network or user input.

Streams in Flutter are based on the Dart Stream API, which provides a set of classes and methods for working with streams. The core concept of the Stream API is that it separates the producer of data from the consumer of data. The producer of data pushes data into the stream, while the consumer of data listens to the stream and responds to events as they are emitted.

In Flutter, streams are commonly used to handle data from sources that emit events over time, such as user input, network responses, or device sensors. Streams are also used to handle animations and other dynamic UI elements that require continuous updates.

25. What is the purpose of the Wrap widget in Flutter?

The Wrap widget is used to create a layout that wraps its children to the next line when there is not enough space to display them in a single line.

The Wrap widget is useful for creating UIs that need to display a large number of items that cannot fit on a single line. It ensures that the items are displayed in a way that maximizes the available space.

26. What is the purpose of the Stack widget in Flutter?

The Stack widget is used to position widgets on top of each other in a Flutter application. The Stack widget provides several properties, such as alignment and overflow, which can be used to control the position and behavior of its children.

For example, a developer could use the alignment property of the Stack widget to position a widget in the center of the screen and use the overflow property to control how the widget is displayed if it is larger than the available space.

27. What is the purpose of the Hero widget in Flutter?

The Hero widget is used to create a transition between two widgets that have the same tag in a Flutter application. The Hero widget is useful for creating UIs that need to transition between two screens or two parts of the same screen. It provides a smooth animation that helps the user understand the relationship between the two widgets.

28. What is the purpose of the AnimatedContainer widget in Flutter?

The AnimatedContainer widget is used to animate changes to its properties in a Flutter application. The AnimatedContainer widget provides several properties, such as duration and curve, which can be used to control the animation. For example, a developer could use the AnimatedContainer widget to animate changes to the size or color of a widget in response to user input or other events in the application.

29. What is the purpose of the AnimatedOpacity widget in Flutter?

The AnimatedOpacity widget is used to animate changes to the opacity of a widget in a Flutter application. The AnimatedOpacity widget provides properties, such as duration and curve, which can be used to control the animation. For example, a developer could use the AnimatedOpacity widget to animate the appearance or disappearance of a widget in response to user input or other events in the application.

30. What is the purpose of the AnimatedBuilder widget in Flutter?

The AnimatedBuilder widget is used to create custom animations in a Flutter application. The AnimatedBuilder widget provides a builder function that can be used to create a custom widget tree that can be animated. For example, a developer could use the AnimatedBuilder widget to create a custom widget tree that animates changes to the position or rotation of a widget in response to user input or other events in the application.

31. What is the purpose of the GestureDetector widget in Flutter?

The GestureDetector widget is used to detect gestures, such as taps and swipes, in a Flutter application. The GestureDetector widget provides several callbacks, such as onTap and onVerticalDragUpdate, which can be used to handle different types of gestures. For example, a developer could use the onTap callback of the GestureDetector widget to handle taps on a widget in the application.

32. What is the purpose of the Navigator widget in Flutter?

The Navigator widget is used to manage a stack of screens, or “routes,” in a Flutter application. The Navigator widget provides several methods, such as push and pop, which can be used to navigate between screens. For example, a developer could use the push method of the Navigator widget to navigate to a new screen in the application, and use the pop method to return to the previous screen.

33. What is the purpose of the MediaQuery.of method in Flutter?

The MediaQuery.of method is used to retrieve the MediaQueryData object for the nearest ancestor MediaQuery widget in a Flutter application. The MediaQueryData object provides properties, such as devicePixelRatio, orientation, and size, which can be used to create responsive UIs that adapt to different screen sizes and orientations.

For example, a developer could use the size property of the MediaQueryData object to adjust the font size of a text widget based on the screen size of the device.

34. What is the purpose of the InheritedWidget widget in Flutter?

The InheritedWidget widget is used to provide data that can be accessed by its descendant widgets in a Flutter application. The InheritedWidget widget provides a mechanism for passing data down the widget tree without having to explicitly pass the data as constructor arguments or method parameters.

For example, a developer could use the InheritedWidget widget to provide a theme object that can be accessed by all of the descendant widgets in the widget tree.

35. What is the purpose of the ValueListenableBuilder widget in Flutter?

The ValueListenableBuilder widget is used to rebuild a widget when the value of a ValueListenable object changes in a Flutter application. The ValueListenableBuilder widget provides a builder function that can be used to rebuild a widget tree when the value of a ValueListenable object changes.

For example, a developer could use the ValueListenableBuilder widget to rebuild a widget that displays the current value of a counter object when the value of the counter object changes.

36. What is the purpose of the StreamBuilder widget in Flutter?

The StreamBuilder widget is used to rebuild a widget when data is emitted by a Stream in a Flutter application. The StreamBuilder widget provides a builder function that can be used to rebuild a widget tree when data is emitted by a Stream.

For example, a developer could use the StreamBuilder widget to rebuild a widget that displays the latest news articles when new articles are published to a news feed.

37. What is the purpose of the Expanded widget in Flutter?

The Expanded widget is used to fill the available space of a Flex container in a Flutter application. The Expanded widget is useful for creating UIs that adjust to different screen sizes and orientations. It allows the child widgets of a Flex container to expand to fill the available space.

For example, a developer could use the Expanded widget to create a UI that displays a list of items that fill the available screen space, regardless of the screen size or orientation.

38. What is the purpose of the SizedBox widget in Flutter?

The SizedBox widget is used to create fixed-size boxes in a Flutter application. The SizedBox widget provides properties, such as width and height, which can be used to control the size of the box. For example, a developer could use the SizedBox widget to create a UI that displays a button with a fixed size.

39. What is the purpose of the LayoutBuilder widget in Flutter?

The LayoutBuilder widget is used to rebuild a widget when its parent widget changes size in a Flutter application. The LayoutBuilder widget provides a builder function that can be used to rebuild a widget tree when its parent widget changes size. For example, a developer could use the LayoutBuilder widget to rebuild a widget that adjusts its layout based on the size of its parent widget.

40. What is the purpose of the ConstrainedBox widget in Flutter?

The ConstrainedBox widget is used to create a widget with constraints in a Flutter application. The ConstrainedBox widget provides properties, such as minWidth, maxWidth, minHeight, and maxHeight, which can be used to control the constraints of the widget.

For example, a developer could use the ConstrainedBox widget to create a UI that displays an image with a maximum width and height.

41. What is the purpose of the Tooltip widget in Flutter?

The Tooltip widget is used to display a message when a widget is long-pressed in a Flutter application. The Tooltip widget provides a message property, which can be used to display a message when the widget is long-pressed.

For example, a developer could use the Tooltip widget to display a message when a button is long-pressed, explaining what the button does.

42. What is the purpose of the ClipRRect widget in Flutter?

The ClipRRect widget is used to create rounded corners on a widget in a Flutter application. The ClipRRect widget provides a borderRadius property, which can be used to control the radius of the corners. For example, a developer could use the ClipRRect widget to create a UI that displays an image with rounded corners.

43. What is the purpose of the ShaderMask widget in Flutter?

The ShaderMask widget is used to apply a shader to a widget in a Flutter application. The ShaderMask widget provides properties, such as shader and blendMode, which can be used to control how the shader is applied to the widget. For example, a developer could use the ShaderMask widget to apply a gradient shader to a widget, creating a gradient effect.

44. What is the purpose of the Hero widget in Flutter?

The Hero widget is used to create a shared element transition between two widgets in a Flutter application. The Hero widget provides a tag property, which can be used to identify the widget that is being transitioned between screens. For example, a developer could use the Hero widget to create a shared element transition between an image in a list and a larger version of the same image on a detailed screen.

45. What is the purpose of the Tween animation in Flutter?

The Tween animation is used to create a transition between two values in a Flutter application. The Tween animation provides a beginning and end value, which can be used to control the animation. For example, a developer could use the Tween animation to create a smooth transition between the color of a widget and a new color.

46. What is the purpose of the FutureBuilder widget in Flutter?

The FutureBuilder widget is used to rebuild a widget when a Future completes in a Flutter application. The FutureBuilder widget provides a builder function that can be used to rebuild a widget tree when a Future completes. For example, a developer could use the FutureBuilder widget to rebuild a widget that displays the data returned by a Future after it completes.

47. Is Flutter Open Source or not?

Yes, Flutter is an open-source mobile application development framework developed by Google.

48. Why do the Flutter apps take a long development time?

When you build Flutter applications for the first time it takes much longer than usual since Flutter creates a device-specific APK file. Xcode and Gradle are used in this process for building files which generally takes a longer time.

49. What are the different Widgets you can use to create a button without using button widgets?

In Flutter, there are several types of widgets that you can use to create a button-like behavior without using the built-in button widgets. Here are a few examples:

GestureDetector: The GestureDetector widget can detect a wide range of gestures, such as taps, swipes, and long presses. You can use this widget to detect a tap gesture and execute a function in response, effectively creating a button-like behavior. Here’s an example:

  onTap: () {
    // Do something when the widget is tapped
  child: Container(
    width: 100,
    height: 50,
    child: Center(
      child: Text('Button'),

InkWell: The InkWell widget provides a material design-style ink splash effect when the widget is pressed. You can use this widget to create a button-like behavior with a visual feedback effect. Here’s an example:

  onTap: () {
    // Do something when the widget is tapped
  child: Container(
    width: 100,
    height: 50,
    child: Center(
      child: Text('Button'),

50.  Which one is better Flutter or React Native?

The choice between Flutter and React Native largely depends on your specific needs and requirements. Both frameworks have their own strengths and weaknesses, and what works best for one project may not work as well for another. Here are some key differences between Flutter and React Native to help you make an informed decision:

Overall, both Flutter and React Native are powerful frameworks that can be used to create high-quality mobile apps. The choice between them largely depends on your specific needs and preferences, as well as the requirements of your project. If you value high performance and fast development, Flutter may be the better choice. If you prioritize a larger community and a wider range of third-party libraries, React Native may be the way to go.


Flutter is a popular and powerful framework for building beautiful and performant mobile and web applications. With its vast library of widgets, animations, and tools, Flutter offers developers the ability to build complex applications with ease.

In this article, we’ve covered some of the most common and important Flutter interview questions and their answers. Whether you’re a seasoned Flutter developer or just starting out, these questions will help you prepare for your next Flutter interview and build your understanding of the framework. As you continue to learn and grow in your Flutter development journey, don’t forget to practice and experiment with the tools and concepts covered in this article. With dedication and hard work, you can become a skilled Flutter developer and create amazing applications that delight your users.


1. Is Flutter a Programming Language?

No, Flutter is not a Programming Language. Flutter is a cross-platform SDK from Google.

2. What is Flutter in Android?

Flutter is a mobile app SDK that allows the creation of high-quality native apps on iOS and Android.

3. How is Flutter supported?

Flutter is supported by Google and an active open-source community on Reddit, Discord, Slack, Stack Overflow, and Gitter.

4. What are the differences and similarities between Flutter and Dart?

Flutter is a cross-platform SDK from Google whereas Dart is a programming language created by Google.

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